Is Your Supplement Safe? Try These Simple Tests to Know
How can you tell if a supplement is a fake? Watch this video to find out...
11 Mistakes People Make with Supplements
These supplement mistakes could harm your health.
The Weirdest Cancer Case in All of History
Today, we're looking at the rarest cancer case in all of recorded history!
Now You Can Make Your Own Vitamin D Supplements at Home!
Vitamin D has incredible health benefits. Here's how you can make some Vitamin D supplements at home.
Drooping Eyelids Impairing Vision? Here Are The Options
Dr. Suarez explains various in-office invasive or un-invasive treatments meant to fix droopy eyelids.
This Crazy Magnetic Fluid Defies Gravity - Fascinating!
Have you ever heard of ferrofluids? These bizarre fluids develop spiky shapes when combined with magnets, and one day, they may be used in medicine...
First Aid Myths and Misconceptions You Must Be Aware Of
Paramedics help debunk some common myths related to first aid.
A Fun Poem About the Discovery of Vitamins A, B and C
The history of vitamins is closely linked with human exploration of the world. This charming rhyme will tell you the story of vitamins A, B, and C!
Is It Possible to Create a UNIVERSAL Vaccine?
Scientists claim that a universal vaccine for the flu, or even more - one vaccine to combat all infectious diseases - is underway. Is that truly possible?
3D Printing Bones - Is It Possible?
As incredible as this sounds, scientists have learned to 3D print bones using living cells!
Can Science Achieve a Universal Blood Type?
We know our blood types to be an inherent unchangeable genetic feature, but there might be a way to create a universal blood type. Watch to find out more.
Why Is Pneumonia Life-Threating?
Pneumonia is one of the most common and also one of the most dangerous lung conditions. Learn about this dangerous condition and ways to prevent it here
Why Are Your Ears Ringing? The Causes Explained
Nearly 15% of the human population worldwide are plagued by this strange sensation, but most people don't know the causes behind ringing in the ears...
The Oldest Medicines That Have Stood the Test of Time
Learn about some fascinating old medicine and general healing practices that have survived for thousands of years.