Got an Oral Fixation? How to Identify and Cope With It
In this article I'm going to discuss both the causes of an oral fixation as well as the most reliable strategies to combat it.
Guide: How to Prevent Recurring Nightmares
If you suffer from nightmares regularly, chances are there's something you can do to stop them.
How to Best Enjoy and Appreciate Our Alone Time
we sometimes forget that it's okay and healthy to be alone and get away from the crowd a little.
Can STRESS Give Your Bad Breath?
Did you know that your emotional state can contribute to bad breath?
Tired of Feeling Angry? Use the Following Pressure Points
Learn the pressure points that help relieve feelings of frustration, anger, and worry.
7 Changes to Our Home That Help Fight Depression
The 7 tips provided here will guide you or your loved ones through the changes that will render your house more inviting and assist in managing depression.
The Benefits of a Cold Shower are Greater Than You Thought
In this video, Dr. Berg will explain how a cold shower, of all things, will make you immune to the cold.
Psychiatrist Shares the Golden Rule of Brain Health
'Bright Minds,' is the golden rule for long-term cognitive and brain health. Learn what stands behind this acronym here.
Busting Some Mental Health Myths!
Any western doctor will tell you stress causes physical illnesses. Then why are there so many myths around mental health?
8 Benefits of Quitting Social Media (Even for a Week)
Learn about 8 benefits you can enjoy when quitting social media, even for a short period.
Stress Management: How to Use Your Nerves to Calm Yourself
Learn how to calm yourself down instantly using vagus nerve stimulation.
Science Alert: A Vaccine Against Depression?
Research suggests that the anesthetic drug ketamine could be used to treat various mental conditions.
The Many Great Mental Health Benefits of Nature Therapy
Ecotherapy, also known as nature therapy, is a wonderful practice that helps promote mental healing. Let’s learn more about it.
7 Lesser Known Health Issues Caused by the COVID Pandemic
Here’s a brief look at some health issues that the COVID-19 pandemic made more common.
Walking Backward is Beneficial For Both the Body & Mind!
Incorporating backward-walking into your fitness routine can be highly beneficial for both your body and mind. Here's why you should give it a try.
The Connection Between Sleep and Mental Health
This video aims to answer several burning questions regarding the connection between sleep and our mental health.
10 Misconceptions About Aging You Need to Stop Believing
There is a great number of malicious myths about aging floating around. These can be quite harmful and imposes some unnecessary limitations on seniors.
Debunking Some of the Main Myths Surrounding Mental Health
Let’s take a look at the real facts behind mental health problems, from addictions to ailments like depression and anxiety
Do You Clench and Grind Your Teeth? This Is What To Do
Clenhing and grinding your teeth is often associated with mental stress, and dentists note cases are on the rise. This is how to handle this problem correctly.
What is the Connection Between Dogs and a Long Life?
As if we need more proof that dogs are amazing, a new study confirms owning a dog is linked to living longer.
Meet the Cat Giving Mental Health Advice in These Comics
Check out these brilliant and wholesome watercolor comic strips where a wise cat is giving out useful mental health advice.
How To Take Control Of Your Wellbeing Through Breathing
Breathing seems obvious to most of us, but there is an art to it. Becoming conscious of your breathing could greatly benefit your mental and physical health.
Having Persistent Thoughts? Here’s What to Do To Stop
Listen to a mental health expert's views on what we can do to stop ourselves from unnecessarily thinking deeply about something.
When Should You Be Concerned About Night Sweats?
Waking up sweaty could be due to hormonal changes or medication, but there are a few other causes you better be aware of.
Can the Right Diet Change Your Mental Condition?
Recently, studies are showing that even our mental health can be severely affected by what we eat.
Treating the REAL Cause of Obesity Nobody’s Talking About
Doctors find an integrated treatment for depression and obesity more effective
This Doctor Debunks Major Health Myths & Gives REAL Advice
Dr. Mike is a doctor & famous media personality, known for his informative & entertaining health videos. Watch a playlist of the best ones...
Depression Can Be Eased By Taking a Hot Bath, Study Finds
A small study conducted at the University of Freiburg has found that taking a daily bath might be good for depression. Read more about the study here.
Determine If You're a Type D Personality With This Guide
The D in Type D personality stands for "distress", which refers to the heightened level of the emotion that Type D people tend to feel. Find out more here.
This Is What It's Like to Have Seasonal Affective Disorder
If you find that when temperatures start dropping, your mood does too, then you may be suffering from SAD. Learn all about it here.
8 Mental Disorders That Hide Behind Ordinary Behaviors
Often we tend to interpret a person's behavior as a reflection of their character, but before judging, let's make sure there isn't something hidden.
9 Great Books that Deal With Anxiety and Depression
Depression can be debilitating to the point where it begins to interfere with your life, as can anxiety. Here are 9 great books to learn how to deal with them.
Avoid These Things If You Want to Save Your Brain Cells
If you want to maintain as much of your mental health and brain functioning as possible throughout your life, then you need to watch this video.
Age-Related Cognitive Decline Might Be a Reversible Thing!
Age-related cognitive decline is something we've all come to accept, but a new study has shown that the process might just be reversible. Read on for more.
Expert-Backed Ways to Improve Your Mental Health Every Day
If you or anyone you know suffers from mental health issues, be sure to read through these essential tips.
Is Psychotherapy Worth It? Watch This Video and Find Out
What exactly is psychotherapy and how does it work? Watch this informative video and find out!
This Video Will Teach You What Dyslexia Is & How It Works
If you've ever wondered what dyslexia is and how it works, then this is the video that you need to watch.
These Meditation Apps Will Give You Total Peace of Mind
Meditation is a wonderful practice to take up in your life, and there are a ton of apps to help you get started. Here are 10 amazing meditation apps to try.
This New Blood Test May Detect Alzheimer's 8 Years Earlier
A new blood test has been created that may help Alzheimer's to be detected up to 8 years before symptoms develop. Learn all about it here.
Study Shows Seniors Still Grow New Brain Cells Daily
A new study shows that even the elderly keep on growing new brain cells, which could be the breakthrough the scientific community was waiting for...
Avoid These Ingredients If You Love Your Mental Health...
Here are some of the worst kinds of food that you can eat if you care about your cognitive health.
Worried About Alzheimer's? This Guide Is All That You Need
Learn about the signs, symptoms, and treatment options for Alzheimer's disease in our detailed guidebook.Please visit us here again to check for updates.
Can a Lack of Sun Cause Mental Health Issues?
Find out how sunlight can impact your mental health and what to do about it here.
These Misconceptions About Stress Need to Be Cleared Up...
Stress is a term that's bandied about far too lackadaisically so it's time that some common misconceptions about it are cleared up. Read on for more.
Dementia Can Be Well-Managed With These 10 Tips
Dementia is a tough thing for anyone to have to deal with, but if you take heed of these 10 pieces of advice, I guarantee that life will be much better.
Wow! Who Knew Exercising Was so Good for Mental Health?
We all know exercise is good for your body, but what exactly does it do for your mind?
WATCH: These Bad Habits Might Lead to Brain Damage
It's incredible to think that habits such as smoking and not getting enough sleep can actually damage your brain, but it's true - they can. View this video.
Maslow's Pyramid: A Way of Looking for What We All Need
Abraham Maslow theorized that all human behavior was performed in order to satisfy needs, from basic to more complex. Learn about his theory here.
7 Behaviors We All Have that Make Us Tense...
Anxiety is hard to shake off and creates challenges to every situation. Here are 7 behaviors that create anxiety and how to avoid having them.
More than Just Butterflies: Coping with Social Anxiety
Learn how to spot social anxiety in others and what to do about it with these guides.
The Early Signs of Dementia You Should Know About
Dementia symptoms can surface from as early as the 30s. So it's very important to know the early signs so that you can help yourself and others.
Dealing with the Loss of a Spouse: How to Proceed
Losing a loved one is a most devastating event, and there are many ways of overcoming the grief. Here are some things to consider to help you through mourning.
15 Golden Tips to Start Living a Better, Happier Life...
These 15 little tips sound like small things, but they can make your life that much better.
Are They Depressed or Just Sad? A Guide to Help a Friend...
This guide explains how to deal with a loved one who is going through depression.
This is How Exercise Can Improve Your Mental Health!
Lüften: The German Practice That’s Changing How We Sleep
Recently, the German concept of lüften has gained attention, with many sharing how it has improved their sleep. But does it really work?
Learn How to Cope With Erikson's 8 Stages of Life
Looking at Erikson's 8 conflicts of life and its relation to our modern life.
Spot the Signs of Hurry Sickness and Start Slowing Down
Many of us don’t even realize the toll “hurry sickness" has on our lives. Here's how you can cope with it.
7 Things to Do When Life Knocks You Down
Just remember these 7 actions to take every time life knocks you down.
Surprsing Ways to Stay Happier in 2025, Backed By Science
This year, instead of resolutions, give time to your mental health...
Guide: How to Beat a Narcissist in Their Own Game
If you want to teach the narcissist in your life a lesson and show them that messing with you is not an option, here are 7 things you need to do to come out on top.
How to Handle Complaints in a Relationship
Discover a winning formula to turn complaints into something that strengthens your romantic connections.
When is it Panic Attack and Not Just Anxiety?
In this article, we explain what anxiety is, what a panic attack is, what the difference between them is.
How to Turn Stress into Your Secret Weapon
Here are some practical tips and best practices to help you manage stress and make it work for you.
Advice: How to Deal With Toxic Family Members
This article will help your identify toxic family members and how to deal with them.
Worn-Out-Mother Syndrome: What You Need to Know
what exactly causes Worn-Out-Mother Syndrome, 8 signs , and what you should do to get back on track and deal with it successfully.
12 Tips to Turn Your Pain Into Wisdom and Strength
with the following 12 tips, you’ll learn how to turn your pain into a source of strength and wisdom.
7 Signs a Child May Be Developing Mental Illness
We have compiled 7 signs that may indicate a mental disorder in children that should not be ignored.
8 Ways to Avoid the Negative Loop of Rumination
we’re here to help you break free from rumination and negative thoughts with 8 words of advice.
Does Your Mind Wander? Here are 9 Tips for Keeping Focus
By incorporating these nine techniques into your routine, you'll find it easier to stay on track and maintain focus throughout the day.
8 Signs of Fake Love in a Romantic Relationship
8 signs someone is faking their love in a relationship.
How to Stop Worrying About Letting People Down
With the following 6 tips, you can overcome this overwhelming feeling and learn how to stop fearing disappointing others.
Mental Health: 9 Things You Should Stop Keeping Secret
It's important to know that there's no reason to be ashamed of the following 9 things...
6 Things to Know Before a Loved One Passes Away
Whether someone you know is terminally ill or on their deathbed, here are 6 things you should know about what happens before we pass away.
Relationship Anxiety: Understanding the Causes & Solutions
If you feel that you’re suffering from relationship anxiety, keep reading to discover the signs, causes, and how to overcome this issue.
Breathe. Move. Relax. Yoga for a Calmer You
Try these easy yoga poses to reduce stress and anxiety.
How to Take Care of Yourself While Caring for Others
This article explores practical tips and strategies to help caregivers maintain their health and find balance.
Hack Your Brain to Get Moving Again: Psychological Tricks
If you’re feeling unmotivated or down, there’s a psychological concept that can push your brain to help you get back on track.
8 Tips to Saving Your Marriage
Today you will learn 8 pieces of advice from experts and relationship counselors.
12 Things You Should Talk to Your Therapist About
12 important issues one should raise with their therapist.
How to Reframe Your Negative Thinking for a Better Life
In this video, we will learn to process our negative emotions in a way that won't destroy our lives and our happiness.
9 Things I Learned When I Stopped Trying to Please People
If you feel like you're always pleasing others, please read this article to learn how to stop.
If You Feel Like You Can’t Go On, These Tips Will Help
If things hopeless, and if you feel like you can’t go on, try these simple but effective strategies.
Overcoming Being Over-Responsible: 10 Telltale Signs
Here are some detailed signs to help you determine if you're dealing with over-responsibility:
9 Ways to Help Out Children With Anxiety
These nine strategies will enable you to support your children effectively, strengthening their mental well-being while helping them navigate their anxiety.
Waking Up at Odd Hours? Here's What Your Body is Saying
This guide will help you understand how your body systems work and identify any mental challenges you may face.
Inside the Male Psyche: The Silent Fears They Never Share
There are some things that a man never shares with anyone.
This Ex-Monk Has 9 Words of Advice to Quiet the Mind
Nine valuable tips to deal with persistent thoughts that interfere with a peaceful mind, spoken by an ex-monk.
How to Deal With Parental "Burnout"
Parental burnout is a problem that can affect anyone, and it is crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of it.
STUDY: The Effect of Personality on Our Level of Happiness
Researchers finally know which types of people will always be happier than others.
A Harvard Professor’s Method to Happiness - a MUST WATCH!
Happiness research has gone a long way. Harvard professor Arthur C. Brooks will tell you all about it in this captivating video...
How to Deal With a Narcissist in Your Life
This article will provide essential information on how to identify these subtypes and offer effective strategies for dealing with different situations in life.
10 Things No One Can Take Away from You
Discover the ten things that cannot be taken away, even in moments of loss, such as your uniqueness.
Tips For a Happier Life: How Much Free Time Is Optimal?
People love fantasizing about a world with unlimited free time. But is having a lot of free time always the best option for one's well-being and happiness?
7 Ways to Combat Passive Aggressive Behavior
Common passive-aggressive behaviors and the recommended responses to situations you may encounter.
Relationship Corner: How to Bring Down Our Emotional Wall
This article will help you understand how harmful emotional walls are and how they can be brought down.
Remember This 6-Letter Phrase to Mend Passive Aggression
Emotional intelligence experts swear by this one simple 6-phrase to stop passive aggression in its tracks.
7 Tips to Maintaining a Life-Long Friendship
Advice from life-long friends about how to maintain a strong friendship.
The Art of Persuasion: How to Be More Convincing
Learn the basics to becoming a more verbally persuasive person.
The Four Agreements: The Book that Made Me Wiser
The teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz's book "The Four Agreements," explained.