8 Normal Fights between Spouses and How to Deal With Them
Differences of opinion and friction are a natural part of any relationship. Here are 8 arguments you've probably had with your partner and how to fix them.
7 Daily Habits that Cause Couples to Fights
If you've gotten into the habit of doing the following 7 things, know that they are responsible for 90% of your biggest fights, and you should learn how to curb those reactions.
Dealing with the Loss of a Spouse: How to Proceed
Losing a loved one is a most devastating event, and there are many ways of overcoming the grief. Here are some things to consider to help you through mourning.
These 10 Qualities are What Great Spouses are Made of!
Every great spouse has these 10 qualities shining through.
How to Practice Self-Care When Supporting a Sick Spouse
we decided to help you with 8 expert tips, each of which will help you cope with the changes life has brought to your relationship with an ill partner.
5 Ways You Can Help Your Spouse When They’re Ill
5 ways you can help your spouse through a health challenge.
14 Gestures That Prove Your Spouse Still Loves You
Usually, after several decades of living together, we forget to show our partners how much we still love them, but these 14 little gestures do just that.
6 Great Exercises You Can Do With Your Spouse!
If you find it difficult to stay motivated when exercising, try doing it with a friend starting with these 6 exercises!
For a Divorce-Proof Marriage These Tips Are All You Need
Read these words of advice carefully, and write them on your heart!
Financial Planning for Widowhood - 7 Important Tips
Losing a spouse can be extremely stressful and overwhelming. But there are some important financial steps you must take immediately.
99 Ways to Make Sure a Marriage Withstands the Test of Time
if you want a rock solid marriage, one that will go the long haul - Read these words of advice carefully, and write them on your heart!
Why Cats Are Better Than Men...
If your spouses could be a bit more feline, wouldn't that be great??
How To Avoid and Deal With Emotional Blackmail
Emotional blackmail can be very tough to live with. Educate yourself to see the signs of emotional blackmail, as well as learn how to avoid it altogether.
9 Sure Signs That You’re In a Great Relationship
If your relationship is happy, you'll probably read through this article with a smile as it will only confirm that you're in a wonderful loving relationship.
Joke: The Cat Catastrophe Instructions
Pick cat up and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby...
15 Signs of Infidelity That Are Too Easy To Miss
Unsure of whether your partner is having an affair? These 15 tips will give you a clear indication.
Strengthen Your Relationship With These 9 Questions
If you want to strengthen your relationship effectively, you should know the questions that Dr. Susan Edelman recommends you ask your partner...
10 Great Marriage Tips Divorce Lawyers Wish You Knew
If your marriage is in trouble, you could do no worse than to listen to the advice of a divorce lawyer. Here are 10 great tips they want you to know.
14 Gestures That Strengthen Your Relationship
8 Simple Tips for Dealing with an Overly Emotional Partner
To help your partner be less sensitive to criticism, we recommend learning the following 8 emotional manipulations and how to deal effectively with them.
Which Occupations Cheat the Most? The Answers are In...
Research indicates that certain professions tend to have a higher likelihood of infidelity.
These Hilarious Tweets Show What Marriage Is REALLY Like...
These Tweets from newly-married men take away all the glamour and mystery from marriage, however their spin on things is nothing short of hilarious.
How to Solve These 5 Common Marital Crises
Sooner or later, each couple undergoes one crisis or another that is inevitable. The good news is that we've put together the ways of dealing with them!
11 Marriage Misconceptions We Should Forget About
these 11 myths demonstrate why a perfect marriage is unrealistic.
5 Common Marital Crises and How to Solve Them
How to Turn Your Computer's Webcam Into a Security Camera
There's no need to install expensive equipment to keep your home secure. Find out the very basic things you need to turn your webcam into a security camera.
Learn How to Show Empathy When It's Needed Most
Learn the power of empathy in this short, but important video.
Advice: How to Stop Being Defensive in a Relationship
We all get defensive in relationships, why do we do it and how to stop?
How Does One Deal With an Avoidant Partner?
How to deal with an Avoidant Partner is a video guide that will help you deal with a closed partner who avoids fights but keeps everything bottled up inside.
How to Deal With Parental "Burnout"
Parental burnout is a problem that can affect anyone, and it is crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of it.
For a Lasting Marriage, Correct These 13 Daily Behaviors
If you are experiencing marriage problems, be sure that the cause is not one of these 13 issues.
8 Tips to Saving Your Marriage
Today you will learn 8 pieces of advice from experts and relationship counselors.
8 Tips for Creating Emotional Security in Relationships
Whether you feel emotionally secure in your relationship or not, it's important that you know the 8 ways that you can create it for you and your partner...
The Art of Persuasion: How to Get Others to Agree With You
Many discussions become unnecessarily heated, just because we don't know how to explain our position correctly. Learn how to make others think like you.
10 Things Your Children Don't Need to Know About You
The following 10 "secrets" are recommended not to be revealed to the children so that you can serve as a positive example for them.
This Story Will Touch Your Heart and Make You Think
Here's a story about a husband who missed something very important in his life. This is a story we could all learn something from.
Couples Should Know These 5 Languages of Love
What is a love language and do you speak the same one as your spouse? You can learn the answers to these questions and in the following article ...
25 Questions You Should Never Ask People Over 50
It is impolite to ask these 25 questions to people over 50 years old.
The 5 Love Languages: Learn How to Love Your Partner
Ten Golden Mantras for Growing Old with Grace
Ten golden mantras for those who wish to grow older with style and dignity to make life after retirement more pleasant, to enjoy and treasure the elder years of wisdom and intelligence..
For a Better Relationship, Share These Compliments
In every relationship, there are ups and downs, so it's important to remind our partners that we appreciate them with a few simple yet significant compliments.
These 8 Tools Will Help You Enjoy a Stable Relationship
Fights are inevitable in long-term relationships, but there is a way to help make sure your relationships are as happy as possible. Learn about them here!
8 Reasons Why Fighting Might Not Be the Worst Thing
Many marital experts point to a host of advantages related to fighting in relationships and once you know them you'll probably look at it in a new and positive light...
Joke: God Sets out to Find Those Who Really Lived as Men
An extinction event occurs on Earth, so all mortal souls go to Heaven. On arrival at the Pearly Gates, God seems to find an exemplary man... or is he?
Month of Love: Odd Love Beliefs From Around the World!
There are many customs and beliefs pertaining to love around the world, but some are stranger than others. Find out what they are right here.
10 Lessons that Jean Vanier Wanted to Teach Us About Life
A guide to life by Canadian philosopher and philanthropist Jean Vanier
Just Say It! - Tips to Help You Speak Up
Here are some tips on how to best express yourself in situations when you may usually hold your tongue.
How to Tell If You’re in a Dependent Relationship…
Where is the boundary between a healthy and a dependent relationship, and how can you recognize whether you're in one and how to fix it? Find out here.
8 Signs You’re Ready to Love Again
If you've experienced heartbreak, whether recent or long ago, it's important to be able to recognize when you're ready to love again...
8 Things Many of Us Do That Harm Our Immune System
We need our immune system to keep healthy, but there are things we do that harm it... Here are 8 behaviors that damage your immune system and that you should avoid for your own good.
Personality Test:: What is Your Greatest Need?
This quiz will decide, according to your answers, what your biggest need is right now. Answer honestly!
Test Yourself: What Kind of Cat Hides Within You?
Cats are a lot like people, what kind of cat would you be and what does it say about you?
Not Sure What to Do This Valentine's? Try These 9 Ideas
Not sure what to do this Valentine's? Here are 9 ideas you could try:
What Do You Truly Need? Take Our Quiz to Find Out!
Learn How to Cope With 8 Problems New Parents Encounter
Having your first baby is what changes your whole life. As amazing as it is, it's important to talk about the problems that can sometimes arise...
Happiness in Numbers: 8 Facts That Will Change Your Life
The search for happiness is an endless journey in a person's life and these 8 tips can help you along it.
Discussing 10 of the Most Expensive Divorces in History
Presented are ten of history's most exorbitant divorce settlements, serving as testament to just how expensive these events can truly be.
All About The Four Types Of Lovers, Which Are You?
Dr. Helen Fisher devoted her life to studying the most elusive and mysterious emotion of humanity - love! Learn what type of lover you are here.
20 Ways to Improve Your Relationship After 40
Improve your relationship with your partner by reading through these 20 tips.
The Good and Bad White Lies in a Relationship
Four scenarios where it is acceptable to tell a white lie and 4 in which it is not permissible under any circumstances.
13 Creative Ideas by Grocery Stores to Help Customers
In this post, we have featured some genius grocery stores that impress their customers with their creativity.
Husband Guide: How to Make Your Wife Fall in Love Again
Guide: how to show love again in simple ways and how to make your wife fall in love with you again.
Spot the 9 Signs of Harmful Family Dynamics
Identify the problematic dynamic in your family from the following 9 types, and note that there may be more than one such dynamic present in the
Keep the Flu Out of Your Home with these 8 Tips
Did you know that if somebody in the family comes down with the flu, all it takes is a couple of hours for the virus to spread? This room-by-room guide will help stop germs in their tracks, keeping everyone at home healthy and flu-free.
Science Proves Once and For All: How to Prevent Infidelity
Psychologist and consultant Dr. Willard F. Hurley Jr. has conducted a series of studies in an attempt to figure out hot to prevent infidelity.
How to Tell Children about Divorce without Hurting Them
Divorce isn't easy for any couple, especially if children are involved, so it's important to know how to tell them the news in the best way ...
This Man Has Quite the Excuse for Cheating on His Wife!
A woman came home to find her husband in bed with another woman. His excuse will have you crying in laughter!
The Ultimate Battle of the Sexes: Rest vs. Chores
Mn and women in long-term relationships may fight over many issues, but the issue of rest and household chores is probably one of the biggest...
Visit Derinkuyu, an Underground City From a Millenia Ago
Visit Derinkuyu, a hidden underground city in Cappadocia, Turkey.
Man Flu: Do Men Have a Weaker Immune System than Women?
Are men overreacting or being whiny when they catch a cold or get a flu, or are they simply sicker than women with the same illness?
Find Out How to Compromise Without Sacrificing Your Needs
These 4 steps will help you create comfortable compromises without having to sacrifice.
10 Types of People We All Need in Our Life
Today we will introduce you to 10 types of people that your soul needs, and we will also explain to you where you can find them and who they can be.
Marriage: 7 Fascinating Studies We Should All Read
7 different studies that shed some light on marriage, and perhaps offer insights and tips that will help you understand your own relationship better.
What You Should Know Before Booking a Hair Appointment
Hair salons are reopening or are about to reopen across the country. This is what you should be aware of before booking that long-awaited appointment,
Nine Couples Games that Can Strengthen Relationships
Each game is designed to make you a more loving and understanding couple, whether you are just starting out or have been married for years.
7 Ways to Connect With a Family Member With Dementia
Here are a few ways you can spend quality time with a loved one with dementia that will be both fun and beneficial for the entire family!
Animal Assisted Therapy Can Treat Anxiety and Dementia
Pet Therapy and Animal Assisted Therapy have been proved by numerous studies to be extremely beneficial to the health of elderly people
Road Trippin? Not Before You Read These Tips
Some tips for a safe and amusing road trip.
12 Scientific Hints That You Could Use to Live To Be 100
Have you ever wondered what your odds are to live to be 100, scientifically speaking? These 12 signs mean that you’ll likely live a very long life.
Which Famous Saying Should Be YOUR Motto?
Your choices, when you finish the quiz, will indicate what English proverb matches your life outlook the best.
QUIZ: What English Proverb Should Be Your Motto?
7 Relationship Tips from a Happily Married Couple of 45 Years
When sat down to talk with my parents about my relationship, i received 7 tips that helped me have a long and happy relationship, i want to share them with you...
"The Work" Method – The Key To Ending Personal Suffering
Byron Katie, an American writer and lecturer, has developed a simple method of preventing unnecessary suffering and frustration in life.
Hilarious 13 Tattoos Terribly Translated
Funny pictures of poorly-translated tattoos
Here's How You Can Improve Your Care-Giving Skills
You might think that caring for someone is easy, but in reality, your ability to care for someone can be improved with some training.
Learn How to Prevent and Cope With Empty Nest Syndrome
Are your children leaving home? Avoid the symptoms that many parents experience as a result of this with these 7 tips...
Start the New Year With These 10 Easy to Keep Resolutions!
A new year is a chance to refresh our lives, our bodies and our homes - we've put together the most common resolutions people make and how to stick to them.
Is Grunting While We Move a Cause For Concern?
Contrary to popular belief, grunting while sitting, standing or bending over isn't just a result of aging. Learn the reasons for this common phenomenon here.
A Simple, Easy Guide for Writing Your Living Will
It's not something you want to think about, but writing your will is sure to lift a huge burden from your shoulders. Here's a simple guide.
A Few Things About Child Obesity We All Need to Know
What causes childhood obesity, why is it getting more common, and what can be done about it?
The 6 Biggest Mistakes Made When Writing a Will
It’s one of the most important legal documents a person can make, yet many Americans fail to write it. Let's help you write a good last will and testament.
Strengthen the Friendship in Your Marriage In 5 Easy Ways
Here are 5 simple ways to strengthen the friendship in your marriage.
9 Tips for a Great Senior Intimate Relationship
50 is not the age for you to slow down! Here's why.
What NOT To Say To a Friend Who’s Going Through a Divorce
If you have a friend who just got diovorced, it's great to be there for them but choose your words carefully. These are the 5 phrases you must avoid according to experts
Personality Test: Which of the World Wonders Are You?
This quiz will tell you which of the world wonders most represents your personality.
QUIZ: Are You Still a Child Inside?
What happened to the little kid you used to be? Take our quiz and find out if it's still alive and well within you or gone and forgotten.
Look At the Eyes: How to Tell When People Are Lying
According to NLP, one can know whether a person is lying or not only through the eyes. Learn how to do this with the help of this guide ...
No Use Crying Over Spilled Milk: Learn to Deal with Guilt
Feeling guilty is part of being human, but it doesn't mean you should submit to it. Consider these 4 thoughts to help you deal with guilt
This is How You Keep Your Marriage Strong & Life-Long!
Here are 12 ways you can keep your marriage long-lasting, strong, full of love and support.