We all like to believe that we’re all geniuses in our own way and destined for greatness. While no one should ever refute that, it should also be acknowledged that plenty of us are absolutely ridiculous and destined to create a moment that ends up on the internet where it spreads laughter all across the world, though that may not have been the intention. These are 20 such of those people in 20 such moments here to give you some amusement, perhaps a little reassurance, but more likely some empathy, because we’ve all had some crazy ideas that seemed so good at the time.
1. You’re not fooling anyone. You still won’t get service.
2. Hey, you guys know what would be super fun and not at all dangerous after 4-8 beers?
3. I just really wanted to know what it felt like
4. Stick to the plan, Jerry. While I walk down the aisle, you switch the bags!
5. It looked better on paper.
6. Oh, the horror… The horror!
7. Officer, that is not a chair!
8. Who are these being marketed to?
9. Strange… Yet Stirring
10. You’re gonna get some letters from PETA
11. Trust me, my friend. It’ll improve your game.
12. There are professionals you can hire for this!
13. Kentucky Fried Squirrel
14. Yes, it’s definitely an amazing picture, but... I’ll miss him…
15. I like a little fresh air with my morning dump
16. Oh god, why does it have teeth?
17. What if they go into a feeding frenzy?
18. Well, I like pick up trucks. AND I like monster trucks… So this just seemed right.
19. This is neither the time nor the place to be showing off
20. Aaaaaaaaaaaah!
21. One day at Comic-Con cost him a lifetime of therapy for his son
22. No… Can’t… Handle… the… Stupid!
People's Decisions Can Be Hilariously Dumb Sometimes...
How can people be do such dumb things? It really beggars belief, but luckily for us, other people's stupidity can mean endless laughter for us. Enjoy!
Hilarious: It's Not Easy Being a Criminal...
When it comes to the perfect crime, these fumbling fools couldn't fail more miserably.
Costumed Adventures are Just a Daily Game For This Grandma
This super viral duo of grandmother and grandson share an adorable relationship of costumed fun to share in social media
Here Are Everyday Items and Animals Hiding in Plain Sight!
These household items and different creatures (from cats to humans) all have the hilarious power to camouflage and hide in plain sight.
Only In Africa Will Lions Stop To Help You Push Your Car!
Africa is a place of nature, beauty, and elegance but sometimes, it’s a wild and wacky place where hilarious things like these happen.
Have You Ever Seen Animals As Bizarre As These?
These animals will shatter any stereotypical notion of what, say, a pig, or a turtle, should look like. Here are 15 animals you've probably never seen before.
What Were They Thinking?! Hilariously Crazy Vintage Ads
These old magazine ads are too funny not to laugh at!
When You Try to Translate, But Fail Hilariously!
More and more businesses around the world try to appeal to English-speaking customers, leading to sometimes hilarious translation fails.
Say What? 17 Idioms with Hilarious Translations
We translated 17 idioms and phrases from different languages into English, and the results are absolutely hilarious, but also very confusing
Classic Comedy: Charlie Chaplin at the Factory
Enjoy this hilarious scene from the iconic Charlie Chaplin movie, 'Modern Times'.
Simon's Cat Leaves His Owner Out in the Cold!
Watch this latest Christmas Special episode of Simon's Cat.
13 Funny Palindromes That Will Make You Giggle
People have been enjoying palindromes for centuries - here are 13 funny examples that are sure to make crack you up.
Silly Signage: Visual Jokes You Can't Unsee
We've never met a funny sign we did not like, but these 16 signs and announcements are extremely confusing...
Cats Have An Innate Ability to Be Really Naughty..
If you have a cat, you know that they can be partial to behaving like jerks sometimes. This is especially true in the 19 hilarious photos you're about to see.
The Lighter Side of Love: 18 Funny Valentine’s Day Quotes
Love is a serious matter, but it’s good to have some humor about it sometimes.
These Hilarious Drawings are All About Punny Time
A great collection of illustrated visual puns that will make you smile, giggle and laugh.
From Funny to Weird: These Signs Have It All
These signs are each funnier and more bizarre than the last. What were these people thinking?
Hilarious: The Marriage Dictionary!
Have you been through the marriage dictionary yet? I think you'll find that the definitions it contains are much different to the ones in a regular dictionary.
Food and Humor Collide in These Cheeky Restaurants
These restaurants have a cheeky sense of humor!
I Had No Idea That a Juggler Could Be So Funny!
Watch American juggler Michael Davis enthrall the audience with his comedic juggling routine.
HILARIOUS: Some People Have Unusual Solutions
Ingenious solutions to ordinary problems that will make you laugh.
Mr. Bean Wants a Picture with One of the Queen's Guard...
Mr. Bean is in London and decides that he'd like a picture with one of the Queen's guards, but he just can't manage to get the composition right...
Funny: When 8 Priests Come Face-to-Face with Lingerie
This clip from a classic Irish comedy features 8 desperate priests embarrassingly trapped in the lingerie department. This will bring tears to your eyes.
Hilarious: The Real Dogs Behind the "Beware Dog" Signs
Here are 12 hilarious “Beware of the Dog” signs and the cuties behind those signs.
These Hilariously Bad Illustrated Puns Will Make You Laugh
Who doesn't love a funny pun? The ones featured here are adorably illustrated and are sure to make you chuckle.
These 1958 Instructions for Finding a Husband are a Hoot!
A list of 129 Ways to Get a Husband published in a magazine from 1958 that would seem funny to a modern reader.
This is What Happens When Translations Go Wrong...
These examples of translated English didn't quite turn out as intended, with hilarious results!
Hilarious: When Cakes Go Wrong!
These 20 hilarious cakes are just not what the customers were asking for!
Classic Comedy: The Miracle of Birth!
This sketch puts a very funny light on the process of hospital birth. Thank goodness it isn't like this in real life... or is it?
When Christmas Decorations Failed Miserably - Funny Pics
These people ruined Christmas with their hilariously bad decorations.
Construction Fails Around the House Are Just Hilarious
It seems like no-one is hiring builders and handymen these days, and this is evidenced by photos such as these! Here are 15 of the latest construction fails.
Warning: Hilarious Reasons Men Die Younger
Men are always hell-bent on cutting corners, and this usually means having a total disregard for health and safety. Take a look at these 28 photos.
20 Comics That Show What Goes On Inside the Mind of a Dog
These comics by artist Rupert Fawcett perfectly illustrate what life with dogs is like.
These Truly Outrageous Sights Can Only be Found in Russia!
If you're a huge fan of all things weird and wonderful, then there's no better place for you to visit than Russia. Here's why...
Hilarious: This is Why We Love Kids...
There are a number of reasons we love kids! It isn't just because they laugh out loud most of the time or look great in photos - they also make us laugh...
Hilarious: Ready for Some Christmas Cartoons?
Here we've collected for you a series of funny Christmas cartoons for you to enjoy and to share with your family and friends!
Get Ready to Laugh with these Witty Comics
Enjoy this hilarious collection of one-panel comics by cartoonist D.T. Walsh.
Uproarious: Please Don't Sit Next to Me, Mr. Bean!
Mr. Bean is back, and this time he's on a plane trying to cheer up a young boy who is feeling a little sick. The results are of course hilarious!
These “Police Officers” Have a Great Sense of Humor
Police officers can have a great sense of humor too, as you will find out in this hilarious compilation.
These Hilarious Kids Were Left Unsupervised...
When toddlers or young children are left on their own, the likelihood is a disaster will ensue. Here are 20 timely reminders why they shouldn't be left alone!
These Cats May Have Been Ninjas in a Past Life
Cats are talented when they put their mind to them, and this bunch seem to have developed some incredible skills!
Funny: Best of Paranormal Pranks!
Get prepared to meet vampires, monsters and scary things as you laugh out loud!
Funny Insults: 16 of the Wittiest Comebacks in History
These witty historical retorts show that insults were once an art.
Spooktacular Halloween Pranks That'll Have You Howling
It's Halloween time, so sit back and enjoy these spookily funny pranks.
Hilarious! This Cop Has Got His Eye on Other People's Food!
In this episode of Just For Laughs Gags, a cop stops strangers for food.
Hilarious: These Cat Comics are Just What I Needed...
These hilarious one-panel comics perfectly illustrate the life of cats.