7 Ways to Treat Sinus Headaches
7 natural ways to treat sinusitis pain.
This 1-Minute Headache Technique is Incredible!
There are 3 natural methods that you can do to get rid of your headache in minutes!
Why Are Humans SO Prone to Sinus Infections?
Sinus infections are more common in humans than in any animal species, but why? A strange biological quirk may be to blame...
Learn How to Tell If You Have a Sinus Infection
An infected sinus can be very frustrating thing, which is why we've gathered a list of five of the most common symptoms of sinus infection.
Get Headache Relief by Applying Pressure to These Points
No matter how bad the headache that you're suffering from is, reflexology provides a natural solution to provide you with instant relief. Watch for more.
Banish Tension Headaches for Good with This Detailed Guide
Learn all about how to detect, treat, and prevent tension headaches with this detailed guide.
Discover 8 Simple Ways to Get Rid of a Sinus Infection
If you've got a sinus infection, then you need to try these 8 effective solutions to help alleviate your symptoms.
This Joke Begins With a Simple Headache...
This computer isn't stupid at all...
How to Get Rid Of Headaches Naturally Fast and For All
11 natural and scientifically-proven ways you can manage an already existing headache, and learn to find what may trigger your headaches.
Relieve a Headache in Just Minutes with This Guide
Your body parts are all connected to each other. Here's how applying pressure to certain points in one area can help you clear that headache.
What Causes Headaches? All Is Revealed Here!
In this informative TED-Ed video, Dan Kwartler shares what we know and don’t know about headaches!
The 4 Major Types of Headaches: What to Look Out For
This guide will help you figure out what type of headache you may be suffering from, and how to treat and prevent it.
Doctor Tip: How to Drain Sinus and Clear Nose in 1 Move!
This doctor has a genius routine for draining your sinuses while also clearing your nose.
Got a Headache? These Natural Remedies Will Cure It...
Natural techniques that will help you cure a headache in a matter of minutes.
Melt Away Neck Pain and Tension Headaches With These Tips!
Tension at the base of the neck is a common cause of tension headaches, neck pain, and many other issues. Let these 3 exercises help you in just a few minutes!
What Causes Headaches? Here Are 8 Unusual Causes
Here are 8 unusual reasons that may be causing your headache.
Get Rid of Headaches Naturally With These Essential Oils
Headaches often attack most of us, but luckily, they can be treated with natural essential oils that will do wonders and relieve the annoying pain.
A Guide to Headaches That Won't Give You One...
This detailed infographic visually teaches you about headaches.
Splitting Headache? Eat Any of These 9 Foods
Forget reaching for the medicine cabinet if you have a headache - try consuming any of the 9 foods and you'll be well on your way to feeling better.
7 Signs Your Headache Could Be Very Serious
Headaches are normally nothing to worry about, but there are 7 warning signs that you should not ignore. Here are 7 of them.
Listen to Your Body and Stop Ignoring Morning Headaches!
Do you suffer from frequent morning headaches? Find out what your body is trying to tell you here.
Hilarious: The Headache and the Strange Doctor
This hilarious joke starts with a special machine...
Suffer From Headaches & Fatigue? Do These 8 Things
This guide will help you prevent headaches, fatigues and strokes.
Can Air-Conditioners Be the Culprit Behind a Clogged Nose?
Doctors believe that one of the culprits behind clogged-up sinuses, sinus pressure and the complementary headaches might be something in our home...
Here's a Quick Guide to Instantly Clearing a Blocked Nose
Got a congested nose? Remember these priceless tricks and thank us later!
Vicks Has So Many Different Uses. Here Are 8 of Them!
Vicks can be found in households across the globe. This is a very useful ointment which has many unique uses. Check some of them out here.
Feeling Sick? This is What You Should be Eating!
If you're feeling sick, here's what you should be eating a drinking!
Silent Signs Of Allergies You Should Look Out For
Stop mistaking an allergy symptom for age-related changes, the flu or other health conditions with this guide.
Make Your Aches & Pains Disappear Using This Method
If you suffer from aches and pains, use reflexology and acupressure to help alleviate the pain.
Recurrent Sinusitis Is Too Common. This Might Be the Cause
10-30% of people worldwide suffer from sinus infections each year, but what are the causes of sinus infections?
Got the Flu? Apply Pressure to These 8 Points
Acupressure points are a great alternative treatment for various ailments and symptoms, with cold and flu symptoms being no exception. These 8 pressure points are known for their effectiveness in treating various flu and cold symptoms.
Neurologist Explains: All You Need to Know About Migraines
Do you suffer from migraines? find out what causes migraines, how they are diagnosed, and how to treat them with this complete guide!
No More Dry Sinuses: Treat it With Home Remedies
Blocked or painful sinuses can have a big effect on how you function daily, but help is at hand...
Use Ear Reflexology Can Help Relieve Aches and Pains!
If you suffer from aches and pains in any part of your body, then why not give ear reflexology a try?
These 7 Types of Pain Should NEVER Be Ignored
The human body has inbuilt warning mechanisms, with certain types of pain in particular requiring our utmost attention. Here are 7 of the most significant.
Suffer From Body Pain? Apply Pressure to These Points
If you're feeling unwell, try apply pressure to one of these points to return the body to a state of well-being.
Reduce the Clogging of Sinuses by Pressing These Points
These are the 6 pressure points in your face that will help you clear your sinuses. Learn how to massage yourself back to health.
7 Pressure Points to Improve Your Vision Within Weeks
Whether you suffer from poor vision, teariness or excess eye pressure, these 7 acupressure points will improve your vision and prevent any other eye conditions from occurring.
Say Goodbye to Ear Issues Thanks to This Brilliant Doctor!
Many ear problems can be relived in the comfort of your own home thanks to the professional advice of Dr. David Hill.
If You Have One of These Symptoms You Might Have a Migraine
Although many suffer from migraines, the symptoms of onset and how each person experiences them is different. Learn more about common onset symptoms here...
15 Natural Remedies Used by Countries Around the World
Many of the natural items or methods on this list are highly popular in certain countries. Here are 15 natural remedies from around the world.
Can Your Sleeping Position Affect Your Digestion? Find Out!
We spend 1/3 of our lifetime asleep, but few people know how to sleep correctly. Here are the health benefits of certain sleep positions...
QUIZ: Which Chakra Needs Strengthening?
Chakra are the spiritual and physical focus points of our entire being. Of the 7, which one needs your urgent attention? This test will tell you how to heal it.
PERSONALITY TEST: Which Chakra Needs Strengthening?
Choose the SAFE Way to Remove Mold From Your Home
Mold is not only unsightly, it can also be a health risk. Learn how to recognize it and get rid of it with ease.
Make the Pain Go Away With These 19 Food Types
There's more medicine in your kitchen than you ever imagined. In fact, these 19 different types of foods and drinks will remedy almost any type of pain.
6 Harmful Types of Mold That Could Be Growing in Your Home
It’s important to identify and prevent these dangerous types of mold in the house.
What Your Phlegm is Telling You About Your Health
The color of your phlegm can tell you a lot about your underlying health. Find out what different colored phlegm might be indicating about yours.
This 10-Minute Brain Exercise Will Recharge Your Brain
Suffer from headaches, migraines, or brain fog? This 10-minute exercise can really help.
Feeling Drained? Your Body May Be Loaded with Toxins...
Feeling drained? You may have too many toxins in your body. Here's what you need to know.
9 Surprising Ways Mint Can Benefit Your Health & Hygiene
There's more to the benefits of mint than fresh breath and clean teeth. Here are 9 ways you can boost your health with mint, when you are feeling ill .
Can Migraines Be Cured, Once and For All?
Enjoy these two doctors eloquently explain your headache away.
Joke: The Husband's Secret Technique
A woman comes home and tells her husband, 'Remember those headaches I've been having. All these years? Well, they're gone!'
Feeling Drained? Your Body May Be Loaded with Toxins
Suffering from a Migraine? Here are 6 All-Natural Remedies
Headaches strike the best of us, but we don't always have or even want to take a pill. Luckily nature has her own remedies, 6 of which we present here.
Nothing Helps Your Migraine? Try This Yoga Practice
This easy restorative yoga practice focuses on pranayama breathing and can help reduce the uncomfortable symptoms of headaches and migraines
Explained: Everything You Want to Know About Migraines
Migraines are more than a throbbing, pounding headache. This video explains what happens in the brain when you have a migraine.
Vaccinations SHOULD Trigger Side Effects, Here’s Why
Once you watch this video and understand why vaccine side effects happen, you may even be happy to get that headache.
These Handy Charts Will Help Stop a Migraine in Its Tracks
If you, or someone you know, suffers from migraines and headaches, check out these warning signs, tips and remedies to help stop a migraine in its tracks.
How to Remove the Smell of Sewer From Your Home!
If you find some or all of your room has started to smell a bit like a sewer, then these tips will really come in handy!
Learn 4 Natural Substitutes for Your Regular Products
Lemons, coconut oil and more - these are natures gifts that can be substituted for a number of chemical cleaning, beauty and health products.
If You Suffer from Migraines Stay Clear of These 16 Foods!
While there's no known treatment for migraines as of today, there are a few dietary changes you can make to prevent their onset...
Fly in Comfort With These 7 Important Sinusitis Tips
Consider these tips and avoid sinusitis next time you catch a plane.
The Biggest Migraine Myths You Should Be Aware Of
Migraines are not just headaches. They’re a complex, poorly understood & debilitating neurological condition. Here’s what we all get wrong about migraines.
How to Improve Your Neck Posture in 30 Days
A forward head posture affects the alignment of the entire spine and may lead to neck pain and even headaches. Here's how to improve your neck posture.
Transform Your Health with These Amazing Neck Techniques
These neck drills won't just relieve your neck discomfort, but will also treat a variety of neurological problems.
8 Best Painkilling Remedies Offered to Us By Nature
Have an earache, stomachache, muscle pain, headache or backache? Here's the right natural ingredient to take in each case!
Joke: Doctor's Friendly Advice
A man goes to the doctor with a long history of migraine headaches. When the doctor goes over his history and does his physical, he discovers that the poor guy has tried practically every therapy known to man for his migraines and STILL sees no impro
You Won't Need a Prescription for These Natural Antibiotics!
5 natural antibiotic treatments you can prepare at home to help prevent acid reflux and indigestion from occurring.
Knowing These Meningitis Symptoms Could Save Your Child!
Meningitis is an extremely dangerous disease that children seem to be more susceptible to. Here are the symptoms every parent should keep an eye out for.
Six Reasons You Should Drink More Water Every Day
Drink a few more glasses every day, trust us, it'll do you a world of good.
5 Surprising Signs That Show You Need to Cut Back on Salt
High blood pressure is not the only sign which shows that you need to cut back on salt.
No One Told You That Oregano Tea Was This Good for You
Oregano is one of nature's miraculous medicinal herbs. Yet, most people don't realize one of the best ways to take it is by brewing oregano tea.
8 Symptoms Of the Most Common Brain Tumor
Did you know that the most common brain tumor is benign in over 95% of cases?
8 Silent Signs of Stress Everyone Should Know About!
If you have any of the following symptoms, then it might be because you are stressed out!
Add This Ingredient to Your Household Right Away!
Aloe vera is a versatile plant that offers a plethora of health benefits!
Suffer From Migraines? You May Suffer from These Diseases
Suffer from migraines? You could be at risk for these health issues.
If You Get Migraines Your Doctor Will Want to Know This
If you suffer from migraines often, this is what you need to let your doctor know.
WARNING: Mold in Your Home Can Cause Serious Health Problems
Mold can cause chronic and life-threatening diseases like these. Get better informed about the issue now.
What is the Most Relaxing Herb in the World?
The benefits of the melissa, the most relaxing herb.
Knowing the Signs of a Brain Tumor Can Save Your Life...
Learn what the most common symptoms of a brain tumor are, so that it can be picked up and treated before it's too late.
8 Kinds of Pain That Can Be Caused By Strong Emotions
These kinds of emotional states could cause you pain.
A Few Tips For Better Health...
Stay healthy with some great daily tips for nutrition and home remedies.
This Week in Health Tips!
Get some great health information in this week's tips!
Could Your Fall & Winter Allergies Be Something Serious?
Sometimes what may seem as a sign of an allergy, could turn out to be a sign of a medical condition. Here are five signs to watch out for:
Can Changing Your Diet Reduce Your Risk of Migraines?
If you suffer from migraines can changing your diet reduce the likelihood of you getting them?
11 Traditional Home Remedies from All Over the World
These home remedies have sprung up over many centuries from all corners of the globe, and now you can try them out yourself.
11 Home Remedies for Children's Winter Ailments
Children tend to get a variety of diseases and infections during the winter. These 11 home- remedies will help you keep your kids healthy and relieve most of their symptoms.
This Condition Causes Both Sinusitis and Sleeplessness
A deviated septum is a common condition that can be very bothersome, as it's capable of causing anything from chronic sinusitis to sleeplessness
Do You Have a Magnesium Deficiency? Here's How to Know
Did you know that, even though you might be unaware of it, you may be suffering from a magnesium deficiency. Read on to find out if you are.
Cure Your Health Issues With These Useful Honey Remedies
Counteract 9 common health problems with these simple yet effective honey remedies.
Look Out For These Signs That You're Grinding Your Teeth
Do you grind your teeth at night? Here's how you can find out.
Warning: Using Dryer Sheets May Cause You Health Problems
Is it really such a good idea to use dryer sheets? The answer may shock you.
Candida Infection: What is it and How Can I Treat it?
Candida is a fungal infection that causes a whole list of symptoms. You could be suffering from it without noticing. Here's where to get better informed about it.
Do You Know How to Spot a Brain Aneurysm?
90% of American's aren't sure what a brain aneurysm is, yet this is a very common affliction. So here's what you need to know and how to spot it coming.
You Won't Get the Vitamin D You Need If You Suffer From...
Do you form part of these groups of people who are deficient in vitamin D? Find out here.
Funny: This Doctor Wishes He Had Given Some Other Advice
This doctor gives some friendly advice to a patient of his...six weeks later he regrets it!
10 Home Remedies That Can Cure a Stuffy Nose
10 remedies to cure a stuffy nose without visiting a doctor.
7 Subtle Signs of Depression You Should Know About
We all know about the common symptoms of depression such as fatigue and sadness, but there are also a lot of subtle symptoms. Here are 7 of them!
10 Conditions You Think You Have, But You Likely Don't
10 conditions you think you have, but most likely, you don't.