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The True Seven Wonders of This World...

W. B. Yeats once said, “The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” When we think of the wonders of the world, we imagine magnificent, enormous buildings and monuments, but this wonderful little tale made me rethink it all.

The True Seven Wonders of This World...
The True Seven Wonders of This World...
The True Seven Wonders of This World...
The True Seven Wonders of This World...
The True Seven Wonders of This World...
The True Seven Wonders of This World...
The True Seven Wonders of This World...
The True Seven Wonders of This World...
The True Seven Wonders of This World...
The True Seven Wonders of This World...
The True Seven Wonders of This World...
The True Seven Wonders of This World...
The True Seven Wonders of This World...
The True Seven Wonders of This World...

The True Seven Wonders of This World...
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