How to Stop Worrying About Letting People Down
With the following 6 tips, you can overcome this overwhelming feeling and learn how to stop fearing disappointing others.
Relationship Anxiety: Understanding the Causes & Solutions
If you feel that you’re suffering from relationship anxiety, keep reading to discover the signs, causes, and how to overcome this issue.
How to Stop Worrying and End Anxious Thoughts at Night
Are anxious thoughts hindering your sleep every night? Here’s what you can do.
15 Illuminating Quotes to Remember When You Overthink
The next time you feel like you are slipping into an overthinking spree, remember these illuminating quotes.
How Does Meditation Improve Everyday Brain Function?
Do you ever hear an internal monologue in your mind about the worries of tomorrow and the faults of yesterday? Here's how to shut it off.
Straw Breathing: A Quick Way to Lower Your Anxiety!
Therapist Julia Harkleroad demonstrates an anxiety-reducing technique called straw breathing.
When Your Thoughts Are Racing, Learn How To Stop
Feeling constantly stressed out and worried is, unfortunately, way too common. Learn to cope with worrisome situations 7 easy ways.
8 Calming Questions to Ask When We’re Worried and Stressed
Professional psychologists recommend that you ask yourself the following 8 questions whenever you feel stressed or anxious.
Before You Set Your 2025 New Year’s Resolutions, Read This
New Year's resolutions might not work. But these mind-based goals might just do trick for you.
Science Alert: A Vaccine Against Depression?
Research suggests that the anesthetic drug ketamine could be used to treat various mental conditions.
Priceless Expert Tips on How to Utilize Your Free Time
In this Ted Talk time management expert Laura Vanderkam offers a few practical strategies to help find more time for what really matters to us
Spring Cleaning Guide: How to Do it Best!
Learn how to perform spring cleaning and how best to go about it.
Impress Your Friends and Family with These 12 Magic Tricks
Check out these 12 simple yet astonishing magic tricks that require nothing but a couple of packs of cards and some common household items.
Advice: How to Deal With Toxic Family Members
This article will help your identify toxic family members and how to deal with them.
8 Ways to Avoid the Negative Loop of Rumination
we’re here to help you break free from rumination and negative thoughts with 8 words of advice.
How to Cultivate Peace in a Busy World: Mindful Living
Mindfulness, rooted in various cultural traditions, emphasizes living in the present moment, which can profoundly impact our mental and physical well-being.
7 Anxiety-Inducing Activities You Are Unknowingly Doing
Be careful! These supposedly calming common habits are making you more anxious.
Learn Three Vagus Nerve Exercises for Anxiety Relief
In this video, you'll be shown three exercises of the vagus nerve to help mitigate anxiety and promote peacefulness.
Tutorial: Improving Your Soil's Health Made Easy!
This tutorial will take you on a journey to transform the very foundation of your garden - the soil - without touching your wallet.
Inside the Male Psyche: The Silent Fears They Never Share
There are some things that a man never shares with anyone.
One of the Most Influential Self-Help Books, Summarized
This all-time best-seller had a lasting influence in the world of self-help. We summarized it for your convenience. Let the positive change begin!
Feeling Anxious During Bedtime? This Guide Will Help
Felling anxious while going to bed? Listen to the tips shared by this therapist on how to train your brain to worry less.
7 Lessons I Learned From Tackling Negative Thinking...
Negativity is all around us, but we can choose whether it influences us, or whether we influence it. Learn more here.
Your Life Can Become Magical If You Follow These Mantras
Spiritual master Sadhguru explains how your life can become magical if you unlock the innate genius within you.
Sleeping Tips: Improve Your Most Important Sleep Stage
A doctor gives advice on how to improve the quality of your rapid eye movement sleep, also known as REM sleep.
7 Deep Breathing Techniques That Fight Stress and Anxiety
Here are the 7 best breathing exercises to relieve stress and anxiety and promote calmness and mental wellness.
Dread Monday Mornings? 5 Habits To Make It Easier
Mondays have a bad rep, but they don't have to be so awful. These expert backed habits will help you start off the week the right way.
Why We Cope With Stress by Avoiding and How to Stop
Do you prefer to spend time on your own or tend to avoid social situations? Here is how to recognize and overcome avoidance behavior.
How to Make Your Windows Desktop Look Better – Easy Tricks
These easy tips and tricks will help you organize your messy Windows desktop.
6 Expert Tips to Manage Post Pandemic Anxiety
If you're feeling anxious rather than excited about the world opening back up, you're not alone. Here are 6 expert tips to help you cope with those feelings.
Frustrated With Your Dandruff? Here’s How to Get Rid Of it
Dandruff can be quite irritating, particularly in the winter months. Learn what causes it and you can get rid of it.
Can Probiotics Improve Mental Health? Research Says YES
Studies repeatedly show that probiotics can be a potentially effective treatment for several mental health issues. This is what is currently known on the topic.
You Don’t Always Need to Hit the Gym to Lose Belly Fat!
Want to get rid of your belly fat but can't hit the gym? These effective tips might just do the trick.
What Should You Do When an Intruder Is in Your Home?
It can be quite unnerving if an intruder breaks into your home. Here are some things you must do in such a situation.
How to Beat Self Doubt and Get Closer to Your Goals
Sometimes, your worst enemy is the one inside your head. While no one is immune to self doubt, there are ways to overcome it, here are 6 of them.
7 Warning Signs of Low Self Esteem and Lack of Confidence
No one wants to come off as insecure or having low self-esteem. These are 7 signs that can point to low self-esteem in yourself or others.
5 Practical and Easy Ways to Express Gratitude
Experts note that expressing gratitude can boost your mental well-being and enhance self-esteem. Here are 5 easy ways to practice gratitude when times are hard.
6 Toxic Relationship Habits That Seem Normal
Oftentimes, it's seemingly 'normal' habits that contribute to a toxic dynamic in your relationships. Keep an eye out for these 6 harmful behaviors.
5 Super Useful Tips & Tricks to Protect Your Online Data
Take note of these useful tips and tricks that will help you protect your online data better.
Restorative Yoga: Health Benefits and 4 Simple Poses
Gentle, supportive, and therapeutic are the words that best describe restorative yoga - a yoga style that is all about emotional relaxation and healing.
10 Awesome Halloween Ideas You Just Can't Ignore
In this video, we're about to teach you 10 really easy and fast ways to make your own Halloween stuff that will make everyone jealous!
33 Ways to Make Comfortable Furniture at Home
This tutorial video shows you no less than 33 ways (!) to create your own quick and easy furniture at home!
These Are the 8 Healthiest Plants To Have In Your Home
Houseplants have health benefits, from cleaning the air around you to boosting your mood. Learn which ones are the healthiest to have around.
Nourishing vs Toxic Pleasure: What is the Difference?
Pleasure is an essential part of being human, in fact it's physically important for our health. But not all kinds of pleasure - what is toxic pleasure?
Did You Know There’s a Diet That Can Help Depression?
Listen to a mental health expert's suggestions on how certain food items can help treat depression.
Insecure In a Social Situation? Here Are A Few Tricks
How to avoid being influenced by others? Or make sure somebody likes you? This video offers tricks to handling nearly any difficult social situation.
Watch To Know How You Can Cure Insomnia Quickly
Watch this video to learn how you can overcome insomnia by following some simple steps.
Have You Ever Tried Duck Eggs? Here’s Why You Should
Duck eggs are becoming increasingly popular, and it turns out they are also highly nutritious even more so than chicken eggs.
Having Persistent Thoughts? Here’s What to Do To Stop
Listen to a mental health expert's views on what we can do to stop ourselves from unnecessarily thinking deeply about something.
The 5 Foods That Ward Off Depression
We know diet has a direct link on mental health, so which foods are most likely to boost mental health and actually reduce depression?
Boost Your Happiness with These Mindfulness Tips
Take control over your mindset, habits and behaviors by practicing these 5 mindfulness methods.
The Best Sunglasses Tips and Hacks For This Summer
Learn all the little tips and hacks that are essential for getting the most out of your sunglasses this summer.
When Getting Out of Bed Seems Impossible, Try These Tips
When you feel down and can't get out of bed, learn to think positively and remember all the good things in life, here's how
What’s the Difference Between Depression and Sadness?
A video describing clinical depression, its attributes and how to help depressive individuals.
How to Completely Detoxify Your Mind
It's not just your home that can do with a good clean every once in a while, your mind should regularly require one too. Find out more here.
Discover 8 Powerful Health Benefits of the Kava Plant
The kava plant can offer you a whole range of health benefits. Learn all about it here.
9 Great Books that Deal With Anxiety and Depression
Depression can be debilitating to the point where it begins to interfere with your life, as can anxiety. Here are 9 great books to learn how to deal with them.
Surprise Your Kids With This Fake Snow Recipe!
Learn how to make your very own snow from the comfort of your own home thanks to this brilliant guide.
These Are the 4 Things That Can Silently Cause Depression
Do you sometimes feel depressed without knowing or understanding why? To help you put a finger on the source of your emotions read this article...
10 Rules That’ll Help You Get Your Thoughts in Order
With these 10 simple rules, you can avoid mental chaos which can prevent you from being peaceful and happy, and taking control of your thoughts.
Learn How to Get Your Partner to Start Listening to You
Here are a few techniques that you can try to get your partner to start listening to what you actually tell them.
Learn How to Turn Your Emotional Scars Into Powerful Tools
This brilliant talk by Sean Buranahiran will empower anyone who has been carrying around a lot of emotional scars for a while.
Is Psychotherapy Worth It? Watch This Video and Find Out
What exactly is psychotherapy and how does it work? Watch this informative video and find out!
Can't Stop Overthinking? This Insightful Guide Is For You
Do you overthink? This guide will help you manage your thoughts better.
13 Questions That We Should Always Ask Ourselves!
These questions should be pondered, the answers you give may change your outlook on life...
Find Out What Your Home Says About You...
Want to find out exactly what your home says about you? Watch this video and find out!
It's Never a Bad Idea to Speak to Your Inner Child...
Your inner child has a bigger impact on you than you could ever imagine. Here are four ways that you can try in order to heal it and get on with your life.
How to Stay Positive When Facing Life's Many Challenges
If you often find life's challenges too difficult to bear, then these 7 coping strategies will surely be of use to you.
Keep Burglars At Bay with These 7 Cheap and Easy Tips
7 cheap and easy ways to make sure that your house doesn't get burgled.
WATCH: All You Need Is a Good Quote to Brighten Your Day
When life is getting the better of us, all it can take is a good quote to brighten up our day. Watch this uplifting video to put yourself in good spirits.
8 Unexpected Health Benefits of Taking a Sauna
Saunas can shower you with some serious health benefits, and this video explains exactly how.
Improve Your Critical Thinking with These 5 Great Tips
Critical thinking is one of the best skills one can have. Here are 5 tips to become a better critical thinker.
This Common Item is More Helpful Than You Ever Guessed
Binder clips are a very common item at every office and in most houses. But did you know how many functions this simple-looking tool is capable of?
A Beautiful Way to Relax is Listening to Allan Watts...
This great talk will give you some great food for thought, and explains why many people often feel stressed out.
My Relationship Improved Drastically with These Tips
keep the spark in your relationship alive with these tips.
How to Transfer Your Old VHS Tapes to a Computer
Do you have old family videos on VHS? It's time to make them digital so you can share them with all the family more easily! This video will show you how.
Please Don't Forget These Important Reminders in Life...
We should always remember the most important things in life, and we should always share them with the ones we love.
Watch: A Simple Breathing Technique to Reduce Stress
This is a slow breathing exercise which works wonders for those anxiety-filled situations you just can't control.
Remedy Your Insomnia with This Simple Breathing Technique
Nothing ruins your morning more than a rough night's sleep. Luckily there's a terrific breathing technique that can put you to sleep in a minute. Here it is.
These 15 Tips Will Make You Loved, Happy & De-Stressed
Here are 15 easy to understand tricks that will change you life, making your happier, more liked and less stressed. You've got to try these!
Beautiful: And As God Whispered to Man...
This uplifting video was shared with me, and I wanted to share the blessing with you as well...
7 Lessons I Learned From Tackling Negative Thinking
Quote Collection: 40 Beautiful Thoughts About Life...
Here are 40 simple yet powerful thoughts about being alive. These beautiful quotes are bound to put you in a positive and productive mood...
15 Tricks Parents Came Up With We'd Like to Share With You
We found some great advice from parents on Reddit, and decided to share with you the best 15!
When is it Panic Attack and Not Just Anxiety?
In this article, we explain what anxiety is, what a panic attack is, what the difference between them is.
Guide: How to Release Trapped Emotions
Trapped emotions can both physically and spiritually damage us. Here's how you can release them safely.
Does Your Mind Wander? Here are 9 Tips for Keeping Focus
By incorporating these nine techniques into your routine, you'll find it easier to stay on track and maintain focus throughout the day.
7 Things to Consider When Life Isn't Going Like We Planned
Remember the following 7 empowering phrases that will help you get through tough times and steer your life back in the direction you aspire to.
6 Things to Know Before a Loved One Passes Away
Whether someone you know is terminally ill or on their deathbed, here are 6 things you should know about what happens before we pass away.
How You Can Make a Room Soundproof on the Cheap!
This video will teach you how to create an almost completely soundproof room for the cheapest prices.
How To Fix Anterior Pelvic Tilt so it Doesn't Return
Learn effective techniques, like the kneeling overhead reach, to address and prevent Anterior pelvic tilt for good.
Super Tutorial: Top 100 Construction Tips and Hacks
Whether you're a skilled construction worker or just starting out, these practical insights will help you excel using simple tools.
How to Best Enjoy and Appreciate Our Alone Time
we sometimes forget that it's okay and healthy to be alone and get away from the crowd a little.
8 Tips to Saving Your Marriage
Today you will learn 8 pieces of advice from experts and relationship counselors.
Home Tip: Why I Put Aluminum Foil in My Toilet
In today's video, we're diving into one of those quirky life hacks that might just change the way you approach household maintenance.
How to Increase the Amount of Oxygen in Your Blood
How can we make sure we're getting enough oxygen in our breathing? This video will make sure you know how.
Manage Stress in Your 50s with These Meditation Techniques
Manage stress in your 50s with these meditation styles.
9 Tips to Keep Your Sweater from Shedding This Winter
Winter is almost here, and it’s time to protect your sweaters from shedding.
10 Life Lessons My Father Taught Me
Mark decided it would be valuable to share advice that originated from conversations with his own father decades ago.
8 Best Ways to Handle Those Who Constantly Pull You Down
Here are some tips on how to get around people who constantly put you down.