50 Crazy But True Facts About Dreams You Need to Know
Here are some strange and unusual facts about dreams that will surprise you.
The Surprising Reason Keeping Secrets Could Damage Health
Keeping secrets takes its toll on your mental health in multiple ways. Here's how to cope with that.
The Connection Between Sleep and Mental Health
This video aims to answer several burning questions regarding the connection between sleep and our mental health.
The Fascinating Science of False Memories
Find out why our own memories are susceptible to false information and why they can't be trusted.
Here’s Why It Is So Important for Us to Feel Heard
This video sheds light on the deep human need for being heard and for getting our feelings acknowledged.
Why Do Humans Value Ownership So Much?
Our since of ownership develops early – but why? Watch this explanation to why humans get so attached to their things.
Why We Sometimes Feel Pain without a Physical Stimulation
How the pain mechanism works, and why it isn't always triggered by harm
What’s the Difference Between Depression and Sadness?
A video describing clinical depression, its attributes and how to help depressive individuals.
Is Psychotherapy Worth It? Watch This Video and Find Out
What exactly is psychotherapy and how does it work? Watch this informative video and find out!
What is EMDR Therapy, and How Does it Help?
EMDR is a proven technique in treating traumatic memories.
Emotions Explained: The Science Behind How We Feel
Neuroscientist and psychologist Dr. Richard J. Davidson answers some fascinating questions about emotions you would never expect.
Talking to Yourself Has More Benefits Than You Realized
Talking to yourself isn’t unusual. In fact, it has more benefits than you realize.
Scientists Finally Know Why We Love Cute Things
We find some things to be irresistibly cute. But why? Let’s find out.
Move Through Life With Grace - Stop Being Socially Awkward
This video will teach you some basic social communication guidelines everyone can benefit from.
The Surprising Importance of Awkwardness
No one likes feeling awkward or uncomfortable, but it is an inherent part of being human. This is the science behind awkwardness and why it's important.
What Does a Dyslexia Evaluation Look Like?
Let's take an in-depth look at this important evaluation.
If You Love Dogs, Then Avoid Doing These Things With Them
Even though you love your dog, you might be annoying it with some of your habits. Watch to find out more...
Why is Making the ‘Right’ Decision Often So Hard?
In this frank and funny Ted talk, economist David Ash explain why humans often act irrationally, and how we can make better, healthier decisions
Has Anyone Ever Truly Seen a Ghost?
If ghosts don't exist, how come some people swear they have seen one?
Why Are We So Susceptible to Misinformation?
It turns out that people are wired to believe certain misconceptions rather than see the whole picture... but why is that?
Have You Ever Wondered What The Purpose Of Our Dreams Is?
All of us dream. But have you ever wondered why? This video attempts to answer this mystifying question.
Insecure In a Social Situation? Here Are A Few Tricks
How to avoid being influenced by others? Or make sure somebody likes you? This video offers tricks to handling nearly any difficult social situation.
A Fascinating Breakdown of Relationships by Esther Perel
If there's anyone whose opinion on love and relationships you want to hear, it's Esther Perel. Watch her insightful SXSW lecture on modern love.
The History of IQ Tests Has a Dark Side
This video offers an interesting recount of the rather dark history of IQ tests and the levels of their accuracy.
What First Impressions Reveal About Human Psychology
This video offers some interesting insight on first impressions, second chances, and what all this reveals about the human mind.