This Invisible Enemy Can Ruin Even the Best Relationships
How to identify and deal with the threat of resentment in a relationship.
The Negative Health Effects of Holding a Grudge
Holding on to a grudge can negatively impact your mental and physical health.
9 Hidden Signs You Might Be Holding a Grudge
How do you know if you're holding a subconscious grudge against someone? This article can help sort out your feelings.
Relationship Corner: How to Bring Down Our Emotional Wall
This article will help you understand how harmful emotional walls are and how they can be brought down.
Mental Health Tips: The Power of Setting Intentions
Setting intentions, not resolutions, can have a great impact on your mental well-being.
6 Toxic Relationship Habits That Seem Normal
Oftentimes, it's seemingly 'normal' habits that contribute to a toxic dynamic in your relationships. Keep an eye out for these 6 harmful behaviors.
How to Identify and Address Emotional Blackmail
Emotional blackmail can exist in a romantic or any other close-knit relationship. This is how you can identify this toxic dynamic and the ways to confront it.
Why Do We Go Cold On Our Partners? A Thoughtful Answer
This video from the School of Life tries to answer this very delicate and painful question - why do partners sometimes become cold, and how can this be avoided?
10 Things All Couples Need to Do to Be in Love Forever
Everyone talks about that special spark, but what's the secret to making it last? Every couple should know these tips...
Advice: How to Deal With Toxic Family Members
This article will help your identify toxic family members and how to deal with them.
8 Ways to Avoid the Negative Loop of Rumination
we’re here to help you break free from rumination and negative thoughts with 8 words of advice.
How to Argue Effectively Without Losing Relationships
An argument with a friend or family member can turn unpleasant rather quickly. However, that doesn’t always have to be the case.
8 Tips to Saving Your Marriage
Today you will learn 8 pieces of advice from experts and relationship counselors.
5 Apps That Will Help Make You Feel Truly Happy
Take help of these useful free applications to find your way to happiness.
7 Lessons I Learned From Tackling Negative Thinking...
Negativity is all around us, but we can choose whether it influences us, or whether we influence it. Learn more here.
Stress Management: How to Use Your Nerves to Calm Yourself
Learn how to calm yourself down instantly using vagus nerve stimulation.
Emotional Dysregulation - Signs, Causes and Treatment
Emotional dysregulation involves not just having intense emotions but also responding to those emotions in harmful unproductive ways. Learn all about it here.
Science Alert: A Vaccine Against Depression?
Research suggests that the anesthetic drug ketamine could be used to treat various mental conditions.
This Will Change Your Perspective On Anger
Anger is an often misunderstood emotion. These facts about anger will change your views on this common emotion.
12 Heartwarming Moments of Love and Closeness
These sweet photos remind us to always cherish the ones we love, and to remind those special people (or pets) how much they mean to us from time to time.
8 Tips to Successfully Handle a Difficult Conversation
Everyone dreads difficult conversations, but they are a boon of any healthy relationship. Here are 8 tips to help you approach a sensitive conversation.
Get Rid of These Body Language Habits Today!
Body language is intuitive, so it can easily convey a wrong message or reveal insecurities. Here are 9 simple tweaks that help you avoid these misunderstandings.
5 Practical and Easy Ways to Express Gratitude
Experts note that expressing gratitude can boost your mental well-being and enhance self-esteem. Here are 5 easy ways to practice gratitude when times are hard.
Restorative Yoga: Health Benefits and 4 Simple Poses
Gentle, supportive, and therapeutic are the words that best describe restorative yoga - a yoga style that is all about emotional relaxation and healing.
Debunking Some of the Main Myths Surrounding Mental Health
Let’s take a look at the real facts behind mental health problems, from addictions to ailments like depression and anxiety
Do You Clench and Grind Your Teeth? This Is What To Do
Clenhing and grinding your teeth is often associated with mental stress, and dentists note cases are on the rise. This is how to handle this problem correctly.
It’s Not a Myth: Why You Want to Avoid Going to Bed Angry
'Never go to bed angry' turns out to be more than just a hackneyed saying. These are 5 very real reasons that explain why going to bed mad is harmful.
Meet the Cat Giving Mental Health Advice in These Comics
Check out these brilliant and wholesome watercolor comic strips where a wise cat is giving out useful mental health advice.
Did You Know There’s a Diet That Can Help Depression?
Listen to a mental health expert's suggestions on how certain food items can help treat depression.
Recognize and Strengthen Your Kids’ Emotional Intelligence
These are the habits practiced by kids with high emotional intelligence, and the ways to teach kids to adopt those habits.
How To Take Control Of Your Wellbeing Through Breathing
Breathing seems obvious to most of us, but there is an art to it. Becoming conscious of your breathing could greatly benefit your mental and physical health.
Are You Constantly Worried? These Tips Will Surely Help
Listen to the advice of a mental health expert in this video that can help you cope with your constant worries.
12 Inspirational Quotes From the World’s Great Artists
Everyone needs some inspiration sometimes. And who understands this more than the world's biggest artists?
20 Beautiful Quotes on the Importance of Moving On in Life
To help you on your journey of self-improvement, let us share the 20 most powerful, meaningful, and encouraging quotes about letting go with you
Boost Your Happiness with These Mindfulness Tips
Take control over your mindset, habits and behaviors by practicing these 5 mindfulness methods.
To Be More Assertive Try to Use These Key Pointers
A list of 9 tips in how to be assertive without coming off as rude.
How to Completely Detoxify Your Mind
It's not just your home that can do with a good clean every once in a while, your mind should regularly require one too. Find out more here.
10 Qualities Men Can't Resist in Strong Women...
There are certain traits in women that men just find irresistible. Find out about 10 things you really should nurture within yourself & become a better person.
13 Questions That We Should Always Ask Ourselves!
These questions should be pondered, the answers you give may change your outlook on life...
How to Overcome 8 Common Lovemaking Obstacles
Here are eight things to watch out for when you're next getting it on with the person you love.
Promise Yourself These Things to Help Improve Your Life!
Be the person you want to be by making some promises to yourself...and keeping them.
Does Being Emotionally Intelligent Make You Lonely?
This fascinating video explores the link between emotional intelligence and loneliness.
It's Never a Bad Idea to Speak to Your Inner Child...
Your inner child has a bigger impact on you than you could ever imagine. Here are four ways that you can try in order to heal it and get on with your life.
Lacking Self-Confidence? Try Using These Phrases Regularly
If you want to become more self-confident when interacting with others, then these tips are for you.
Funny: This is How Husbands and Wives Really Communicate
Good communication is what keeps a marriage together, but this isn't always possible...
Shocking! Here's What Your Wedding Vows SHOULD Say
Many problems that people experience throughout their married lives stem from the vows they make right at the very beginning. This video explains exactly why.
Watch: Let Go of Old Grudges and Learn How to Forgive
Social life would be close to impossible if we could never find space within our hearts for forgiveness. Find out how to start forgiving more here.
10 Great Marriage Tips Divorce Lawyers Wish You Knew
If your marriage is in trouble, you could do no worse than to listen to the advice of a divorce lawyer. Here are 10 great tips they want you to know.
10 Great Promises That We Should All Make to Ourselves
Beautiful and touching promises that we should remember to make to ourselves.
If These Thoughts Are On Your Mind, It's Time to Move On
Sometimes in life, it can be difficult knowing when it's time to move on, however I truly hope that this presentation can make things clearer.
Do You Know Why Wedding Rings Are Worn On the 4th Finger?
There's a specific reason why we all wear our wedding rings on our fourth fingers, and this informative video will explain the tradition behind it.
Watch This Couple Go Through 60 Years of Aging...
This young couple found out with some magical help from talented makeup artists. The results are remarkable, and the ending filled my eyes with tears.
12 Steps For Achieving a Relationship to Cherish for Life
If you take these 12 steps, then you'll have a relationship with your partner that you'll cherish forever more.
7 Lessons I Learned From Tackling Negative Thinking
Spot the Signs of Hurry Sickness and Start Slowing Down
Many of us don’t even realize the toll “hurry sickness" has on our lives. Here's how you can cope with it.
7 Things to Do When Life Knocks You Down
Just remember these 7 actions to take every time life knocks you down.
10 Compliments Important to Give the People You Care About
. The 10 small compliments presented here don’t require many words, but they can greatly improve relationships.;
12 Tips to Turn Your Pain Into Wisdom and Strength
with the following 12 tips, you’ll learn how to turn your pain into a source of strength and wisdom.
8 Signs of Fake Love in a Romantic Relationship
8 signs someone is faking their love in a relationship.
55 Questions You Can Use to Strengthen a Relationship
These questions can be used to start a light to heavy romantic conversation with your partner.
How to Stop Worrying About Letting People Down
With the following 6 tips, you can overcome this overwhelming feeling and learn how to stop fearing disappointing others.
6 Things to Know Before a Loved One Passes Away
Whether someone you know is terminally ill or on their deathbed, here are 6 things you should know about what happens before we pass away.
Breathe. Move. Relax. Yoga for a Calmer You
Try these easy yoga poses to reduce stress and anxiety.
How to Best Enjoy and Appreciate Our Alone Time
we sometimes forget that it's okay and healthy to be alone and get away from the crowd a little.
How to Take Care of Yourself While Caring for Others
This article explores practical tips and strategies to help caregivers maintain their health and find balance.
Hack Your Brain to Get Moving Again: Psychological Tricks
If you’re feeling unmotivated or down, there’s a psychological concept that can push your brain to help you get back on track.
10 Types of People We All Need in Our Life
Today we will introduce you to 10 types of people that your soul needs, and we will also explain to you where you can find them and who they can be.
When People Say These 7 Things.... Beware!
If there is a person you suspect is like that, the next time he asks you for something try to notice if he uses one of the following 7 formulations.
9 Things I Learned When I Stopped Trying to Please People
If you feel like you're always pleasing others, please read this article to learn how to stop.
If You Feel Like You Can’t Go On, These Tips Will Help
If things hopeless, and if you feel like you can’t go on, try these simple but effective strategies.
11 Marriage Misconceptions We Should Forget About
these 11 myths demonstrate why a perfect marriage is unrealistic.
Nine Couples Games that Can Strengthen Relationships
Each game is designed to make you a more loving and understanding couple, whether you are just starting out or have been married for years.
How to Avoid the Harmful Effects of Introspection
Listen to spiritual teacher Sadhguru offer profound insights on the dangers of overthinking.
10 Things No One Can Take Away from You
Discover the ten things that cannot be taken away, even in moments of loss, such as your uniqueness.
7 Ways to Combat Passive Aggressive Behavior
Common passive-aggressive behaviors and the recommended responses to situations you may encounter.
All About the Annoying Phenomenon of Phubbing
If you know what this phenomenon is, read on for tips to tackle it. Here are four signs that you or your partner may be "phubbing."
Remember This 6-Letter Phrase to Mend Passive Aggression
Emotional intelligence experts swear by this one simple 6-phrase to stop passive aggression in its tracks.
The Good and Bad White Lies in a Relationship
Four scenarios where it is acceptable to tell a white lie and 4 in which it is not permissible under any circumstances.
Tired of Feeling Angry? Use the Following Pressure Points
Learn the pressure points that help relieve feelings of frustration, anger, and worry.
The Four Agreements: The Book that Made Me Wiser
The teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz's book "The Four Agreements," explained.
The Surprising Reason Keeping Secrets Could Damage Health
Keeping secrets takes its toll on your mental health in multiple ways. Here's how to cope with that.
What Is Your Love Language? 5 Ways People Show Affection
We often struggle to understand why our partners don’t understand our way of saying “I love you.” The five love languages can help.
Welcoming Long-Awaited Fall With the Right Poem
If you know anyone who is still sulking about the summer ending, send this poem to them!
The Tell-Tale Signs of Passive-Aggressive Communication
Learn how to spot passive-aggressive behavior and respond to it appropriately in your daily life.
Lift Your Spirits With These Animal Rescue Stories!
Forget about the damsel in distress. This time, nature calls, and we must answer!
Recognize the Signs of Burnout Before It's Too Late
This video will help you identify if you are being burnt out, and what you can do to stop it.
A Doctor Explains Why Adults With ADHD Procrastinate
Well known psychiatrist Dr. Tracey Marks explains why adults with ADHD often tend to procrastinate.
Enjoy a Refreshing Poem That Celebrates All Things Summer
Enjoy a refreshing poem that reveals the prettiest side of summer.
You Are NOT a Visual Learner - Education Misconceptions
This video debunks one of the greatest misconceptions in the field of education.
Joke: Wedding Decisions
A bride and a groom are with a pastor finalizing details for their wedding day. The pastor asks them whether they want a traditional or contemporary wedding...
Feeling Anxious During Bedtime? This Guide Will Help
Felling anxious while going to bed? Listen to the tips shared by this therapist on how to train your brain to worry less.
This Rescue Video Will Have You at the Edge of Your Seat
Watch as this impressive wild leopard gets stuck in wire and eventually rescued by a professional team.
Embark on Your Journey of Self-Discovery With These Tips
This year, let’s take steps to identify and understand our inner selves a little better.
This Video Collection Summarizes the Entire Old Testament
If you want to gain a better understanding of the Old Testament, then you've got to watch these brilliant animated summaries.
Today's Joke: The Wrong Accessory (Rude)
It's amazing what the right purchase can do...
Native American Wisdom - 21 Powerful Proverbs & Quotes
The wisdom of Native American tribes is truly profound. Here are some of their most powerful quotes and proverbs.
A Thanksgiving Poem to Set the Family in the Right Mood
Welcome the Thanksgiving holiday spirits with this graceful poem by Edgar Allen Guest.
12 Principles For a Good Life By a Great Thinker...
Follow these 12 principles to live a good, healthy life.
Pet Tips: You Can Read Your Cat’s Mood Just By Its Tail!
There are many hidden messages in the movement of your cat's tail. Find out how to read it...
Test Yourself: Who Were Your Ancestors?
This quiz will let you know what kind of people your ancestors were, based entirely on your own memories...