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20 Quotations from Dr. Johnson, Man of Letters

Dr. Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) was a renowned man of letters whose remarkable words of wisdom have come down to us through the world's most famous biography, Boswell's Life of Samuel Johnson. In this book, the young Scottish writer James Boswell (1740-1795), revealed every conversation he ever remembered having with his great old friend, to preserve for posterity the tremendous wit and wisdom that the amazing author of the celebrated Dictionary of the English Language produced on a daily basis. 
We at BabaMail have put together 20 of his most important utterances on a wide variety of topics. We trust these quotations will make you think, hope, smile and laugh! 
Dr. Johnson, quotations, wise, spiritual, funny
Dr. Johnson, quotations, wise, spiritual, funny
Dr. Johnson, quotations, wise, spiritual, funny
Dr. Johnson, quotations, wise, spiritual, funny
Dr. Johnson, quotations, wise, spiritual, funny
Dr. Johnson, quotations, wise, spiritual, funny
Dr. Johnson, quotations, wise, spiritual, funny
Dr. Johnson, quotations, wise, spiritual, funny
Dr. Johnson, quotations, wise, spiritual, funny
Dr. Johnson, quotations, wise, spiritual, funny
Dr. Johnson, quotations, wise, spiritual, funny
Dr. Johnson, quotations, wise, spiritual, funny
Dr. Johnson, quotations, wise, spiritual, funny
Dr. Johnson, quotations, wise, spiritual, funny
Dr. Johnson, quotations, wise, spiritual, funny
Dr. Johnson, quotations, wise, spiritual, funny
Dr. Johnson, quotations, wise, spiritual, funny
Dr. Johnson, quotations, wise, spiritual, funny
Dr. Johnson, quotations, wise, spiritual, funny
Dr. Johnson, quotations, wise, spiritual, funny
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