7 War Heroes That Were Actually Animals
Here is a look at the stories of some truly brave animal war heroes that left their indelible mark in the two world wars.
These At Home Checks Will Help Keep You Pet Healthy!
Anyone who raises a pet wants to keep it healthy, and these following home checks will help you do just that! Take a look.
Animals + Stuffed Animals = Adorable!
adorable photos of animals and their stuffed counterparts.
Health Guide: How to Preserve the Health of Your Eyes
A guide to understanding common eye problems people experience as they age and tips on how to protect your eyes.
Animal See, Animal Do!
Some animals have just been watching their owners for too darn long, and have learned how to pose, human style!
This Week in Health Tips
Your weekly dose of health tips, straight to your mailbox!
This Week in Health Tips!
Sometimes taking care of your health comes down to small everyday decisions. Discover some tricks to making your life healthier in this week’s health tips.
Summer is here and it’s time to be outdoors. Here are the best tips that make caring for your health easy, so that you can enjoy the summer as you’re meant to.
Your weekly dose of helpful tips that'll keep you healthy and happy for a long time.
Learn more ways to care about your health and well-being with these informative health tips.
Learn simple ways to take care of your body and wellbeing with the latest in health tips and suggestions.
Our health is our biggest treasure. Read this information and keep yourselves well.
A great variety of health tips to improve your overall well-being.
When it comes to your health, it's always important to keep up to date. Here are this week's best tips for keeping your health in tip-top condition.
Get some great health information in this week's tips!
The best health tips of the week to read and take to heart!
You can never be too healthy and these infographics point out just how easy it can be to make your life better and healthier.
This Week In Health Tips!
It's time to add to your general health knowledge with these great tips for good health knowledge.
There's always something more to learn about your health. These tips are both practical and informative.
Get your weekly dose of super-helpful health tips!
Your weekly dose of health tips - stay healthy, stay happy.
Your weekly does of helpful tips that'll keep you healthy!
These great health tips should add to your general health knowledge. Lets all be smarter about our well-being.
Find out the latest tips in health with easy to understand infographics and practical advice.
These beautiful infographics and handy tips make it so much easier to keep up with health trends and medical advice.
Keep that body going strong with these helpful health tips!
Those Funny Animals!
Of all the things on this earth, only animals can make us smile and laugh time after time. Our love for animals, laughing and our health are only intertwined. So laugh it up, it's good for you!
The Health Benefits of these Remedies Are Surprising
These well-known home remedies, can be used for some other surprising health benefits.
Animal Dreams: The Funny Ways Animals Sleep
In this humor-filled video, we're going to explore some animals with fascinating, silly and downright bizarre ways some animals go about the act of sleep.
The Eyes Are the Windows to Our... Health?
Dr. Neal Adams, an Ophthalmologist, will here explain how we can use our eyes as a barometer for good health and wellness.
A Visit to the Animal Kingdom: When Animals Hunt...
These incredible photographs capture predators in action during their wild lunch break.
A Few Tips For Better Health...
Stay healthy with some great daily tips for nutrition and home remedies.
Joke: The Mental Health Line
Hello, and welcome to the mental health hotline, this next message may sound hilarious...
Animals are Hilarious!
Some of the very best of hilarious and adorable animal photos!
Animals Adopting Other Animals - Sweet and Touching!
A charming video that will show you the best side of animals!
These Berries Are Hiding a Multitude of Health Benefits
Sea buckthorn is an often overlooked fruit, which is a real shame, as these little orange berries have so many incredible health benefits
This Animal Refuge is a Haven On Earth.
The Rocky Ridge Refuge is where animals of all kinds live together and get better together.
Cute Animal Collection: Click On An Animal to See a Video!
This interactive animal video collection is so much fun - just choose the animal and enjoy the cuteness!
Discover 8 Remarkable Health Benefits of Seaweed
Packed with plenty of health and weight-loss benefits, seaweed is increasing in popularity in kitchens around the world, and here's why...
Learning From Animals: The Animal Kingdom Parenting!
Do you listen to your gut when it comes to relationships and family? If you don't, you might want to start. Here's how...
These Sugar Substitutes That Are Harmful To Your Health!
We all want to avoid the harmful effects of sugar on our health, but in many cases, the effects of substitutes may be worse..
The Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Bone Broth
Learn about the health benefits of bone broth, how to prepare it at home, and use it in the foods you make.
4 Foods That Are the Worst Offenders For Your Gut Health
Some foods are worse than other for our digestive and gut health. These 4 types of food are the worst kind for your gut, here's why...
Collection: 19 Fruits and Their Health Benefits!
Before you is one of the best guides for the health benefits of fruit, with 19 different fruits and their health benefits.
Guide: The Remarkable Health Benefits of Berries
Berries are, more often than not, really healthy, being able to prevent and help with a variety of health concerns. This guide holds the health benefits of 8 different berries.
The Connection Between Sleep and Mental Health
This video aims to answer several burning questions regarding the connection between sleep and our mental health.
A Comprehensive Guide for Essential Health Foods!
Through this comprehensive guide, you'll be able to access full length descriptions of the benefits of 12 super-healthy foods. This is an amazing index to essential health foods!
Alkaline Water: Healthy or a Health FAD?
You may have already heard about the recent health trend calling you to drink alkaline water. But where is the scientific evidence?
Animal Emotions: Here’s Proof That Animals Have Feelings
Do animals feel empathy? This long-debated question has confused us for years. We finally have an answer.
Collection: The Health Benefits of Vegetables and Greens
Similarly to our post about the health benefits of fruit, we'd like to show the other side of the coin by discussing the healthiest vegetables
The SURPRISING Health Benefits of Chia Seeds
Here’s why you should add chia seeds to your daily diet.
What Are the Health Benefits of CBD Oil?
With more states legalizing marijuana, CBD oil is gaining popularity. But is it safe?
Knowing These Facts Is Good For Your Health!
Some fascinating facts that not only shed light of some of our body's mysteries but also have some good tips besides
Busting Some Mental Health Myths!
Any western doctor will tell you stress causes physical illnesses. Then why are there so many myths around mental health?
The Persimmon: 9 Terrific Health Benefits!
It turns out that persimmon - the orange and shiny fruit reminiscent of a tomato - contains a large number of vitamins and minerals. With so many health benefits that help our body, it's no wonder that persimmon a favorite fruit of many...
10 Incredible Health Benefits of Peaches!
Peaches are nature's chosen healthy snacks, thanks in part to the many health benefits they contain. You'll definitely want to include them in your diet plan after reading this article.
These Animals Are Hilarious!
We stumbled upon this collection of hilarious animal photos and just had to share it with you!
Test Yourself: Health Myth or Fact?
We all hear bits of health information, and although some are wrong, we tend to believe them. Can you bust the myths?
Here Are the Many Health Benefits of Blackberries
Get ready to learn about 8 of the most important health benefits that blackberries have to offer us.
QUIZ: What Was Good Health in 1917??
What was the health advice of the early 1900s like? Would you be considered healthy then?
Busted: the Reality of 5 Popular Health Supplements
Not all the famous health supplements these days are genuine. Know more about the reality of some popular weight loss supplements here.
Health Tips: Cold Weather and You
Here is a list of ways your body reacts with the cold weather, and a few tips on how to keep your immune system strong.
The Beautiful Animals of Winter...
Some animals look their loveliest in the white of winter...
These Health Mistakes Are Especially Dangerous to Seniors
Past the age of 40, we ought to avoid even those health mistakes we could previously get away with. Here 16 of the most common and dangerous ones
Hilarious Animal Bloopers!
A laugh-out-loud compilation of animals during their less than graceful moments!
12 Surprising Health Benefits of Butter
Most people try to stay away from eating butter as they believe it's no good for the waistline. However, when eaten in moderation, it has many health benefits.
The Health Effects Of This Tea Are Tremendously Underrated
This unsung hero is mostly purchased for its pleasant aroma and delicious taste, while its impressive health benefits usually go unnoticed.
Funny, Wacky Animals!
If you haven't seen something funny today, then it's time to enjoy these adorable animals that will definitely put a smile on your face!
The Funniest Animal Hovers!
Fantastic and amusing photos of animal caught mid hover, looking sometimes like magical beasts, and other times, like a furry rocket!
The Many Great Mental Health Benefits of Nature Therapy
Ecotherapy, also known as nature therapy, is a wonderful practice that helps promote mental healing. Let’s learn more about it.
The Animal Eye Challenge!
How much do you know about the animal kingdom? Could you recognize an animal just by its eyes? Come try our animal eye challenge, and guess the animals standing behind the following 25 pairs of eyes.
Vitamin K - Health Benefits, Sources & Signs of Deficiency
This underrated vitamin plays a crucial role in bone health, heart health, and wound healing.
Crack Open the Bubbly: The Health Benefits of Champagne
Studies have shown that sparkling wine and Champagne can actually offer you great health benefits when enjoyed in moderation. Read on to find out more.
The ABC of Animals...
do you know your ABCs? How about your animal ABCs?
HEARTWARMING: Animals Embracing Newfound Freedom
In this touching compilation video of animals tasting freedom for the first time wwill melt your heart.
The Japanese Secrets of Health
People in Japan live for over a decade longer than people in the US, and it all boils down to a few healthy habits...
The Surprising Health Benefits of a Glass of Beer
Did you know that drinking beer could actually be good for you? Now you have a legitimate excuse to go to the bar! Here are 10 Health Benefits of Beer.
Funny Animal Bloopers!
Just like humans, animals can have their funny, goofy moments too. Here are some of our favorites!
The Safari Animal Quiz
What do you know of this ancient animal kingdom?
SO CUTE! These Animated Animals Have Been Brought to Life
Malaysian artist Yee Chong digitally creates beautiful foxes and feline critters that are then placed in real-life positions!
Be Quiet, the Animals Are Studying...
We all know animals can be surprising intelligent, but what they never show you are the long nights and many hours they put into studying their respective roles...
The Physical and Mental Health Benefits of YOGA
We all know yoga is good for us, but how exactly can this ancient practice help you feel better both physically and mentally if you start now?
Special Animal Friendships!
There's always something positive to learn from animals, and this time it's about friendship and accepting the other. Remind all your friends you love them, different or not!
The Animal Encounter Guide: How to Survive Wild Animals!
In this informative guide for dealing with potentially dangerous animal encounters, you'll find some very helpful advice, that could one day save your life.
These Superfoods Come With a Variety of Health Benefits
From pumpkin to turmeric, learn the many health benefits of some "superfoods" that will help boost a balanced diet.
11 Health Benefits of the Glasswort Plant
In addition to reducing sodium intake, salicornia has several other health benefits that we think you should know about...
The Negative Health Effects of Holding a Grudge
Holding on to a grudge can negatively impact your mental and physical health.
Sweet Animal Photos!
Prepare yourself for some epic sweetness!
Improve Your Health with These Incredible Devices
These devices will track and monitor your health.
The Health and Mental Benefits of 'Slow Living'
In our fast-paced world, where constant connectivity and multitasking have become the norm, many are finding solace in the concept of slow living.
Extinct Animals: Clips of Animals You Will Never See Again
Several animal species have become extinct over the years. Here is a look at rare clips of 7 extinct animals that will never be seen again.
These "Animal Memes" Are Hilarious!
These animal jokes are gonna make you laugh!
Are These the Happiest Animals in the World?
These extremely happy animals will definitely bring a smile to your face.
5 Surprising Health Benefits of Being Stressed
Can stress have a positive effect on your body and mind? Discover the health benefits of stress here.
When Animals Prank: Funny Animal Attack Pranks!
This video is a collection of animal pranks by just for laughs.
Statistically, These Are the Deadliest Animals in the US!
The most dangerous animals in the United States are not what you'd think! Find out more here!
Meet the Cat Giving Mental Health Advice in These Comics
Check out these brilliant and wholesome watercolor comic strips where a wise cat is giving out useful mental health advice.
These Animals Think They Are Human…
Turns out animals and humans aren't all that different. Only when pets act like people, it's 100 times funnier!
The Sweet Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes don't just taste great in any meal, they are also one of nature's gifts to our health.