This Personals Ad Really Garnered Some Attention (Funny)
This personals ad garnered more attention than anyone ever imagined. But there was a reason behind it...
10 Jokes That Are So Bad, They're Actually Funny!
Sometimes jokes are so bad that they're actually funny. Here are 10 bad jokes that will make you chuckle!
This Joke Starts With Three Men Dying and Going to Heaven
When three guys die in an accident and go to Heaven, St. Peter is first to remark on the ugliness of one of their wives...
Cats Have An Innate Ability to Be Really Naughty..
If you have a cat, you know that they can be partial to behaving like jerks sometimes. This is especially true in the 19 hilarious photos you're about to see.
Crazy! What on Earth Were These Men Thinking?
If you were wondering why women tend to live a bit longer than men, then perhaps this collection of photos will make you understand a little better.
Hilarious: I'm Sure I Listed All My Dependents Correctly
A man re-receives his tax return form after filling in an overtly detailed answer in regard to the number of dependents he has. He's left wondering why...
This Joke Starts With a Bible Study Group Discussing Death
A Bible study group is discussing the possibility of imminent death. Everyone gives predictable answers, except for one man in the group that is...
I've Seen People Make Mistakes Before, But This Is Silly..
It's amazing how wrong certain things can go, and this is especially true in the photo series you're about to see. Here are 20 times when people "nailed it".
This Joke Starts At a Murder Trial In Oklahoma
A murder trial gets underway in Oklahoma, but it isn't long before things get weird. For one, there's no body, and the defense lawyer is rather creative...
FUNNY: What If the Buddha Was a Grumpy Jewish Man?
What would the Buddha say if he were Jewish? These quotes are hilarious!
Quirky Shop Signs That’ll Leave You Smiling
These shop signs prove that many shopkeepers still have a healthy sense of humor!
Watch Your Favorite Animal Videos in One Funny Compilation
From a horse doing yoga, to a dog singing, watch these hilarious pet videos.
Hilarious: Please Lord, Make Me Comfortable Here in Heaven
When a cat dies and goes to Heaven, it makes a special request to God for the hard life it had to endure on Earth. God is only too happy to oblige...
These Dumb Actions By People Will Leave You Aghast
Some people do things that simply leave you scratching your head - and make you laugh. Take a look at 22 pictures of the dumbest actions you'll ever see.
These Knock-Knock Jokes Will Have You Giggling
Do you enjoy a good knock-knock joke? If you do, then you'll totally enjoy this collection of 15 them.
This Joke Begins At a New York Contractor's Funeral
A Staten Island contractor went to meet his maker following a terrible freak accident. Luckily, he left his wife with a sizable inheritance...
This Lovely Lady Has a Message For the Manager (Hilarious)
A rather attractive woman leaves the ladies' room in a bar, and has a message for the manager. She turns her attentions to the barman to get it across...
Hilarious! 16 Photos of Cops Having a Good Time...
These 16 photos prove that police officers can have a cracking sense of humor!
Why Couples Can’t Stop Laughing at These Strips
Being coupled up can be a wonderful thing, but there's no denying that relationships have their ups and downs. Here are 12 funny cartoons about couples.
Hilarious: Sometimes the Classics are Best...
Here's a selection of 40 of the cheesiest pickup lines we've ever heard that are bound to make you cringe!
How a True Genius Responds to Annoying Neighbors...
Here are 15 hilarious examples of how neighbors attack each other in hilarious passive-aggressive ways!
Have a Laugh When You Read These 7 Dumb Jokes
Do you enjoy a good dumb joke? I sincerely hope that you do, because I've put an amazing collection of them together for you. Enjoy these 7 dumb jokes.
Watch What Happens When Simon's Cat Gets Stuck in a Tree
What happens when Simon's Cat gets stuck in a tree? Hilarious!
Hilarious: A Joyride Comes to a Premature End
Three men are out sampling a fast sports saloon that one of them owns when he gets it wrong and crashes. They soon find themselves in heaven...
This Joke Starts With Two Canaries Sharing a Cage
After many months in a cage together, a male and female canary finally get talking to each other. The male soon decides to make his move...
These CEOs Have An Argument Over Beer (Funny Joke)
At a brewing convention, the CEOs of all the big breweries are arguing about whose beer is best. It's the Irishman who has the last word, however...
21 Dog Pics That'll Make You Laugh Uncontrollably!
Here you’ll find a collection of hilarious and cute dog photos that’ll leave you grinning from ear to ear! Enjoy!
This Joke Starts With a Little Boy Pulling Faces At School
When a school teacher sees a student pulling faces in the school playground, she thinks on her feet to find the perfect thing to say...
Hilarious: Four Catholic Ladies Boast About Their Kids
Four Catholic women are together discussing how wonderful their sons are, but one of the women just had to have the last word...
Simon's Cat Is Celebrating 10 Years with a Purrthday Cake
In this 10 year anniversary episode, Simon's cat prepares a delicious purrthday cake.
Desmond and Kurt Are Approached By a Beggar (Funny)
When two college students happen upon a beggar, they decide against giving him money, but their reasoning might not be all that correct...
Hilarious: Stuff Like This Happens When He Comes to Town
A desert dweller comes to town to see his friend, and things immediately begin to start going wrong...
17 Unforgettable Oddities Found Only in Russia
17 hilarious photos you'd only expect to see in Russia.
Joke: Everything Seems to Be Going Wrong Today
When Joe and Bob are doing some work together, Bob notices how much Joe fusses over his wife. He asks him what's going on...
Hilarious: Now That's How You Could Tell How Old He Is...
When an archeologist discovers a mummy in the Negev Desert, he knows he's come across something that's really remarkable...
Time for a Laugh: Comedy in Chalk Form!
Hilarious chalkboard signs with funny messages have been as trend for many a year. Check out these hilarious ones!
Funny Joke: The Heavenly Man Test
The Day of Judgment came, and all the people in the world who were worthy reached heaven, where the heavenly angels divided them into men and women...
Hilarious: Will Ramsay Spill His Guts or Fill His Guts?
Watch James Corden and Gordon Ramsay take turns asking each other questions that are very hard to answer, or eat a disgusting food.
Cat Behavior Is Not Always Easy to Understand! Hilarious!
In this video, you will see cats trying to fit themselves into tight spaces.
This Actor Will Teach You Some Scottish Slang!
Actor Gerard Butler will teach you some hilarious Scottish slang.
This Joke Starts With News of a Divorce to the Kids
An elderly Miami man calls his kids with news of a divorce from their mother, but all isn't as it seems...
This Joke Starts With a Woman At the Pearly Gates
When a woman arrives at the Pearly Gates before she enters Heaven, St. Peter makes her undertake a challenge...
Hilarious: The Best of Little Johnny Jokes!
I'm always partial to a good Little Johnny joke, but when there's a collection of them in one place, you know there'll be people falling about laughing...
This Joke Starts With a Husband and Wife Getting Stuck
A husband and wife are traveling down a country lane when their car gets stuck in some mud. Luckily, a farmer shows up to give them a helping hand...
This Joke Starts With a Husband and Wife Going Fishing
There's a reason why men like to go pleasure fishing on their own...
This Joke Starts With a Rabbi, Priest and a Minister
A priest is out on a fishing boat when he needs to go to the bathroom. Immediately, he is joined by a minister, and both appear to walk on water...
Hilarious: This Man Has a Delivery For Nelson Mandela
When Nelson Mandela gets a knock on his door from an angry Chinese deliveryman, he doesn't quite know what to do about it...
These Fortune Cookies Will Make You Howl With Laughter
Here you’ll find a selection of some of the funniest messages to ever be found inside fortune cookies.
When Nature Calls, There's No Stopping It (Funny Joke)
Two women head out on a drunken night out. When they're one their way home, they just need to go, and end up in a darkened cemetery...
12 Jokes That Are So Silly, They're Actually Hilarious!
Some jokes are so dumb that they are actually hilarious and make you laugh out loud. Below is a selection of such jokes!
These Library Jokes Are Bound to Crack You Up!
When librarians decide to make us all laugh, they tend to do it in style!
Customers Like These Make Working in Retail a Living Hell!
Here are 15 of the most outrageous client stories ever told, and some of them are just bound to make you mad!
I Don't Think It's Safe For Him to Use That Thing (Joke)
A drunk man turns up at a fairground booth and attempts to win a prize. When he hits three bullseyes in a row, everyone is amazed...
These Hilarious Valentine's Day Cards are Brutally Honest
If you and your significant other are one of those couples that hate the idea of Valentine's day with a passion, then these cards are perfect for you!
Who On Earth Does He Think He Is? (Hilarious Joke)
Jim genuinely thinks he can get away with just about anything, and this includes lying in job interviews...
Mr. Bean Never Expected a Round of Golf Like That...
Mr Bean decides to treat himself to a round of crazy golf. He starts off with a fantastic hole in one, but things start to take a turn for the worse…
When Cats Attack, Absolutely Nothing is Safe!
These Photos are filled with cats going into attack mode and assaulting everything from their devoted owners to innocent cardboard boxes, blankets, and shoes.
Simon's Cat Won't Let His Owner Get Any Housework Done
In this episode of Simon's Cat, how can Simon get any housework done?
Who Knew That Coffee Could Cause Arguments? (Funny Joke)
A husband and wife are having an argument over who should brew the coffee. Little does the husband know that his wife already has the argument won...
Hilarious: He Turns Up At the ER In An Odd Predicament
When a hunter arrives at the ER with a bear trap attached to his testicles, the story as to how it happened is bound to be weird...
Sometimes, An Age Gap Can Really Make Things Weird (Joke)
An elderly man and a young woman get chatting at a bar and it isn't long before things get heated. The bedroom action, however, leaves a lot to be desired...
These Witty Photos Will Make Your Day Funnier
From a deer being interviewed to a waterproof laptop, this list has got it all!
Had a Bad Day? It Can Always Be Worse!
Forget about the bad day you think you're having - these poor folks got themselves into some serious fixes. Take a look at these hilarious photos.
This Joke Starts With a Lawyer Reading a Rich Man's Will
A family is at the lawyer's office for the reading of the will of its deceased patriarch. Cousin Dan is also along for the reading, but he isn't well-liked...
Hilarious: Excuse Me, Can I Borrow Your Blanket Please?
A man and a woman are both in a sleeping carriage on a train, but the man is feeling cold and decides to ask for a blanket. He isn't prepared for the response..
Sometimes, a Prostitute Just Won't Do (Hilarious Joke)
Two old men decide to get some action by visiting a cat-house, but the madam soon determines that her girls will be wasting their time on them...
Two Farm Boys Give Some "Assistance" to a Woman (Funny)
When a woman's car breaks down in the countryside, she begins walking down the road to a farmhouse to ask for assistance. She soon meets two farmers...
If You Love Comedy & Magic, Then You're in for a Treat!
If you love both comedy and magic, then we've got one heck of a treat in store for you! Here's one of Akira Kimura's finest live performances.
Hilarious: Which Beverage Would You Like to Land in, Sir?
When three men happen across a magician in the desert, he tells them that they can go down the slide and land in a beverage of their choice...
Why On Earth Would Anyone Think This is a Good Idea...
People will always try to find a quick fix or a cheap solution to a problem, and these photos show this in earnest. Have a laugh at these ridiculous botch jobs.
This Joke Starts With a Psychology Teacher Giving a Class
A psychology professor starts his first class by asking his students about whether they think they're morons. Little did he know he has a smart-ass present...
SHOCKING: This Family Got the Weirdest Photos...
We all know a picture is worth a thousand words, but a hilariously bad family photoshoot has earned over 377,000 and 360,000 likes on Facebook. Check them out!
Hilarious! When Pets Are Left Alone with Kids
This hilarious collection of kids with their pets show what they get up to.
Three Sly Phone Scams That Could Cost You Big Time...
Phone scams are nothing new, but the way they are being executed now could catch you out when you least expect it. Here's what to look out for!
Hilarious: Barman, Why's That Meat Hanging Up There?
A man walks into a bar and wonders why on earth there are two pieces of meat hanging from the ceiling. He promptly asks the barman why they're there...
Simon's Cat Caught Stealing Food in this Video Collection
Watch a collection of videos of Simon's Cat stealing food.
These Naughty Dog Pictures are Incredibly Funny
Dogs are a great source of joy for many, but they can also be extremely naughty. Nevertheless, we always forgive them for their silliness. View these photos.
Two Woodpeckers Have a Chat (Hilarious Joke)
When two woodpeckers, one from California and another from Hawaii meet up and have a chat, the conversation soon turns to wood-pecking...
These Funny Kitchen Fails Will Give You a Good Old Chuckle
Sometimes, cooking isn't as easy as a recipe makes it look. These hilarious kitchen fails can attest for that!
These Funny Signs Excel At Stating the Obvious...
Some signs that you come across in life literally leave you scratching your head. Their messages are so obvious that they beggar belief. Take a look.
Funny Collection: 100 Jokes For Kids!
This Joke Starts With a Lawyer Impressing a Client
When a hotshot Jamaican lawyer tries to make a big impression on who he thinks is his first client, things soon start to go awry...
Don’t Mess With Women: A Hilarious Collection of Jokes
Why is there nothing more frightening than a woman's revenge? The next funny joke collection will teach you exactly why.
Lovemaking is Different Across Nations (Hilarious Joke)
An Italian, a Frenchman and an Englishman are discussing their previous night's lovemaking in a bar. As it turns out, it's different in each country...
Have You Seen These Hilarious Sibling Rivalry Pics Before?
When brothers and sisters get into a fight, it can result in some really funny situations. These 22 photos will have you in utter stitches.
How Did These Animals Get Into These Silly Situations?
We're not quite sure how these animals made it into these sticky situations, but we're certain that they'll make you laugh out loud!
These Images of Pets Returning from the Vet Are Hilarious!
Here is a collection of funny images of pets that have just returned from the vet, and their expressions say it all!
Mr. Bean Wants a Picture with One of the Queen's Guard...
Mr. Bean is in London and decides that he'd like a picture with one of the Queen's guards, but he just can't manage to get the composition right...
Fun-Loving Grandparents: These Photos Will Make Your Day!
To help crush the negative stereotypes that sometimes surround the elderly, here are 20 fantastic photos of grandparents acting absolutely hilariously!
Two Nerds Meet On Campus (Hilarious Joke)
When a nerdy student meets a fellow nerdy student on campus, he notices that he's turned up on a shiny new racing bike. He soon becomes curious...
Hilarious: Nah Son, We Shouldn't Eat That One
Father and son cannibals are traveling through the jungle when they find something (someone) to eat. They soon hatch a plan...
In Need of a Good Laugh? Check Out These Signs
Some shopkeepers have a hilarious sense of humor. Read these funny signs here!
Sometimes Lame Jokes Are Actually Quite Hilarious...
Sometimes what seems like a bad joke can actually be pretty hilarious in the right context, and here are 95 of such lame jokes.
If You Love Simon's Cat, Then You've Got to See This Video
If you love Simon's Cat, then here's your chance to learn more about some of the characters featured on this cute show.
Hilarious: Sir, Can You Stay in Your Allocated Seat?
When a theater usher finds an unruly cowboy sprawled across three seats, he has to intervene. Things soon get messy.. .
Classic Comedy: Laurel & Hardy Try to Impress Some Girls
In this hilarious classic sketch, Laurel and Hardy are sailors who are out looking for a good time, but as usual, things don't go exactly as planned.
Joke: What Would King Solomon Do With Two Angry Mothers?
A handsome young man during the reign of Solomon spread false promises to women throughout the kingdom...
Hilarious: If I Only Knew the Truth of the Matter Sooner...
When a married couple make it to the Pearly Gates of Heaven after dying in a car crash, they meet St. Peter who tells them that everything is free...
This 'Man Song' is a Complete Hoot!
Watch the legendary Milton singing 'The Man Song' by Sean Morey in this hilarious video.
Simon's Cat Leaves His Owner Out in the Cold!
Watch this latest Christmas Special episode of Simon's Cat.