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19 of the Most Savage Comebacks Said by Celebrities

Not many things can compare to the feeling of coming up with a good zinger, other than answering with the perfect comeback. Though usually we only think of something biting to say hours after the conversation has ended. So I bet you wish you'd thought of these yourself! I certainly do. These classic stings are both hilarious and witty, and will leave you laughing like a hyena.
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zingers, comebacks, quotes
zingers, comebacks, quotes
zingers, comebacks, quotes
zingers, comebacks, quotes
zingers, comebacks, quotes
zingers, comebacks, quotes
zingers, comebacks, quotes
zingers, comebacks, quotes
zingers, comebacks, quotes
zingers, comebacks, quotes
zingers, comebacks, quotes
zingers, comebacks, quotes
zingers, comebacks, quotes
zingers, comebacks, quotes
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