Guinness records presents: The smallest road worthy car in the world! The car measures 63.5 cm (25 in) high, 65.41 cm (2.. Read More
The 10 Coolest Electric Cars to Be Launched This Year!
From an all-electric SUV by Toyota to a vehicle often referred to as 'the Tesla killer,' these are the coolest eclectic vehicles to be launched in 2022.
One Man's Trash in Another Man's Dream Job
15 inventions and products you would never guess are made of trash
Would You Drive the Slowest Sports Car in the World?
Take a ride in this snazzy-looking Porsche. Just one thing - you will have to pedal it yourself!
This Ship Could Have Changed The World… But Didn’t
The N.S. Savannah was one of America’s historic merchant ships that promised to change the world. What happened to it?
These 3D Printed Homes Cost a Thousand Dollars to Build!
Believe it or not, these innovative tiny homes can be 3D printed using the soil found in the area and cost around a thousand dollars to build!
NO Commercial Air Routes Go Through Antarctica. Here's Why
Several commercial air routes will take passengers through the North Pole, but no route goes through the southern reaches of the Antarctic. How come?
These Award-Winning Insect Pics Are Absolutely Mesmerizing
Marvel at the outstanding winners of the 2024 Royal Entomological Society Photography Competition.
Learn 9 Mental Techniques to Battle Pain
Discover how to reduce your pain using the power of thought and naturally – it really works!
Fascinating! The Physics Behind Flights Explained!
This video gives you a bird's eye view into how our modern day flights came to be the incredible structures they are now.
15 of the OLDEST Ships Ever Found
Let’s learn of this early history of seamanship and shipbuilding by admiring 15 of the oldest surviving ships in the world
This Might Have Been the Strangest Aircraft Ever Built
The Fairey Rotodyn was a remarkable aircraft that could have transformed air travel forever. What happened to it?
“What Did You Do to Your Car?!” – Bizarre Modifications
These car modifications have gone out of hand!
NASA’s X-59: Quiet Supersonic Flight is Coming Soon
Could this be the future of how we fly?
I Thought I'd Seen it All... Until I Saw These Cars...
These owners must have spent a fortune putting their strange creations together on wheels.
Insanely Cool Modern Vehicles That You Need To See Now
Take a look at these insanely advanced and futuristic-looking vehicles that are set to make our lives easier in the future.
You Won’t Find Cars Like These At Any Old Car Lot!
These car designs are as impressive as they are crazy and absolutely over-the-top...
Days Of Future Past: 14 Bizarre Cars From Bygone Eras
These wacky retro car concepts are seriously so cool.
Does Ferrari Make the Most Beautiful Cars in the World?
Ferrari has undoubtedly produced some of the finest cars ever to grace the world's roads. Here are some of the most beautiful cars ever made by the company.
When People Messed With Their Cars… With Bizarre Results
Sometimes people make the weirdest modifications in their cars. Take a look.
Iconic Trains That Reshaped the Course of History
Here is a look at some of the most important trains in history that went on to reshape the course of events in the world in their time.
These Cars are Completely Bizarre and Hilarious!
From cars that look like other things to cars that look like they are about to fight zombies to cars that are half a motorcycle!
These Amazing Futuristic Cars Were Imagined In The ‘40s
This short video, which was released way back in 1948, showcases some really cool futuristic cars that look advanced even for today.
These Cars Were Designed By Some Truly Creative Geniuses!
There have been some truly strange cars seen on the road, but nothing beats these 10 cars designed by major companies to be unique
13 Unusual Vintage Vehicles You’ve Probably Never Seen
Take a look at this collection of classic pictures showing the weirdest and coolest vintage vehicles from history.
14 Beautiful Old Cars and Their Fascinating Stories...
These photos bring us the stories of some of the most exquisite car designs of long ago.
Custom-Painted Vintage Cars of the '50s and '60s
Larry Watson is the inventor of many car-painting patterns you see on the road today. Take a look back on his early works from 1950-1960.
This Subway Train Has a Beautiful Secret Inside...
What looks like a regular subway from the outside, offers a suddenly luxurious experience inside!
The 10 Worst Jet Airplanes Ever to Fly...
From the farcical, to the catastrophic and downright dangerous, these are the 10 worst jet airplanes ever.
Step Inside These Rarely Seen Vehicle Cabins (14 Pics)
Take a peek inside the unseen cabins of rare vehicles.
10 Helicopter Stunt Pilots Who Really Know Their Game
10 of the wildest, yet incredibly skilled, helicopter pilots are going to show you their best.
Exactly How Did These People Get Their Driving Licenses?
Sometimes people simply can't keep their cars on the road... As these absurd and hilarious driving fails pictures show.
13 Lesser-Known Car Facts That May Surprise You
We're so used to cars that we sometimes forget that their history is incredibly interesting.
17 Things You Need to Know Before Going to the Mechanic
Don't be fooled by your mechanic's scams. Here are 17 essential tips to keep in mind.
How Far Can You Drive with a Car's Fuel Warning Light On?
Sometimes we inevitably end up cutting it too fine when it comes to the amount of gas that we have in our car. Read this guide to learn how far you can go.
James Bond's Best 15 Cars, Boats and Planes!
James Bond is a movie icon, but the super-spy would not have been half as effective without his fleet of luxury vehicles armed with his signature gadgets.
These Are the 10 of the Fastest Trains On the Planet...
Trains are a huge part of how we get things from place to place. But which are the fastest, and why is that?
These Are the Strangest Vehicles I've Ever Laid Eyes On.
From a five person bike to giant monstrosities, these are some of the wildest designs for vehicles we've ever seen! Take a look!
Have You Ever Wondered What Happened to Princess Di's Car?
While many cars have gained their fame because of their speed, these cars have get their value from their incredible place in history.
Cadzilla: One of the Most Beautiful Cars Ever Made!
This may be the most beautiful Cadillac car.
These Cars Are So Obscure, Even We Didn't Know About Them!
It's sad to think that some of these extraordinary sports cars are so obscure. Here are 10 highly obscure sports cars.
We Need These 16 Classic Cars Back on the Road!
These classic cars were so cool!
Ancient Wheels: 15 of the Oldest Vehicles in Human History
Check out these amazingly cool retro automobiles.
It's Crazy That These Highly Valuable Cars Were Abandoned!
It's incredible to think that these highly valuable cars were forgotten about in garages and barns for so long. Check out these incredible barn find cars.
Oh Dear! How Did THAT Happen?
35 Awesome photos of people with no parking skills what so ever...
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