Try This Trick For Getting More Control in Life
Sadhguru gives a talk about the importance of exercising control over your thoughts and emotions.
Anxious or Depressed? Perhaps It's an Existential Crisis
Have you ever felt anxious or depressed without really knowing why? You might just be experiencing an existential crisis. Learn more here.
Feel You're Losing Control of Your Life? Try Stoicism!
Learn about the philosophy of stoicism, and how it can help you get a sense of control over your approach to life.
The Philosophy of Life Blossoms In This Beautiful Video
What is success in life and in living? A beautiful video.
Have You Ever Wondered Why We Love? Here are 5 Theories
Why do we love? Why do we put ourselves through heartbreak? Neither science nor psychology explain this, but this video puts forward some interesting theories.
Science: What is Reality? Dive in and Find Out!
What if everything you see, feel, and experience isn’t real? The simulation argument suggests that our reality might be nothing more than an advanced computer program.
What's the Largest Thing in the Universe?
In this video, we look into some of the mightiest structures in the known universe.
The Mystery of the Ancient Greek Buddhists
Few of us would ever connect Buddhism to the Ancient Greeks, but this video will open your eyes to this important historic cultural exchange.
Science Philosophy: What is the TRUE Nature of Time?
Join us as we journey through theories, discussions, and insights that challenge our perceptions and broaden our understanding of time itself.
Slow Down and Live More: The Art of Slow Living
Learn how to live a more fulfilling life by doing less in this inspiring video.
Make Your Mind More Flexible With These Taoist Tips
The Chinese philosophy of Taoism can help make your mind more flexible and relaxed. Find out how.
Your Cat Can Teach You Some Valuable Lessons on Happiness
Cats make for adorable pets. They can also teach you an amazing life lesson or two...
This Ancient Chinese Principle Will Help You Find Harmony
The concept of Wu-Wei, which comes from ancient Chinese philosophy, can help one live in a state of alignment with the flow of life.
The Thinker: Little-Known Facts About the Famous Statue
The Thinker by Auguste Rodin is one of the most famous sculptures in the world. But there's so much we still don't know about it...
Is It Possible to Upload Your Mind & Live Eternally?
Life eternal is the ultimate dream. Will supercomputers be able to grant us that wish? Is it possible to upload our minds to a computer and live forever?
Marcus Aurelius: The Emperor Turned Philosopher
This video will tell the Story of Marcus Aurelius, the emperor who turned into one of the greatest philosophers in history.
Could a Machine Ever Have a Soul, Feelings and Rights?
Karel Capek, Isaac Asimov and Philip K. Dick all worried about a future where mistreated AI is the same as humans. Is that possible?
3 Thought Experiments That'll Keep You Up!
Enter the world of philosophy and ponder these fascinating thought experiments.
How the Words of Jesus Can Make You a Better Person...
The video below explores the philosophy of kindness and empathy, in the words of Jesus Christ.
How Much Free Will Do We Truly Have? Find Out Here
How much free will does the human race really possess? Find out in this fascinating video.
WHO AM I? How to Answer the Biggest Question
WHO AM I? An amazing explanation
A Moment of Contemplation: A State of Nothing
Listen to this small talk by Alan Watts, who was a British born philosopher, writer, and speaker, as well as a priest and a Zen master, as he talks about one of our most irrational fears.
Life is NOT a Marathon - Beautiful!
What is life? This video makes better points than I ever could, so I'll let it do the talking.
So We Hold a Little Harder - Inspiring and Uplifting!
An almost free-style philosophical rant about the complex dance between love, mortality and sadness...