These 20 Birds are Kind of Mean, But It’s Hilarious
These 20 birds may act like real bullies, but since they’re still so cute, we can’t help but laugh at them, and we hope you will, too.
Joke: An Embarrassing Vehicle
This joke begins with a Saudi prince's son...
Great Joke: His First Confession
This joke begins with an old man having his first confession.
This Joke Begins With a Man's Complaint to His Rabbi...
This joke starts with a Jewish son converting...
How Much Sleep Do We Need at Different Ages?
How much sleep do we need at 15? Is it the same at 35 or 60? No, and that is exactly what we would like to teach you about
Joke: What's the Matter Officer?
This joke begins with a man encountering a lady of the night.
These Goofy Cats Will Have You Howling with Laughter
Though typically reserved and dignified, cats can be hilarious, bounding across the house chasing after invisible prey.
Is This Talent Show Judge Really THIS Mean?
Joke: The Disturbing Letter
This joke begins with a letter between brothers...
Joke: How Much Work is Lovemaking?
What Do Americans Sound Like? A Question with 50 Answers
There isn't one single American accent, but hundreds of them, from the heavy drawl of north Florida to the comical Minnesota accent.
Joke: The Native American Donkey
This joke begins with an anthropologist without a clue...
Hilarious: 15 Who Parked Terribly and Found Karma
Some people just don't know how to park a care, and some are just incredibly selfish. Here are the worst offenders.
The Best Pranks Take Place at the Park!
Come to the park, it's the best place to get pranked by the Canadian comedy troupe Just For Laughs.
Joke: The EU is Switching to Euro-English
This joke begins with a formal change to the language of the United Nations...
Joke: The Tiny Piano, Tiny Player and Tiny Singer!
This joke begins with a man trading a drink for a very special little performance...
Canada in 23 Hilarious Photos of Pros and Cons
Enjoy these 23 hysterical photos about all things Canadian...
Joke: The Story of the Huge Lighter
This joke begins when two friends have a smoke, and one of them pulls out this HUGE lighter...
This is NOT How These Photos Were Supposed to Go
Here are 23 hilarious people who took their chance to create the ultimate photobomb moments.
This Joke Collection is All About Having the Worst Luck...
The protagonists in these three jokes are all getting some very bad news...
These Are the Funniest Signs I've Seen in a While...
These hilarious signs required some devious minds behind them...
This Joke Begins With a Very Irate Police Officer...
This joke begins with a cop flagging a car to stop, but things get weird from there...
Catch Me If You Can: Brave Monkey Plays with Tigers
This monkey isn't afraid of tigers, and has a great sense of humor
You Put My Food on a WHAT?! Pretentious Food Servings
Some chefs have gotten a bit too creative with their ideas for food presentation. These are some of the worst offenders.
Joke: The Will, the Family and the Properties
When it was finally his time to go, he gathered all his family around him and said this...
Have You Heard This One? An American in An Irish Pub
This joke begins with an American going into a pub in good ol' Ireland...
Interactive: 12 Baby Videos Are Waiting to Make You Laugh!
This interactive video box will give you 12 babies to choose from - and get a funny baby video for your troubles!
Some Designers Really Need to Double Check Their Work
The hits keep coming with these 20 priceless designs that will leave you stunned by the crazy things people can create.
Have You Heard This Joke? Lost in a Game of Golf
This joke begins with a man lost during a game of golf.
Excuse Me, Interior Designers? May I Ask... WHY?!?
These terrible interior design mistakes are so bad they're actually hilarious.
Have You Heard This Joke? A Hellish Schedule
This joke begins with a man reaching the gates of hell and meeting Satan.
Joke: Where the Heck is My Thesaurus?
This joke begins with a man looking for his lost thesaurus.
Classic Comedy: the Dirty Hungarian Phrasebook!
Monty Python in a hilarious sketch about miscommunication and relying on phrasebooks
FUNNY: Massive Heat Wave Strikes the UK, Brits Respond
As a massive heat wave strikes Europe, Brits laugh if off by doing funny things and posting them on social media, here's a quick summary...
22 Hilarious Observations Made in Different Countries
22 hilarious photos that show that some stereotypes about certain places do have a little bit of truth to them. Rude to some, amusing to others, we present to you our selection of best “Meanwhile, in…” photos.
Say What? 17 Idioms with Hilarious Translations
We translated 17 idioms and phrases from different languages into English, and the results are absolutely hilarious, but also very confusing
Watch This Funny Man Mime a Whole Bus Stop of People!
Watch this man mime a bus stop of people with hilarious accuracy.
This Joke Begins With 2 Religious Thieves...
This joke begins with 2 religious thieves...
Joke: The Brother, the Sister, and the Hot Dogs.
This joke begins with a country boy visiting his sister in New York.
Presenting to You the Comedy Kings of the Animal Kingdom
Some animals are adorable, while others have more comedic personalities. Here are 50 animals that will get you laughing out loud.
Videos: When You Play Stupid Games, You Win Stupid Prizes
Funny videos of people attempting stupid things and suffering
Joke: Who Gets the Parachute?
This joke begins with a plane starting to go down, who will get the parachutes?
Do You Need These Weird Toys? No, But They’re Here Anyway
Shopping can be extremely boring, unless you stumble upon one of these ridiculous items on your next trip to the store...
Joke: Deer Hunting With Daughter Goes Very Wrong
This joke begins with a hunter taking his daughter on her very first hunting trip when things go a bit wrong...
Great Joke: The Bartender and His Very Low Prices
This joke begins with a man getting much cheaper drinks than he anticipated...
Ever Hear the One About the Mouse and the Giraffe?
This joke starts at an animal bar with two very unlikely romantic partners...
Great Joke: Three Dinosaurs and Their Three Wishes
This joke begins millions of years ago, as 3 dinosaurs find a magic lamp...
From Funny to Weird: These Signs Have It All
These signs are each funnier and more bizarre than the last. What were these people thinking?
Joke: Two Villagers On Their First Flight
This joke begins with two country boys taking their first ever flight.
Ever Hear This Joke? The Musical Octopus
This joke begins with the most extraordinary Octopus you'll ever meet.
Have You Heard This Joke? A Man of Small Diseases (Rude)
This joke begins with a one-night stand...
Joke: The Firefighter, the Little Girl and Her Firetruck
This joke begins with a firefighter noticing a little girl with her own fire truck...
Joke: The Abusive Patient and the Patient Doctor
This joke begins with a very irritating patient insulting everyone at the doctor's office.
This Joke Begins With Two Happy Soldiers...
This joke begins with 2 soldiers getting promoted...
When You Try to Translate, But Fail Hilariously!
More and more businesses around the world try to appeal to English-speaking customers, leading to sometimes hilarious translation fails.
Joke: The Logic of Being Logical...
This joke begins with two guys having a conversation in the bar...
A Naughty Joke: That Darn Air Conditioning! (Rude)
This joke begins with a cheating wife who is quite shameless...
Here’s How Hollywood Foley Artists Create Sounds for Films
Foley artists are the people in charge of producing sound effects for films and video games. The way they do this is truly amazing.
26 Pictures that Prove We Will Never Truly Understand Cats
Cats seem to be cool and on top of everything most of the time, but they can get extremely goofy, here's proof
This Joke Begins With a Young Doctor New to Town...
This joke begins with a new doctor learning the ropes from his predecessor...
Great Joke: What's Your Secret, Old Man?
This joke begins with an old man and a younger woman getting married...
This Joke Begins With 2 Drunks at an Irish Pub...
This joke begins with 2 drunks at an Irish pub carrying on a conversation...
Magnificent Moments When the Universe Reacted Perfectly
Karma is like fate's way of saying for every tit there's a tat, so when you throw something out into the world, nature sends it right back
This Joke Begins With Two Communists...
This joke begins with 2 communists wanting to emigrate to the USSR...
Laugh Out Loud at the Best Pranks of 2019
The best of 2019's pranks by Just For Laughs
These "Animal Memes" Are Hilarious!
These animal jokes are gonna make you laugh!
Great Joke: The Teddy Bear Mystery
This joke starts with a man meeting a beautiful woman and going back to her apartment...
Hilarious Beach Photos That Make You Roar With Laughter!
The photos in this collection prove that one can stumble upon some really funny characters and things on the beach
14 One-Liners That Spark Instant Laughter
14 one liners that will make any party a lot of fun and get everyone laughing.
Joke: Looking For Tampons
This joke starts with a man going into a pharmacy...
Funny Joke: An Understanding With God
This joke begins with a hunter muttering a curse to himself...
Simon's Cat Makes Us Laugh Again In: The Staircase!
Simon's cat is a hilarious and adorable animated series on youtube. In this video, Simon's Cat discovers stairs...
16 Hilarious Moments Captured On Camera Just In Time
These 16 photos were made just in time to capture some of the most hilarious moments you have ever seen!
This Comedian is Unique and Oh So Charming!
This comedian was born with all the disadvantages, but Ryan Niemiller turns it into a funny advantage in this performance on America's Got Talent.
This Video is Proof Farm Animals Are Just As Funny As Pets
Who said dogs and cats are the best or even cutest animal comedians? Definitely not these farm animals, each one funnier than the last!
This Joke Starts With a Wife With Incredible Luck
This joke starts with a wife getting some brand new merchandise...
Joke: The Widow and the Special Words...
This joke begins with a grieving widow at a funeral, when a few men would like to say a few words... literally.
Joke: Doctor, Give Me Money!
This joke starts with a quack making a big promotion...
This Talented Artist Creates Hilarious Comics about Birds
False Knees is an absurdist comic about birds and sometimes other animals.
Careful with Smart Home Assistants around Talking Parrots!
Petra the African Grey learns how to operate Amazon Echo (Alexa), much to the chagrin of her owner.
Sea Lions Aren’t as Cute and Clumsy as They May Seem
The incredible hunting skills and abilities of the sea lion
Joke: Which Way Would You Like to Die?
This joke starts with a Brit, a Frenchman and a New Yorker about to die.
You Will Roll Over Laughing Watching These Animals!
These animals and their antics will crack you up, and leave you wanting more!
This Joke Begins With 3 Men Wanting to Leave Hell...
This joke begins with a few people trying to escape hell. Satan gives them a challenge...
Must See: What Happens When You Reply to Spam Emails
James Veitch gives you some insight into the inner workings of email scam artistry.
16 Goofy Bird Pics That’ll Lift Your Spirits
Funny captioned pictures of birds
Hilarious: The 6 Important Lessons of Life!
These life lessons are actually short hilarious jokes!
14 Ingenious Mother’s Day Gifts That Will Make You Chuckle
Mother's Day may be past us, but some kids made a lasting impression on their parents with the gifts they made their mothers this year
Here Are 40 Construction Workers Who Came to Work Drunk
These roads were either constructed by the best abstract artists or some one with a severe hangover. Either way, absolutely hilarious.
This Joke Begins With 2 Guys Bungee Jumping...
This joke begins with 2 friends going bungee jumping in Mexico...
Funny Joke: The Farmer, the Mule and the Trial Lawyer
This joke begins with a farmer testifying in court and a hot headed lawyer.
Funny: What is He Doing With That Tranquilizer Gun??
This prank starts with an innocent old man, and then he finds a tranqalizer gun....
This Joke Begins With a Very Happy Ferrari Owner...
This old man's moped is surprisingly fast in this hilarious joke!
Abbot and Costello Are At Their Finest in This Sketch!
This video is a great sketch by Abbot and Costello in which they fire witty line after witty line.
Hilarious: Animal Comedy is Never Wasted!
This video contains a compilation of funny animal moments.
These Might Be the Best Things Politicians Have Ever Said
For all the crazy things politicians have said, these are a few quotes that are by far the wittiest, and the only ones worth remembering!
17 Funny Road Signs That Will Brighten Your Day
We present to you a compilation of some of the most hilarious signs people accidentally stumbled upon on the street
If You Have Brothers or Sisters, You Know How This Feels
Funny stories of sibling rivalries
Hilarious: The 3 Women and the Drunkard
This joke begins with 3 villager women returning to their village and encountering something on the road...
Have You Heard This Joke? You MUST See the Circus!
The circus is coming to town and it's the perfect time for a brand, silly new joke!