Samurai Origami Folded From Just a Single Piece of Paper
The artistic talent of this origami artist is jaw-dropping. Believe it or not, he managed to fold this detailed samurai origami from a single piece of paper!
This NASA Physicist is Using Origami to Change the World!
This is the story of Robert Lang, a physicist who left his job to discover the art of origami and its application in real-world engineering
11 Levels of Origami: A Fascinating Tutorial
Origami artist and physicist Robert J. Lang will show you 11 levels of complexity in creating paper folding art.
Paper is Anything But Boring, See For Yourself
Paper is the ultimate medium for self-expression, and even in this digital age, it remains a crucial tool for creatives in all fields of art
The Thinker: Little-Known Facts About the Famous Statue
The Thinker by Auguste Rodin is one of the most famous sculptures in the world. But there's so much we still don't know about it...
This 77 Year Old Artist Creates Masterpieces in Excel
77-year-old Tatsuo Horiuchi has an unusual hobby, he creates beautiful landscapes in the most unlikely computer program - Microsoft Excel
These 5 Artisans Are Creating Terrific Artwork By Hand
Have a look at the masterly work of these five artisans who make their craft solely by their hands.
The Magic Begins When These Wooden Sculptures Start Moving
Kinetic sculptures are moving art pieces that marry physics and art into a mind-boggling combination no one should miss out!
How Is This Possible?! This Artist Draws Like a Printer
This artist earned the nickname “the printer man” for having a unique skill of drawing freehand in small increments, just like a printer
This Man Took an Ordinary Tree Stump and Transformed It...
This simple stump will transform in front of your eyes into beautiful art. This has got to be seen to be believed!
These Flowers & Animals Painted With Dots Are Lovely!
These 14 dreamy paintings reflect the beauty of nature in a unique style that consists of textured dots
Make a Clay Pot at Home With No Special Equipment
What if we told you that you don't need ANY tools but your own two hands to start pottery? The rest can be found in your kitchen.
Robotic Exoskeletons Are Here, and They're Pretty Cool!
This military leg brace makes jumping from heights and carrying heavy loads long-distance a breeze! See it in action...
This Wood Artist Honors the Natural Curve of Each Branch!
This woodworking artist's creations look so natural they could've grown the way they are out of the ground.
This Artist Creates Portraits Out of WHAT?!
Each square on the surface of a Rubik's cube serves as a pixel in Giovanni Contardi's portraits! Watch how he spins them into place using just one hand.
Kings on Wheels: 15 Incredible Drivers Show Their Stuff!
You will be amazed at the maneuvering skills of these talented drivers.
How Is It MADE? - Drinking Glasses
We all use drinking glasses every day, but not many know about the precision, skill, and scientific process behind making them.
Alaska Is Even More Magnificent Than You Think
Experience the stunning beauty of Alaska's wilderness through this beautiful documentation of an 11 day cruise up the coast of Alaska.
This 18th-Century Automaton Is a True Art Masterpiece!
Queen Marie Antoinette's Automaton is one of the most intricate and beautiful automaton's in existence! Watch and listen to it play...
Amazing! 4-Year-Old Prodigy Plays the Piano Like a Master
Evan Le is only 4 years old in this video and plays the piano like a master. Absolutely incredible!
An Inspiring Story of an Unusual Artist
Munro creates detailed replicas of famous landmarks using... toothpicks! This is his fascinating story.
Is It Possible For Humans To Ever Be As Fast As Cheetahs?
The average cheetah can run at a speed of 80 – 130 km/h (50-80 mph)! Why are humans so slow in comparison?
This Is the Loneliest Tree in the World
This is a sad story of the world's loneliest tree, the Encephalartos woodii that resides in London's Royal Botanic Gardens
It's Unbelievable What Some People Can Do With a Yo-Yo...
Wow, we had no idea it was possible to do such incredibly complex tricks with just a yo-yo! See for yourself in this video
Planet Earth is So Diverse and Beautiful!
This video will take you on a stunning journey around the world, its most beautiful spots, and most remarkable people.