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Some Things You'll Only See in Australia...

Australians are known to be pretty laid-back people, which is surprising considering their wildlife contains thousands of ways for them to be poisoned, injured or eaten. Still, they maintain their happy-go-lucky ways despite this fact, and even have a good sense of humor about it. There's no doubt Australia is a unique place, and so travelers to Australia, especially the Outback, should be aware they might run into the following scenes as you can see in these hilarious photos below.

things you only see in Australia
things you only see in Australia
things you only see in Australia
things you only see in Australia
things you only see in Australia
things you only see in Australia
things you only see in Australia
things you only see in Australia


things you only see in Australia
things you only see in Australia
things you only see in Australia
things you only see in Australia
things you only see in Australia
things you only see in Australia
things you only see in Australia
things you only see in Australia
things you only see in Australia
things you only see in Australia
things you only see in Australia
things you only see in Australia
things you only see in Australia
things you only see in Australia
things you only see in Australia
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