This Joke Starts With a Boy Wandering In a Hotel
A boy wanders into a dark hotel room, only to find a couple having intercourse inside. Here's what happened next...
Moms and Dads are So Different, as These Funny Pics Prove...
There's no doubting that moms and dads are different, and these hilarious pictures definitely back up that notion. Here are 15 differences between Mom and Dad.
This Captain Found a Creative Way to Calm His Passengers...
During a routine flight leaving JFK, a loud explosion suddenly caused panic on the plane that the captain tried to calm...
This Joke Starts With an Elderly Couple At a Travel Agency
Two elderly people are spotted by a travel agent at his agency's window. He promptly invites them in and discusses sending them on a dream vacation...
This Joke Starts With a Man On His Deathbed
A man lies on his deathbed, surrounded by his wife and four children. Three are tall and athletic, but the fourth... isn't. He asks his wife about them...
Two Southern Belles Talk On a Porch (Hilarious Joke)
Two southern belles are sitting on the front porch of a mansion. One of them decides to start bragging about her life...
This Cartoonist Had No Idea About the Cat He Was Rescuing
When cartoonist Lucas Turnbloom rescued a cat, little did he know of the shenanigans she'd get up to. Take a look at the hilariously adorable "How to Cat"!
Hilarious: How Are You Doing, My Old Friend?
A guy runs into an old school friend on the street. The friend immediately begins talking about his financial troubles...
This Joke Starts With Door-to-door Research Being Done
A man is doing door-to-door research on behalf of a petroleum jelly manufacturer when he a very beautiful housewife opens up her front door for him...
This Naughty Policeman Prank Is Utterly Hysterical!
This hilarious prank involves a naughty policeman, his enraged wife and a few innocent bystanders. What's for certain is that it's downright hysterical!
This Joke Starts With a Middle-aged Lady Going to Hospital
A woman suffers a heart attack and ends up in hospital. She has a near-death experience, but awakens. She decides to get some work done...
This Joke Starts With a New Priest Getting Advice
A newly-ordained priest is about to begin hearing confessions from the faithful, but he's nervous about how to go about it. He asks an older priest...
Funny: Congressman, What Must We Do About That Scrapyard?
Congressmen are having a hearing pertaining to a scrapyard that the government owns in the middle of the desert...
I Can't Stop Laughing at These Funny Husbands
Check out these 12 examples of husbands and boyfriends being absolutely hilarious.
Hilarious: I Don't Have Money to Pay My Medical Bill
When a man suffers a heart attack and wakes up in a Catholic hospital, the questioning by the nun looking after him soon turns to his medical bills...
Hilarious: You're Going to the Brig For This, Sailor
A merchant captain vomits on himself as he returns to his ship after a heavy night ashore. He soon figures out who to blame for the mess that he made...
Hilarious: These Inventors Thought Outside the Box!
These creators came up with some pretty hilarious inventions.
Hilarious Prank: A Little Girl Is Forced to Do the Splits
Check out Just For Laugh's latest hilarious prank in full here...
HIALRIOUS: But Why????
Discover a collection of 35 different 'Why' jokes that are bound to make people of all ages giggle.
Hilarious: 3 Russian Prisoners Confess Their Crimes...
This joke is about Russian prisoners in the age of the cold war.
Have You Heard This One? The Farmer Being Grilled!
This joke is about an investigator investigating a rancher about how much he pays employees.
This Prank Compilation is All You'll Need to Smile Today
Just for laughs gives us a great compilation video of elevator pranks.
This Joke Starts With Two Elderly People In a Trailer Park
Two elderly people sharing a trailer home decide that it's time to get married...
These Funny Internet Fails Just Seem to Keep On Coming!
The internet is awash with fails, but the 20 you're about to see are more equal than others. Here are 20 hilarious fail pictures.
This Joke Starts With 3 Swimmers About to Race
Three Paralympian swimmers go head-to-head in a race to the finish. A swimming cap proves too much to handle for one of the competitors...
Hilarious: Hey Manager, Can I Please Have a Job?
Three unemployed factory workers apply for a job. The manager soon makes up his mind on where to place all three of them.
Cats Vs Dogs: Who's in Charge? Adorable and Hilarious!
When it comes to cats vs dogs, who's the boss? Hilarious!
Forgive Me Father, For I Have Sinned (Hilarious Joke)
An Amsterdam man goes to confession because he has something on his mind. He soon begins to talk of his sins to the priest...
Hilarious Tweets: Some of the Funniest Tweets of the Decade!
Twitter can truly hilarious to use thanks to the contribution of some of its more prominent users. Here are 18 hilarious Tweets with unexpected ends.
Hilarious! This Cop Has Got His Eye on Other People's Food!
In this episode of Just For Laughs Gags, a cop stops strangers for food.
This Joke Starts With a College Student Writing to His Dad
A college student writes home to ask for money from his dad. Little did he know that his dad would have a rather curt reply...
This Joke Starts With a Christian Lady On a Business Trip
A Christian business lady is asked why she always carries her Bible with her. She begins to respond...
This Joke Starts With a Man Spitting & Cussing On a Corner
A man hitches a ride with someone unknown to him, and the driver soon begins to display his crazy driving skills. He drops him off...
This Just Has to Be the Funniest Grandma On Twitter
No-one knows if Myrna Tellingheusen is a fictional creation or a real person, but nevertheless, it's one of the funniest accounts on Twitter. Take a look.
Would You Dare to Wear Something Like This on Halloween?
It's that time of year again when everyone is looking to come up with the creepiest costume of all. Here are 15 of the best Halloween costumes that daring couples have pulled off.
This Joke Starts With Two Dogs Mating in Someone's Yard
Two guys are riding in a car when their conversation turns to their respective sex lives. One proposes alcohol as a method of getting more action...
Construction Fails Around the House Are Just Hilarious
It seems like no-one is hiring builders and handymen these days, and this is evidenced by photos such as these! Here are 15 of the latest construction fails.
This Joke Starts With a Man Finding Prowlers In His Shed
A man discovers prowlers in his barn, so he promptly calls 911. There are no police cars are available, so he takes matters into his own hands...
Kitten vs Snake! Who Will Win in This Simon's Cat Episode
Watch this Halloween Special of Simon's Cat in the Kitten vs Snake episode.
This Joke Starts With a Young Vicar Delivering a Sermon
A vicar is about to give his first sermon in his new church. The thing is that he's completely unsure of what to speak about on the big day...
This Joke Starts With an Old Couple Sitting on Their Porch
An elderly couple are sitting on their porch after 50 years of marriage. The wife promptly whacks the husband across the head...
This Joke Starts With a Man Being Rushed to Hospital
Mr. Steinberg is rushed to hospital having suffered a heart attack. His wife wants a doctor's note for her to sleep with him after surgery...
Hilarious! The Most Generous Wishing Well on Earth...
The Just For Laughs gang are at it again with their hilarious wishing well prank! Watch it here.
Laughter in the ER: Humor Heals Too!
These hospital photos are bound to make you scream with laughter!
Pets That Never Fail to Make Us Laugh & Brighten Our Day
Pets always have a way of making us laugh. Take a look at this hilarious clip that will surely brighten your day.
These Hilarious Photos Perfectly Sum Up Married Life
here are some of the most stereotypical and over the top internet's funny jokes about married life. Enjoy these hilarious marriage memes.
Hilarious: My Car Really Attracts a Lot of Attention
A husband and wife are heading to California in a Cadillac when they decide to pull into a gas station in order to get fuel...
These Funny Photos Show People's Relationship With Food!
There's no doubting that everyone's relationship with food is different, and this leads to people creating hilarious memes related to it! Take a look.
This Joke Starts With an Elderly Couple Lying in Bed
An old couple is in bed and the wife is feeling frisky. She begins to mention how things were between her and her husband in old times...
This Joke Starts With a 6th Grade Human Anatomy Lesson
A teacher is asking her sixth-graders about the part of the human anatomy that enlarges itself by 10 times when stimulated. Little Mary chimes in...
Funny: I'm Gonna Ask This Hooker How Many Knots I'm Doing
A retired sailor picks up a prostitute at the docks. They take off to do their business. He asks her how he's doing...
8 Funny "Drills" to Do Before Deciding to Have Children
If you aren't able to perform these 8 exercises successfully, you probably aren't ready to have kids...
The People Behind These Funny Fails Are Beyond Reproach!
Some people simply should not be entrusted with construction or any kind of DIY work. The 15 photos you're about to see will show you exactly why!
These Hilarious Pictures Will Have You Laughing Out Loud!
These photos will have you laughing out loud.
Joke: Wife Goes to the Cops to Report Her Missing Husband
A woman goes to the police to submit a missing person's report. The only problem is that her description of him isn't entirely accurate...
This Gag is Both Scary and Really Funny!
This doctor isn't very good with his hands...
People Will Think You're Smart If You Tell These Jokes!
They may be a little cheesy, but these jokes are certainly rather clever. Here are 15 rather clever jokes that can make you smart.
Oh You Jokesters: This Gag is a Wild One!
This horrifying doctor keeps losing limbs in this hilarious joke.
This Joke Starts With a Man Working Late
A businessman works late to be with his young secretary, but eventually makes his way home. He begins to think up his excuses...
This Joke Starts With a Minister Doing Something Different
A church minister decides to do something a little different during his sermon, so he starts spouting random words for his congregation to sing hymns to...
Totally Useless Signs That’ll Crack You Up
Here are 12 photos that really capture the silly side of humanity!
The Language Barrier Might Prove Difficult Here (Funny)
A man enters a store in China to buy gifts for his kids. He eyes a CD player, but can't be sure of its quality thanks to the language barrier...
HILARIOUS: What Would You Do If You Saw This Happening?
What would you do if you saw a scene like this? It's hilarious to see how the people in this video react to what they see going on in front of them!
Why Has It Gone Hard? (Hilarious Joke)
Two boys are playing by a stream when they see a naked woman. One of the boys quickly runs off.
Joke: The Bartender and the Flirty Woman
A rather attractive woman goes up to the bar in a quiet rural pub. She gestures alluringly to the barman who comes over immediately.
This Joke Starts With a Blonde Wanting to Earn Extra Money
A blonde is looking around the neighborhood to see what she could do to make money. She decides to take up porch-painting.
This Priest Makes Beautiful Miniature Palm Crosses (Joke)
A priest decides to give out miniature palm crosses to his congregation. There's one who seems to need more...
This Joke Starts With a Drunk Losing His Rolex
A drunk loses his Rolex on a dark street. Luckily for him, a good Samaritan soon passes by in order to give him a hand.
WATCH: One of the Funniest Sketches From the Two Ronnies
The Two Ronnies was a sketch show starring Ronnie Barker and Ronnie Corbett. This is one of the funniest sketches they ever made.
Hilarious: A Boy Pays Tribute to His Mom With Graffiti
This little boy appears to be paying a nice tribute to his mom, only he's doing it on her car...
I Can't Stop Laughing at These Well-Timed Photos
When a photographer is in the right place at the right time, the results can be incredibly hilarious!
Hilarious Job Fails That Missed the Mark
Check out this collection of 15 tasks that ended in utter failure and the results are totally hilarious!
Hilarious: Mother Versus Father, Who Does it Better?
When it comes to parenting, who does it better, mothers or fathers?
Receptionist, You Must Come Quickly (Hilarious Joke)
A receptionist is alerted to the presence of a man outside the window of an old lady who's staying at the hotel. She goes to investigate the problem...
Hilarious Sketch! This Bartender Is Far Too Understanding
Prepare to laugh your head off as a drunk man relates all of his marital problems to a ridiculously understanding bartender...
This Joke Starts With a Blonde Being Asked to Climb a Pole
A blonde is out and about when a group of men ask her to climb a pole. It doesn't take long for her to oblige...
This Joke Starts With a Worried Man at His Annual Physical
An old man who's having memory problems visits his doctor for his annual physical. The doctor quickly comes up with a solution for his forgetfulness...
This Alcoholic Clown Prank Is Ridiculously Amusing!
If you're not a big fan of clowns, then this hilarious prank isn't going to do you any favors...
Genie, I Want Beer Now That I've Found You (Funny Joke)
A blonde redneck guy finds a lamp. He rubs it, and a genie emerges. His thoughts immediately turn to beer...
These Pets Are Plotting Their Great Escape!
Hilarious! Watch these pets trying to escape from their confined spaces.
Sit Down, Grab Some Popcorn... and Laugh at These Photos!
Grab some popcorn and prepare to laugh out loud at these hilarious photos.
These Punny Opposites Are Absolutely Hilarious!
If silly puns are your cup of tea, then we've got one heck of a treat in store for you!
Men Have the Oddest Way of Going About Things Sometimes...
Men really do some odd things, to the point where some are led to believe that they actually come from another planet! Take a look at these hilarious photos.
Hilarious: It Can Be Difficult Getting a Straight Answer...
A woman is in front of a judge giving answers about her pending divorce, but she seems to have trouble giving a straight answer...
This Joke Starts With a Pious Woman Going to Confession
A religious woman goes to confession after a night of intense lovemaking with her boyfriend. The priest's reaction is a rather unusual one...
What On Earth Were People Thinking When They Did This???
People can get things horribly wrong even when they only have one job. These 27 "you had one job" fails are utterly hilarious.
These Grandparents Prove That Age is Just a Number
These 11 grandparents show us how cool aging can be.
Hilarious: These 20 Comic Strips Will Make You Chuckle
These comic strips created by Andres Colmenares also known as Wawawiwa comics, are too awesome to describe! Click here to check them out!
Hilarious: The Whole of Broomtown Was Ready...
In Broomtown, there are two brooms that are deeply in love. In fact, the whole town is rooting for them to get married...
These Ideas People Had Are Way to Crazy to Believe!
It's hard to believe what lengths some people go to after an idea pops up in their heads. Take a look at these hilarious images.
This Joke Starts With an American Man Buying a Pig
An American man decides to stop off at a farm in the Deep South in order to buy a pig. Things soon start to get weird...
30 Hilarious Babies Who Look More Like Seniors!
Newborns are adorable... but these babies look a lot older than their actual age.
Hilarious: There's Something Missing From My Suit, Tailor
A young banker goes to a tailor to get measured for a new suit. When it's ready, he soon realizes that there's something wrong with it...
Hilarious: What On Earth Has Gotten Into the Minister?
A minister gives a talk to the Lions Club on sex, but things quickly start to unravel...
This Joke Starts With a Black-eyed Guy Boarding a Plane
Two men sit next to each other on a flight. They both notice that they have black eyes, and the conversation immediately turns to that...
Serious Signs + Humor = Pure Entertainment
Check out this collection of 15 petty notices along with their extremely hilarious responses!
This Joke Starts With Two Men Going On a Camping Trip
Two men go camping in the woods and promise to do it again 20 years after. They come across a beautiful fishing brook...
These Grammar Jokes Are a Silly & Funny Play On Words!
If you're one to titter at a good grammar joke, then you'll absolutely love the 14 that you can find in this post.
This Joke Starts With a Husband and Wife Talking in Bed
A husband and wife are having a discussion in bed, but it isn't quite about what it seems at first...
13 Hilarious Cake Fails to Make You Howl With Laughter
These cake decorating fails leave a lot to be desired - for their recipients! For the rest of us, they're hilarious!