Do you need glasses, or perhaps just forgot yours today? If you, or someone you know, are sometimes stuck without glasse.. Read More
This is How Professionals Cut Pineapples...
This man will show you how to quickly, easily and beautifully cut a pineapple.
Remove Home Odors the Natural Way with This DIY Deodorizer
Got an annoying smell permeating your home? Don't buy a pricey toxin-filled spray. Instead, make this wonderfully smelling DIY scent on the cheap. Here's how!
22 Mistakes We've All Been Making While Eating
We all love food, but that doesn't mean we are experts. Actually we are making basic eating errors every day. No fear, here are 22 fixes to learn!
One Minute DIY: Turn Old Jeans Into a Useful Garden Apron
If you don't like wasting money or old clothes this video is for you! Learn in 1 minute how to transform your jeans into a terrific garden apron.
Video Turorial: How to Unclog the Toilet Without a Plunger...
Unclogging the toilet is never a happy task. I was happy to discover this easy method of unclogging the toilet without having to use one.
Need to Boost Your Phone's Reception? Here's How You Do It...
Our phones have become such an integral part of our lives, that when we don't get reception we sometimes feel frustrated and limited. Fix that reception problem you've been having with your phone with 10 genius methods.
The Funniest Examples of Design Gone Horribly Wrong
These are some of the most absurd, head-scratching, and downright hilarious design blunders we've seen.
The Faces Of Men Who Regret Coming To The Mall
Here are some of the funniest photos of men who regretted coming to the mall
4 Genius Hacks to Help Remove Bugs and Stickers From a Car
Learn about 3 genius hacks that will help you remove pesky stickers and bug stains fast and effortlessly from your car!
8 Ways You're Cooking Chicken Wrong
What's the best way to cook chicken? Get the best flavor out of your chicken by avoiding these 8 common mistakes.
14 Creative Uses For Old Wire Coat Hangers
Coat Hangers are not just useful for hanging your favorite clothes in the closet, they are handy in so many other ways too!
If You Pre-Rinse Your Dishes, You Need to Stop Right Now!
This is why you’re not supposed to pre-rinse your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher.
What More Can You Do With These Everyday Items? Amazing!
What more can you do with these everyday items? Find out here!
Discover How to Use Turmeric to Remove Unwanted Hair
Turmeric is a wonderful spice from India that has a whole myriad of different applications. Here's how to make 5 turmeric-based masks for unwanted hair removal.
If You're Hungry at Night, You Should Eat These Foods!
If you are partial to a midnight snack, here are 7 foods that you should consider eating.
I've Used these Tips to Save Hundreds on My Groceries
Take a look at the following tips that I have used in recent months, to help me save hundreds of dollars on my groceries.
Quick and Easy Ways to Defrost Your Car Windscreen
Going to your car and finding the windscreens covered in ice is one thing that annoys us all. Here are three easy ways to quickly defrost your car windows!
13 Cool Guides & Infographics You Never Knew You Needed!
These unique guides might change your perspective on a lot of things.
13 Great Secret Hiding Spots That Burglars Will Never Find
Here are a few practical places to properly hide your cash and valuables from professional criminals.
The Next Time You Travel, Use These Hotel Hacks
All set for your new trip? Make sure you keep these hotel-room hacks in mind.
Pears Aren't Just Yummy, They're Incredibly Healthy Too
No wonder the ancient Greeks believed pears were a gift from the Gods! There are loads of health benefits contained in these juicy wonders...
These Pickpocket Tricks Should Be Known by Everyone!
Pickpockets love to use these tricks in order to steal from unsuspecting victims. Here's what to keep an eye out for.
Guide: Stay Warm This Winter Without that Big Power Bill!
21 creative ideas to warming your house without spending additional money.
10 Surprising Items You Can Clean in the Washing Machine
The washing machine can be useful for more than just clothes. 10 surprising items you can clean in the machine with no trouble.
These 3 Healthy Salads Are So Good for Your Eyesight
Did you know that salads are so healthy that they are even good for your eyesight? Try these 3, and you'll SEE what I mean.
How to Cultivate Peace in a Busy World: Mindful Living
Mindfulness, rooted in various cultural traditions, emphasizes living in the present moment, which can profoundly impact our mental and physical well-being.
25 Questions You Should Never Ask People Over 50
It is impolite to ask these 25 questions to people over 50 years old.
How to Keep Cool in the Summer Without Switching the AC On
In the summer, it’s very tempting to switch on the AC or plant yourself in front of the nearest fan, but these aren’t the only tricks to help you keep cool.
The 7 Biggest Mistakes You Can Make While Filing Taxes
Tax season is here. Make sure you don’t end up making these filing mistakes.
Those Stickers On Your Produce Can Tell You an Awful Lot!
The stickers that you find on fruit and vegetables can tell you an awful lot about how the produce was grown. Read on to find out more.
There's a Secret Trick to Understanding Chinese...
This brilliant lecture will teach you the basics of Chinese
These Innocuous Car Items Conceal Surprising Dangers
If you're a car owner, this video will be really helpful to you.
40 Wonderful and Beneficial Advantages of Having a Cat
Enjoy a visual representation of the 40 different benefits humans get from having a cat.
11 Gardening Myths That MUST Be Debunked
Some erroneous gardening myths managed to spread far and wide, despite being ineffective and even harmful. Here are 11 of such common gardening myths.
These Common Habits Make Our Anxiety Worse
Experts believe that certain attitudes and habits are amplifying your stress levels.
Weeds Stand No Chance Against This Fantastic Weed Killer
How does a practically free, home-made, all-natural weed killer that's kind to the environment sound? Amazing, right? Here's how to make your very own.
10 Hair Myths That Are Damaging Your Hair
We're here to bust 10 persisten hair care myths, that are actually doing more harm than good to your hair
Woah! Who Knew There was a Correct Way to Cut a Cake?
When it comes down to cutting a cake, there is supposedly a right and wrong way. In this video, Alex Bellos talks us through the right way.
7 Amazing Domestic Uses for Sugar
Most people think of sugar as just a sweetener, but it actually has many more uses! Here are 7 of them.
How to Help Prepare for a Snow Storm – 11 Vital Steps
Don't let a winter storm take you by surprise. Prepare with these important steps.
How to Keep Greens Crisp and Fresh for More Than a Week
Here are 3 straightforward methods for keeping your greens fresh for longer than a week...
7 Unique Bathroom Cleaning Tips You Really Need to Know!
We bet you didn't know that you can use black tea, vinegar & even your vacuum cleaner to make your bathroom cleaner than ever before!
Keep Your Hair From Thinning with these 5 Natural Ingredients
While these ingredients may not sound like they belong in your blender, they have been found to make your hair thicker and your skin brighter.
Keep Your Home Spotless with This Natural Cleaner
This article will show you how you can make an natural all-purpose cleaner that will leave your house clean and smelling fresh.
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