A Heartfelt Message from Jane Goodall on the Environment
Listen to this beautiful and inspiring story about the current pandemic narrated by world-famous Jane Goodall herself!
I'd Like to Wish You Something...
This is what I wish for you today - with love.
You are Amazing: Can You Allow Yourself to Believe This?
Make someone realize that they are great and that they never stop being so, today.
Are You Constantly Worried? These Tips Will Surely Help
Listen to the advice of a mental health expert in this video that can help you cope with your constant worries.
Stress Management: How to Use Your Nerves to Calm Yourself
Learn how to calm yourself down instantly using vagus nerve stimulation.
She is Over 100 Years Old, but Her Passion Will Amaze You
Watch the inspiring story of a 105-year-old Indian woman who runs her own organic farm.
Panic Attacks: What Causes Them and How to Prevent Them
Listen to an expert's views on what exactly causes panic attacks and what we can do to prevent them.
Having Persistent Thoughts? Here’s What to Do To Stop
Listen to a mental health expert's views on what we can do to stop ourselves from unnecessarily thinking deeply about something.
How to Turn Stress into Your Secret Weapon
Here are some practical tips and best practices to help you manage stress and make it work for you.
Feeling Anxious During Bedtime? This Guide Will Help
Felling anxious while going to bed? Listen to the tips shared by this therapist on how to train your brain to worry less.
Your Lungs Will Be in Great Shape With These Exercises
Want to increase lung capacity? Use this wonderfully effective technique.
How Long Should the Ideal Nap Be?
Love taking naps? Watch this guide to know how to take the perfect quick snooze.
If You Test Positive for COVID-19, These Tips Will Help
Listen to the valuable advice of several health experts on how to recover if you get COVID-19.
De-Stress Your Brain in 30 Seconds With These Simple Tips
A doctor shows a useful and simple technique with the help of which you can achieve instant relaxation. Find out more...
15 Stories of Real-Life Heroes That Will Inspire You
Take a look at the real-life stories of some heroic people who went on to do some extraordinary things.
You Must See This Unique Documentation of The Pandemic
Trauma surgeon Annie Onishi has documented 10 weeks of her life working inside a hospital during the peak of Covid-19, and it's absolutely fascinating.
What First Impressions Reveal About Human Psychology
This video offers some interesting insight on first impressions, second chances, and what all this reveals about the human mind.
What Stay-at-Home Means For People Around the World
Quarantine means similar and also completely different things for different people around the world. Watch how the pandemic changed lives everywhere.
How a Coronavirus Patient Feels Like Is Truly Unnerving
Reporter Aria Bendix recovered from Covid-19, and she shares what the experience was like, and how bad the symptoms actually were.
Do You Know How To Find the Hero Inside of You?
This video shows us where our favorite heroes come from, and what greatness we have in common with them.
Watch One Act Of Kindness Brighten Everyone's Day
This video will bring a tear to your eye and a smile to your face as a single kind gesture makes its way around, and returns to the person who began it all.
This Commercial Will Touch Your Heart
Watch how a son had to confront not just embarrassment but also resentment towards his father.
A Touching Story of a Dog Saving a Man's Life
This story about a dog saving a man's life will leave you in tears...
This Comes From the Heart: The Blessing You Deserve
Today, inspire someone to have a blessed day by wishing them all you think they deserve, for being truly wonderful beings.
May This Beautiful Tale Light Many Happy Nights...
A little story that uses a beautiful metaphor to give us hope and strength when all else is gone.