These Gorgeous Churches Are a Sight For Any Eye...
Look at amazing churches from around the world photographed by the French photographer Thibaud Poirier.
Towering Architectural Marvels: World's Largest Churches!
Have you visited any of these massive churches?
Who Said God Is Not Funny? Hilarious Church Signs!
Although churches are houses of worship, that doesn't mean to say that they can't have a sense of humor! These amazing signs are evidence of that.
Joke: I Didn't Know That Divine Intervention Happens
When a tradesman named Jack begins to pain the inside of a church, he didn't know know that divine intervention would occur...
Joke: The Fancy New Confessional
Michael Murphy goes into the confessional box after years of being away from the Church.
Here’s a Place Where Trains Go Through Waterfalls
For all the lovers of travelling and beaches, this is one must-see destination that offers many beautiful sights and historical treasures.
Funny Joke: The Old Lady Has an Important Question...
This joke begins with a repenting old woman at a church...
Funny: A Rabbi and a Priest Decide to Buy a Car Together
A priest and a rabbi respectively run a church and a synagogue across the road from each other. As a result, they decide to buy a car to share between them.
This Fun Video Will Teach You All About the Reformation
Find out all about what happened during the Reformation in this light-hearted but well-researched video.
Hilarious: This Is How You Get Things Done With Officials
When this preacher comes across a jackass in his front yard, he immediately harbors suspicion about who he's related to...
Have You Heard This One? It's Only A Few Days, Love
The price for gaining admittance to this church is pretty steep - if you are quick to sin.
12 Gorgeous Churches That Reveal France's Beautiful Past
France's rich culture is not built on food, shopping or fashion, but centuries of Christian worship. These 12 magnificent churches remind us of France's gifts.
Hilarious: The Young Priest's Ideas Are a Bit Out There
A young priest is trying to help his bishop out with returning people back to the congregation. His ideas are good, apart from one, which is quite far out...
Who Said God Isn't Funny? These Church Signs are Hilarious!
6 of the Amazing Architectural Wonders of the Christian World
Mankind has built some of its most wonderful and spectacular buildings in the name of Christianity.
Joke: The Newlyweds and the Disappointed Priest
A young newlywed couple wanted to join a church. The pastor told them, "We have special requirements...
Joke: The Priests, the Car and the Warning
Five atheists are driving in a car when they pass a church. Two priests are tending the lawns outside the church.
Learn About 10 of the Most Interesting Popes in History
The papacy has been ongoing ever since the time of St. Peter, but some popes stand out as being more historically significant than others. Take a look.
These Majestic Churches are Some of the World’s OLDEST
There is something special about churches, especially ancient ones. Here are 9 of the oldest and most majestic churches around the world.
How Come the Very Existence of Sagrada Familia is ILLEGAL?
Did you know that Sagrada Familia, one of Barcelona's icons, is illegal and unfinished? Learn all about the landmark's chaotic yet fascinating history
The Haunting Beauty of Abandoned Churches in 13 Images
There is something captivating and beautiful in the decay of an abandoned churches, and this photo series captures it perfectly.
You Won’t Believe What These Old Buildings Once Were
Check out these cool pictures of some old buildings that have now been completely transformed.
Joke: The Secret to Having No Enemies
The preacher, in his Sunday sermon, used "Forgive Your Enemies" as his subject...
Gaudi: The Iconic Architect That Made Buildings Look Alive
Antoni Gaudi is the most famous Modernist architect. This is a story of his life and creative evolution.
An Ode to Notre Dame Cathedral: the Ageless Heart of Paris
Remembering the rich history of Notre Dame Cathedral
Amazing Church Signs That Deserve Our Praise!
These church signs are absolutely hilarious!
This Joke Starts With a Young Vicar Delivering a Sermon
A vicar is about to give his first sermon in his new church. The thing is that he's completely unsure of what to speak about on the big day...
This Joke Starts With a Minister Doing Something Different
A church minister decides to do something a little different during his sermon, so he starts spouting random words for his congregation to sing hymns to...
10 of the Most Interesting Popes in History
Go Round Back and Do It There, OK Honey? (Hilarious Joke)
When a little girl begins to feel ill in church, her mother instructs her to go around the back and be sick. The little girl seemingly has other ideas...
Is This the Most Beautiful Church In France? You Decide…
We have all heard of the famous Notre Dame Church in France, However, Leeser know Sainte-Chappelle is quite the competition for it....
This Joke Starts With a Woman Speaking to a Congregation
A woman takes the mic during Mass and begins to tell the congregation of her husband's terrible ailment. Not surprisingly, the congregation is horrified...
America's Funniest Church Signs to Brighten Your Day
Churches seem to have found that addressing dwindling congregations can be achieved with a great sense of humor. Here are 14 hysterically funny US church signs.
Joke: This Woman Won't Let Her Husband Sleep in Church!
This woman's husband won't stop sleeping during church, so the minister comes up with a genius idea to prevent it...
I Grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church: Here's My Story
Megan Phelps-Roper used to be part of America's most reviled group, the Westboro Baptist Church. In this talk she tells how she decided to leave them behind.
These Two Churches Are Among The World's Most Beautiful
The capital city of Ecuador, Quito, is home to two of the most ornately decorated churches in the world. Take a look at their spectacular interiors here.
The Quiet Blonde Has Something to Say to the Preacher
A preacher is responding to accusations that he's a member of a racist group, but apparently there's been a misunderstanding. Someone stands up to clarify...
This Choir's Rendition of Ave Maria Melted My Heart
Talent shows are not all about finding the next Britney and Whitney, they also showcase some amazing, music. Here, a girl's choir perform a heavenly Ave Maria.
This Joke Starts With a Church Pastor Making a Visit
A female church organist has remained remarkably innocent throughout her life and into her later years...
This Structure Made Entirely Out of Trees is Magnificent
This masterpiece is so beautiful, you will want to travel all the way to New Zealand to see it!
I've Never Seen a Bookshop Like This, How Beautiful!
This bookshop is quite unique...
The Inner Beauty of Italian Churches...
Italy has some of the most beautiful structures in the world, and no where is it more apparent than in its old and beautiful churches, who are a wonder to behold for people of all faiths and creeds. This photo series gives us an inside look on the ma
Living in the House of God...
We've heard of great houses being fixed up and sold for a better price, but a church? The owner of the church, Siamak Akhavan had the bright idea to convert his church into a pretty stellar home that overlooks the Mission Delores. The house is now fo