This Tiny Dog Was Abandoned... But Not For Long!
Watch what a transformation this tiny dog goes through.
This Injured Stray Dog Needed Help, and He Got It...
This story is of a stray dog that hurt its paw and wanted to get some help, Hope For Paws did much more than that.
This Dog Was Left on a Deserted Island, Until...
this video will break your heart and then mend it as you see this poor dog being rescued.
Watch This Huge Dog Fall in Love with a Tiny Piglet...
The love between this huge dog and tiny pig is so adorable.
Cute Corner: These Baby Racoons Adopted a Bizarre Mother!
This is the story of a few tiny racoons adopted for a short while by a dog and her family.
Watch These Animals Go From Hopeless to Hopeful and Happy
This video will show you a compilation of the most needy animals getting rescued and returned to health and happiness.
5 Times Dogs Won Over Cats as Friends
Watch these 5 dogs work and succeed at getting the family cat to love them back, or at least tolerate them.
This Crow Has a Dog for a Mother...
This crow is convinced his mother is a dog, and the resulting video is adorable.
Huskies are ALWAYS a Source of Smiles and Laughter!
Even if Huskies may be too demanding for you to raise, you can still enjoy some of their silliest and fun moments right here.
This Tiny Octopus Gets Excited When His Human Visits
Watch this tiny octopus as it gets excited and 'plays' with his human friend.
This Dog Breed Was Considered a Healer in the Past
When people say "spirit animal," they must refer to the Xolo - the Mexican Hairless dog.
How Could Anyone Abandon This Puppy?
This little dog was abandoned on the streets, but was lucky enough to be found by a shelter owner.
Enjoy Some of 2021's Funniest Cats and Dogs
Some of the funniest pet antics of 2021!
These Cute Koalas Will Melt Your Heart!
This compilation features moments like a baby koala's first-ever photoshoot and heartwarming koala cuddles. It is guaranteed to melt your heart!
This Fawn Comes Every Morning to Visit...
What could be a better way to start your day?
Heartwarming - When Animals Asked People to Help...
These animals got into major trouble. Fortunately, when they asked humans for help, they didn't disappoint and reached out their hands and their hearts...
9 Bizarre Dog Behaviors Explained in One Video
Watch this video for explanations about 9 'bizarre' canine behaviors.
These Animal Friend Stories Will Heal Any Heart...
Watch this full-length episode of unusual animal friendships to make sure you are smiling ear to ear.
This Dog is... a CAT Person!
This dog found a very surprising playmate, which he prefers to other dogs!
This Baby Skunk Has SO Much Personality!
Watch this little one show off her personality and cuteness for a sweet day.
This Adorable Stoat is So Playful!
Whisper, the adorable and playful stoat, is about to move to a bigger enclosure.
This Baby Jaguar's First Swim is Too Precious...
In this adorable video, you'll see how fun it may be to give THIS kind of swimming lesson.
10 Cat Breeds That Act More Like Dogs
In this video we are going to introduce you to 10 species of cats that act almost like dogs!
Cute Corner: This Guy Has the Most Adorable Shadow
Watch this adorable video that proves cats can be just as affectionate as dogs.
Cute Corner: Tiny Mini-Horse Grows Up Thinking It's a Dog
This tiny horse grew up in a house full of of dogs, connected with them, and eventually even started acting like one!