Hilarious Sketch! This Bartender Is Far Too Understanding
Prepare to laugh your head off as a drunk man relates all of his marital problems to a ridiculously understanding bartender...
This Joke Starts With a Blonde Being Asked to Climb a Pole
A blonde is out and about when a group of men ask her to climb a pole. It doesn't take long for her to oblige...
This Joke Starts With a Worried Man at His Annual Physical
An old man who's having memory problems visits his doctor for his annual physical. The doctor quickly comes up with a solution for his forgetfulness...
This Alcoholic Clown Prank Is Ridiculously Amusing!
If you're not a big fan of clowns, then this hilarious prank isn't going to do you any favors...
Genie, I Want Beer Now That I've Found You (Funny Joke)
A blonde redneck guy finds a lamp. He rubs it, and a genie emerges. His thoughts immediately turn to beer...
These Pets Are Plotting Their Great Escape!
Hilarious! Watch these pets trying to escape from their confined spaces.
Sit Down, Grab Some Popcorn... and Laugh at These Photos!
Grab some popcorn and prepare to laugh out loud at these hilarious photos.
These Punny Opposites Are Absolutely Hilarious!
If silly puns are your cup of tea, then we've got one heck of a treat in store for you!
Men Have the Oddest Way of Going About Things Sometimes...
Men really do some odd things, to the point where some are led to believe that they actually come from another planet! Take a look at these hilarious photos.
Hilarious: It Can Be Difficult Getting a Straight Answer...
A woman is in front of a judge giving answers about her pending divorce, but she seems to have trouble giving a straight answer...
This Joke Starts With a Pious Woman Going to Confession
A religious woman goes to confession after a night of intense lovemaking with her boyfriend. The priest's reaction is a rather unusual one...
What On Earth Were People Thinking When They Did This???
People can get things horribly wrong even when they only have one job. These 27 "you had one job" fails are utterly hilarious.
These Grandparents Prove That Age is Just a Number
These 11 grandparents show us how cool aging can be.
Hilarious: These 20 Comic Strips Will Make You Chuckle
These comic strips created by Andres Colmenares also known as Wawawiwa comics, are too awesome to describe! Click here to check them out!
Hilarious: The Whole of Broomtown Was Ready...
In Broomtown, there are two brooms that are deeply in love. In fact, the whole town is rooting for them to get married...
These Ideas People Had Are Way to Crazy to Believe!
It's hard to believe what lengths some people go to after an idea pops up in their heads. Take a look at these hilarious images.
This Joke Starts With an American Man Buying a Pig
An American man decides to stop off at a farm in the Deep South in order to buy a pig. Things soon start to get weird...
30 Hilarious Babies Who Look More Like Seniors!
Newborns are adorable... but these babies look a lot older than their actual age.
Hilarious: There's Something Missing From My Suit, Tailor
A young banker goes to a tailor to get measured for a new suit. When it's ready, he soon realizes that there's something wrong with it...
Hilarious: What On Earth Has Gotten Into the Minister?
A minister gives a talk to the Lions Club on sex, but things quickly start to unravel...
This Joke Starts With a Black-eyed Guy Boarding a Plane
Two men sit next to each other on a flight. They both notice that they have black eyes, and the conversation immediately turns to that...
Serious Signs + Humor = Pure Entertainment
Check out this collection of 15 petty notices along with their extremely hilarious responses!
This Joke Starts With Two Men Going On a Camping Trip
Two men go camping in the woods and promise to do it again 20 years after. They come across a beautiful fishing brook...
These Grammar Jokes Are a Silly & Funny Play On Words!
If you're one to titter at a good grammar joke, then you'll absolutely love the 14 that you can find in this post.
This Joke Starts With a Husband and Wife Talking in Bed
A husband and wife are having a discussion in bed, but it isn't quite about what it seems at first...
13 Hilarious Cake Fails to Make You Howl With Laughter
These cake decorating fails leave a lot to be desired - for their recipients! For the rest of us, they're hilarious!
The Simon's Cat Guide of What Will Make Your Cat Happy
Watch the Simon's Cat guide on what makes for a happy cat.
20 Missteps in Translation That’ll Leave You Laughing
Check out these 20 outrageously terrible translations that will make you laugh your head off!
These Animal Jokes Will Make You Howl With Laughter
These animal jokes will undoubtedly have you falling about laughing. Don't forget to share them with family and friends!
Hilarious: The Funniest Restaurant Names!
These restaurants will grab you attention for all the wrong reasons! We can't stop laughing!
Can You Guess the End of this Bizarre Story? Bet You Can't!
Read through this hilarious story of an unusual security manager.
These Comic Strips Will Make You Both Laugh and Think
Prepare to be taken on a hilarious yet emotional journey thanks to these fabulous comic strips.
Here's One Prank That's a Woman's Worst Nightmare!
Watch in horror as the Just For Laughs team pretends to rip a woman's nail off during a fake manicure session!
How Much is My Bill Again!? (Hilarious Joke)
A woman takes her motionless dog to the vet, only for him to confirm that he is in fact dead. He employs a special method just to make sure...
Sometimes, It's the Stupidest Jokes That Are the Funniest!
A joke can be so stupid that you just burst into fits of laughter as soon as you hear it. Here are 16 jokes that are so stupid, they're just funny.
Innovation or Insanity? 15 Bizarre Concepts
People leave you wondering where on Earth they got a certain idea that they had. These 16 photos really need to be seen to be believed.
What On Earth Is Going On In These Pictures?!
Do you know what on Earth is going on in these pictures? Because I have absolutely no idea! Here are 20 odd pictures to leave you scratching your head.
This Joke Starts With Two Men Playing a Quick 18 Holes
Two men are attempting to get in a quick round of golf when they are held up by two women. One of the men decides to give them the hurry-along...
This Hilarious Prank Has a Surprising Twist at the End...
Watch in horror as one twisted prankster terrorizes unsuspecting victims at the lake by chasing after them with a remote-controlled alligator head.
This Joke Starts With a Race of Christian Aliens...
A group of benevolent aliens lands on Earth, and all major world leaders, including the Pope, wish to speak with them. The conversation turns to Jesus...
Discover the Hilarious Adventures of a Baby and His Dog
Boy and Dog was created by Nate Anderson after his wife gave birth to their son Rowan. Take a look at the hilarious adventures of Boy and Dog.
This Prank Is Every Ice Cream Lover's Dream Come True!
If you're a huge fan of ice cream, then you're gonna wish that the Just For Laughs team pulled this prank on you!
Hilarious! Mr Bean Wreaks Havoc at the School Open Day
Whether he's in the art gallery, at a calligraphy demonstration, or even in the science lab, nobody is safe when Mr. Bean is around!
This Joke Starts With a Blonde Crashing Her Car Badly
A blonde totals her car when a police officer arrives on the scene. She promptly begins to explain what happened to him.
Russia Can Be One Heck of an Odd Place...
Russia is home to plenty of bizarre sights that will leave you utterly baffled! Here, you'll find 15 of such sights.
These 'Genius' Repairs Will Make You Laugh Out Loud!
These photos prove that being an amateur engineer for a day may not work out as well as you'd like!
This Trio of Mother-in-law Jokes Will Have You In Stitches
Who doesn't love a good mother-in-law joke? We certainly do here at BabaMail. That's why we've put a trio of hysterically funny jokes together for you.
This Hilarious Sign is Gaining Notoriety Around the World...
The Indian Hills Community Center sign in Colorado, USA, has gained a worldwide following thanks to the hilarious puns it displays. Here are 30 of them.
Has Simon's Cat Finally Met His Match?
What happens when Simon's cat steps into another's territory?
This Joke Starts With a Chinese Doctor Opening a Clinic
A Chinese doctor has a little difficulty opening a clinic in the US, so he takes matters into his own hands. He comes up with a rather novel business model...
These Must Be Some of the Most Dangerous Drivers Ever!
There is a minority of drivers that really couldn't care less about the rules of the road, and here are 20 of them that were caught on camera!
These Bees Cannot Make Their Honey (Hilarious Joke)
A bee complains to another bee that it can't seem to be able to find any pollen. The other bee seems to have the perfect solution to the problem...
Hilarious: The Home Improvement Horror Show
We all need to do a quick repair when we're on a budget sometimes, but these are just ridiculous! Here are 25 of the sloppiest repairs you'll ever see.
Have You Seen the Delicious Garbage Water Prank Yet?
Get ready to watch one really gross prank, which involves a waitress, a number of restaurant diners, and one clumsy garbageman.
Need a Solution to a Problem? Let These People Inspire You
Hilarious! There is nothing a person can't do on their own if they put their mind to it...
Tiny Comedians: The Hilarious Things Kids Say!
Much to the confusion and surprise of their parents, kids can sometimes blurt out the darndest things! Here are 15 of the most hilarious things kids uttered.
This Is What Happens When Dogs Head to the Beach...
This is what a typical day at the beach with pets is like... hilarious!
Hilarious: When Granny Gets Creative
Meet Kimiko Nishimoto, a little old lady from Japan who is making the world laugh with her insanely hilarious photos!
You Won't Believe What This Little Old Lady Gets Up To...
This hilarious prank involves a sweet old lady pretending to deal drugs in large quantities in a public park...
Funny: A Rabbi and a Priest Decide to Buy a Car Together
A priest and a rabbi respectively run a church and a synagogue across the road from each other. As a result, they decide to buy a car to share between them.
This Is One of the Most Shocking Pranks I've Ever Seen...
Watch in horror as three young girls convince some passers-by to get them a bottle of water, which actually turns out to be tequila! What an epic prank!
This Joke Starts With an Old Pastor Looking For His Collar
A pastor is looking for his collar in his closest when he comes across a box that he had never seen in there before...
My Office Looks Just the Same... Oh Wait (Hilarious Joke)
An old college professor goes back to his former campus and finds his office. He promptly knocks on the door...
These Driving Fails Will Have You in Fits
It's a wonder how these folks ever got their driving licenses, such is the ridiculousness of their actions. Here are 25 utterly hilarious driving fails.
Hilarious: Let Me Try and Use This Password
A woman is helping her husband to set up his new laptop. He decides to enter a new password, but the laptop doesn't seem to be interested...
These Dry-humored Comic Strips Are Utterly Brilliant
If you've never seen Pie Comic by John McNamee before, then you need to take a look at this post. His comic strips are hilarious!
Joke: Man Goes to a Psychiatrist About a Bossy Wife
A man visits a psychiatrist due to his bossy wife. The psychiatrist promptly tells him not to allow her to do so. He heads home with a new attitude.
What On Earth Were These Folks Thinking!? Very Silly Fails
What on earth were they thinking!? You really have to see these silly fails in order to believe them.
This Joke Starts With a Woman Being Offered Some Wine
A man notices a woman sitting alone at a table in his favorite restaurant. He decides to send her a bottle of expensive Merlot...
It Looks Like the Camel's Gone and Humped Itself (Joke)
A nun and priest are traveling through the desert when their camel decides to die on them. The conversation soon turns elsewhere...
This Joke Starts With a Search For a Cannibalistic Tribe
A magazine reporter heads into the rainforest in search of a cannibalistic tribe. He'd soon find himself in hot water...
20 Savage "Burns" That Will Live on Forever...
Can you think of anything better in this world than a fantastic inspired insult? Here are 20 of our favorite crushing zingers.
Hilarious: These Cheesy Puns Will Make You Giggle!
These cheesy puns will have your family and friends cringing first, and tittering with laughter second. Enjoy there 20 cheesy puns that are made to share.
Hilarious: You Really Play a Good Golf Game, Old Man
Three men are out playing golf when miracles appear to happen...
When Cats Chase Their Tails, This Is the Hilarious Result
Dogs aren't the only ones who chase their tails. Cats do so too and it's hilarious!
Hilarious & Shocking Photos Show Us Why Women Live Longer
Women usually live longer than men and the following photographs show exactly why! Take a look!
This Joke Starts With Three Women Escaping From Jail
Three women make a daring escape from jail, but one of them soon makes a fatal flaw...
This Joke Starts With An Adventure On Safari
A man goes on safari with his wife and his mother-in-law when they get into a spot of bother with one of the native animals...
These Tweets About Parenting Will Make You Laugh Out Loud!
We all know that kids say the funniest of things, but what about parents? Well, as the Tweets in this video prove, they say some pretty funny things too.
This Is Why Safety At Work Should Always Come First!
We’ve all had bad days at work, but these unfortunate guys really take it to the next level. Take a look!
These Vintage Cartoons Will Make You Scream With Laughter!
If you're looking for a good laugh, then these snarky vintage illustrations by artist Anne Taitor have certainly got your covered!
These Truly Outrageous Sights Can Only be Found in Russia!
If you're a huge fan of all things weird and wonderful, then there's no better place for you to visit than Russia. Here's why...
Hilarious: These Hilarious Repairs Will Really Crack You Up!
Here are 14 hilarious repair fails that are bound to give you a good laugh!
These Funny Photo Illusions Are Just Too Weird for Words!
The collection of illusions that you're about to see will leave you both baffled and amused. Enjoy!
Hilarious! Here Are 15 Animals Having a Really Bad Day...
Humans aren't the only ones who can have a really bad day every once in a while, and these 15 hilarious photos prove it!
Hilarious! These Kids REALLY Hate Shopping!
While loads of teenagers and adults simply love to shop till they drop, the same can't really be said for most kids, as these hilarious photos prove!
Grandpa's Advice is Always the Best (Hilarious Joke)
It's really sad when a family member passes on to the next life, but there's a piece of them that will always stay with us....
Joke: I'm Sure That This is the World's Best Invention
A soldier, sailor and an airman are discussing what they think is the best invention in the world. One of them mentions a thermos...
I Promise It'll Be Yours One Day, Honey (Hilarious Joke)
A husband and wife are walking down the street when the wife spots a diamond necklace in a jewelry store window. Sadly, he doesn't have the cash to buy it...
This Joke Starts With a Girl About to Jump Off a Bridge
A biker spots a damsel in distress - she's about to throw herself off a bridge. he soon talks here into giving him a kiss...
Simon Just Wants to Watch Soccer... As For His Cat?
Simon wants to watch the World Cup 2018, but his cat has other plans.
Just for Laughs! These Arrow Pranks Are Hilarious!
Watch this hilarious compilation of arrow pranks by Just for Laughs.
Have You Ever Wondered What Animals Look Like Pregnant?
These animals really don't look too pleased with the current state that they're in! Here's what 22 animals look like just before they give birth.
This Classic Monty Python Sketch Will Make You Chuckle
Have you heard the funniest joke in the world? In this hilarious skit, this joke is so funny, it is lethal.
This Joke Starts With a Guy Laying Half Dead In a Ward
A patient is seriously ill in a hospital bed when it becomes apparent that his meds haven't been administered properly. Things go further downhill...
Joke: In Life, They Say That What Goes Up Must Come Down
A man goes skydiving for the first time, but things begin to go awry as soon as he leaves the plane. Something even more surprising happens...
Hilarious: Who Would Have Thought She Donated So Much?
A pastor pleads to his congregation to be generous with donations that day. He soon notices a $1000 bill on one of the offering plates...
Dogs' Hilarious Regrets: 15 Funny Moments
Dogs don't have the ability to understand that their actions have consequences. This often leads to hilarious results such as these.
HILARIOUS: 14 Cat Comics That'll Make You Laugh Out Loud!
This hilarious cat comics, drawn by Scott Metzger, perfectly capture the nature of cats.
This Joke Starts With a Man Driving Through West Texas
When a man breaks down while driving through west Texas, a horse appears to be give him instructions on what he has to do to fix his car...