Health Lesson: Why Too Much Water Can Kill You
Why is is that drinking too much water can kill you and how we can prevent such a danger? This video will tell you all about it.
WARNING: Don't Keep This Product in Your Car
Hand sanitizers can be found in plenty of vehicles, maybe even in yours, but is it wise to store them there?
Are Your Risking Your Health by Using a Dishwasher?
Your dishwasher might get those plates spotless, but it’s probably also teeming with bacteria and fungus, a new study has revealed. Here's how to clean it.
You Are Putting Your Health at Risk Eating Packaged Food
Most of the packaging you get in your takeaway food contains harmful chemicals. Here's what you need to know!
Why Sitting Down is Slowly Putting Our Health at Risk...
Some facts everyone should know about sitting.
Why Sitting Down is Slowly Putting Your Health at Risk
10 Home Items That Become Health Risks When NOT Used Right
These 10 ordinary household items can pose serious health risks, especiallly if you don't use them correctly.
Foods That Increase the Risk of Alzheimer’s and Dementia
This article explains which food types and food combinations one ought to avoid to reduce the risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer's.
Are You at Risk for "Building Sickness"?
Have you heard of "building sickness"? Because you may have had it.
Warning! Heartburn Medication Increases the Risk of Death
Common over-the-counter and prescription drugs used to treat heartburn, acid reflux, and ulcers can do more harm than good.
Staying Heart-Healthy Can Reduce Cancer Risk
New research reveals that following a heart-healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of getting cancer. Find out more.
Taking Photos at High Risk - Remarkable!
Taking Photos at High Risk!
The Risks of Over Brushing Your Teeth
Have you been brushing your teeth too hard? Watch out for these signs…
10 Superfoods That'll Decrease Your Risk of Alzheimer's
Alzheimer's is one of the most common brain diseases. There are many foods that can significantly reduce your risk of developing it. Here are 10 of them.
Which Drinks Increase Your Risk of Stroke?
Let’s see what exactly these studies say, which drinks are worth drinking more of, and which ones are best to avoid.
WARNING: Birth Control increases Risk of Breast Cancer?!
Some new research has added to the increasing pile of evidence that taking hormonal contraceptives increases your chances of developing breast cancer.
Hearing Loss Comes With Added Risks of Dementia & Diabetes
Although we often think of hearing loss as a minor annoyance, it turns out that it can lead to several serious complications...
Air Pollution May Increase the Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
We know air pollution is bad for lungs, but a study shows it may also be bad for our brains and increase risk of dementia and Alzheimer's.
Heartburn & Indigestion Meds Shown To Increase Stroke Risk
An observational study concluded that very common over-the-counter heartburn and indigestion medications could increase people's susceptibility to strokes.
New Study: This Surgery Will Lower Risk of Parkinson's
Could your appendix be associated with Parkinson's?
WARNING: Painkillers May Increase the Risk Of Heart Attack
New research has revealed that certain painkillers could increase the risk of having a heart attack.
Who's Most At Risk of Colon Cancer? Find Out Here!
Colon cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer and deaths in the world. So who’s most at risk? How can it be screened? Find out here!
If You're Lonely, Your Risk of Diabetes Could Increase!
A recent study has discovered a surprising relationship between loneliness and the development of type 2 diabetes. Find out more here.
Study: A Daily Spoon of Olive Oil Lowers Risk of Dementia
s. A comprehensive study from the United States suggests that consuming just a spoonful of olive oil each day could significantly reduce the risk of dementia-related deaths.
Learn Whether You're at High Risk of Colon Cancer
Colon cancer is the third-most deadly cancer that you can be diagnosed with. This video details who's most at risk of developing it.
WARNING: The Potential Risk of Grapefruit Juice
It's packed-full of vitamins and minerals, but it can also cause serious poisoning and even death....
8 Ways to Minimize the Risk of Colon Cancer
These preventive measures help cut down your risk of colon cancer.
This New Blood Thinner Medication Has NO Risk of Bleeding!
Swiss scientists made a medical breakthrough, creating a new blood-thinning drug that's more effective than current medication and doesn't cause bleeding!
Does Sugar Intake Really Increase Our Risk Of Diabetes?
Is sugar intake the only risk factor of diabetes? Is fruit sugar also dangerous? What about artificial sweeteners? The answers lie in this article ...
These Surprising Things Raise Your Risk of Dementia
If you want to reduce your risk of dementia, here are three things you should be weary of.
Are You at Risk of a Dangerous, or Deadly, Blood Clot?
There are some people who are especially vulnerable to blood clots, particularly those who fall into one or more of these categories.
Cut Out These Habits to Decrease Your Dementia Risk!
Scientists have identified habits that can be changed or modified to reduce the risk of cognitive decline or dementia. Here are nine of them.
Can Olive Oil Reduce the Risk of Dementia?
If you only consume 7 grams of olive oil daily, which is about half a tablespoon, you can reduce your risk of death from dementia by 28% .
8 Risk Factors That Could Signal an Early Menopause
Even if you haven’t started experiencing hot flashes yet, the following risk factors could indicate that you’re in for “the change” earlier than expected.
Warning! Scientists Find Insomnia Raises Diabetes Risks
Recent research found that insomnia and other seemingly-unrelated habits can raise one's risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
These Countries Have Low Heart Disease Risks! Here's Why!
When it comes down to heart disease, the French, Japanese, and Koreans have the lowest rates in the world. Here's why!
These Tips Will Lower Your COVID-19 Risk in Public Transit
Here are some useful safety tips to protect yourself from the coronavirus if you are using public transport.
Can You Risk Eating Eggs Past Their Prime?
Eggs are not usually on the list of shopping items you buy in bulk, but should they?
Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer’s with These Lifestyle Tips
Simple lifestyle changes can prevent the onset of Alzheimer's or dementia.
This Advice Could Cut Your Risk of Heart Disease by 60%
Did you know that it's possible to decrease your risk of heart disease in just 24 days? This article shows you how.
Red Meat Allergens Can Increase Heart Disease Risk
Red meat has long been linked to heart disease, but a new study marks the first time that the allergens it contains can increase the risk of contracting it.
These 10 Monuments Are at Risk of Being Lost Forever
These remarkable historical places are at risk of being lost forever.
This ONE Change Can Significantly Reduce Your Cancer Risk
Recent research reveals that you don't have to exercise every day to reduce your cancer risk, doing just this small thing can help!
These Brain Exercises Could Reduce Dementia Risk by 30%
Researchers say that they now have scientific evidence that brain training can help stave off dementia. Read more here!
8 Prostate Cancer Risk Factors All Men Should Know
There are several key factors that can raise and lower the risk of prostate cancer. Here are 8 of them:
This Simple Test Can Assess Your Risk of Alzheimer's
Research has shown that if you cannot spot the odd one out in this picture then you might be at risk of contracting Alzheimer's in the future.
The Risks of Child Abduction: What You Need to Know
One viral video has highlighted how susceptible kids are to child abduction from strangers. But how likely is this? And what can you do to prevent it?
COVID-19: Handy Map Helps Assess the Risks in Your Area
This online map helps you understand the risks of getting Covid-19 in a specific country or local area.
Quiz: What Kind of Risks do You Take?
There are seven different types of risk takers - which one are you?
Warning: Are You Overlooking These 10 Home Risks?
Home is where the heart is, but it’s also where a load of potential dangers lurk as well. Here are ten of them!
Health Guide: How to Preserve the Health of Your Eyes
A guide to understanding common eye problems people experience as they age and tips on how to protect your eyes.
Here’s What You Can Do to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer
Take note of some important suggestions that will help you in reducing the risk of cancer dramatically
Guide: How to Reduce the Risk of Accidents at Home
As you age you will find yourself spending more time at home. This guide gives you tips and ideas for making your home safe, comfortable and easy to navigate.
What to Eat in a Day to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer
So, what would a day of healthy eating (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and drinks) look like if someone were to follow a cancer defense diet?
Why Alcohol Can Raise Your Risk of Getting the Coronavirus
Excessive drinking, even occasionally, is the major culprit that can make a dent in your immune protection and raise your risk of becoming sick.
Quick Tip: Cook Fish Without Risk of Burning!
Learn to easily eliminate the biggest problem you're faced with when cooking fish.
The Surprising Health Benefits of a Glass of Beer
Did you know that drinking beer could actually be good for you? Now you have a legitimate excuse to go to the bar! Here are 10 Health Benefits of Beer.
The Health Benefits of these Remedies Are Surprising
These well-known home remedies, can be used for some other surprising health benefits.
The Health Effects Of This Tea Are Tremendously Underrated
This unsung hero is mostly purchased for its pleasant aroma and delicious taste, while its impressive health benefits usually go unnoticed.
If You’re Doing These Things, You May Be at Risk of Lyme
Tips on how to avoid contact with ticks which may transmit Lyme disease
Women’s Cardiovascular Health Compromised by Heavy Dinners
Do heavy, high-calorie evening meals increase women's risk of heart disease? New research says "YES".
This Week in Health Tips
Your weekly dose of health tips, straight to your mailbox!
This Week in Health Tips!
Sometimes taking care of your health comes down to small everyday decisions. Discover some tricks to making your life healthier in this week’s health tips.
Summer is here and it’s time to be outdoors. Here are the best tips that make caring for your health easy, so that you can enjoy the summer as you’re meant to.
Your weekly dose of helpful tips that'll keep you healthy and happy for a long time.
Learn simple ways to take care of your body and wellbeing with the latest in health tips and suggestions.
Learn more ways to care about your health and well-being with these informative health tips.
Test Yourself: Health Myth or Fact?
We all hear bits of health information, and although some are wrong, we tend to believe them. Can you bust the myths?
Are You Putting Your Heart at Risk with these Daily Habits?
While a healthy heart is something we all want, cardiovascular disease affects more than 1 in 3 adults in America. Here are 8 habits that are bad for you.
Our health is our biggest treasure. Read this information and keep yourselves well.
A great variety of health tips to improve your overall well-being.
When it comes to your health, it's always important to keep up to date. Here are this week's best tips for keeping your health in tip-top condition.
Get some great health information in this week's tips!
The best health tips of the week to read and take to heart!
You can never be too healthy and these infographics point out just how easy it can be to make your life better and healthier.
This Week In Health Tips!
It's time to add to your general health knowledge with these great tips for good health knowledge.
There's always something more to learn about your health. These tips are both practical and informative.
Get your weekly dose of super-helpful health tips!
Your weekly dose of health tips - stay healthy, stay happy.
Your weekly does of helpful tips that'll keep you healthy!
These great health tips should add to your general health knowledge. Lets all be smarter about our well-being.
Find out the latest tips in health with easy to understand infographics and practical advice.
These beautiful infographics and handy tips make it so much easier to keep up with health trends and medical advice.
Keep that body going strong with these helpful health tips!
5 Lesser Known Ways to Lower Your Covid-19 Infection Risk
Now that cities are starting to reopen, we should be more careful than ever when it comes to Covid-19. These 5 surprising safety measures are important to know.
10 Incredible Health Benefits of Peaches!
Peaches are nature's chosen healthy snacks, thanks in part to the many health benefits they contain. You'll definitely want to include them in your diet plan after reading this article.
The Persimmon: 9 Terrific Health Benefits!
It turns out that persimmon - the orange and shiny fruit reminiscent of a tomato - contains a large number of vitamins and minerals. With so many health benefits that help our body, it's no wonder that persimmon a favorite fruit of many...
You'll Be A-Maized by Corn's Super Health Benefits
Corn is my favorite cereal, its just so versatile and tasty. Did you know it is also packed with many great health benefits too? Here are the very best!
WARNING: Scented Candles are Messing with Your Health
Studies link the use of scented candles to these health concerns.
This Is What Early Menopause Means for Your Health
All women go through menopause. However, some go through it earlier than others. Here are 7 things that early menopause could mean for your health.
Dark Chocolate Can Be Beneficial for Heart Health
Here’s how dark chocolate can help your heart, and a review of the research to back these claims.
This Antioxidant-Rich Spice is Great For Your Health!
Vibrant paprika powder makes for a wonderful addition to every dish. But did you know that this spice also has numerous health benefits?
Brave Souls Who Risked Their Lives to Save These Animals
In these 5 terrifying moments, these animals were rescued by brave onlookers inspired to do everything they could to save the animals.
Can Your Blood Type Affect Your Health?
Depending on your blood type (A,B, AB or O), you may be more or less likely to suffer from issues related to the heart, cancer and several other ailments.
These Sugar Substitutes That Are Harmful To Your Health!
We all want to avoid the harmful effects of sugar on our health, but in many cases, the effects of substitutes may be worse..
Discover the 9 Health Benefits of Dragon Fruit...
Learn more about the legendary Dragon Fruit and its wonderful health benefits!
Strawberries Are THIS Good For Our Health!? Who Knew...
There is more to strawberries than their incredible taste. They are packed with nutritional goodness. Take a look at the health benefits of strawberries.
Pair These Super Foods For Huge Health Benefits
Pairing certain foods together can hugely increase the health benefits they provide for you!
These Foods Help to Cleanse Arteries For Optimum Health
Our arteries are highly important as they are responsible for the transmission of blood around our bodies. These 18 foods will ensure your artery health.