The Art of Reading Faces: Tips from an Expert
Learn all about reading people’s faces with useful tips from former FBI agent and body language expert Joe Navarro.
This Body Language May Be Considered Inappropriate...
Body language is fascinating! The way a person maintains eye contact and how he or she shakes your hand actually tells you a lot about them...
Former FBI Agent Explains Basics Of Body Language Reading
Former FBI agent teaches you how distance, gestures and other nonverbal elements can reveal information about a person you're talking to
6 Common Mistakes You're Likely Making When Cracking Eggs
These are the biggest mistakes people make when cracking eggs.
Watch This and Become a Knot Expert!
Become a knotting expert with this educational guide. Some of these knots can be life-saving...
Try Out These 4 Ingenious Wall Painting Hacks!
With these 4 clever hacks, painting walls becomes as easy as ABC!
7 Unusual Varieties of Citrus
This video will introduce you to a range of citrus fruit you've likely never even heard of - from oranges that taste like mango to orange-colored limes.
How to Properly Seal a Shower With Silicone
A leaky shower is certainly a nuisance, but it can also lead to mold and injuries, so you shouldn't take this issue lightly.
4 Cool Tricks When You're Working With Wood
When you're working with wood, having an iron on hand can be really handy. Learn about this and 3 other handy woodworking tricks here.
How to Clean Your Toaster - a Step by Step Guide
Is your toaster looking kind of crummy and smelling like burnt, stale toast? If so, it's time to clean it. Here's how to do so quickly and effectively.
Try Seasoning the Cutting Board, NOT the Steak
If you want to prepare the juiciest and most well-seasoned steak ever, try seasoning the cutting board, not the steak. You read that right. Here's why...
The Quickest Way to Open a Pomegranate
Pomegranates are both delicious and nutritious, but most people still don't eat them very often because they're so annoying to open and eat...
Keep These Things in Mind When You Come Across a Stray Dog
Dogs are people’s best friends. But sometimes, a stray dog can look dangerous. Here's how you should behave...
5 Cool Ways to Sharpen a Knife Without a Sharpener
Have a dull knife but no sharpener on hand? No worries, here are not one but FIVE alternative ways to sharpen a knife.
I Had No Idea You Could Do This With a Tape Measure
Did you know that you can turn a tape measure into a compass? This is just one of the many hidden features of the tape measure shown here...
Learn to Chop Like a Chef - Useful Tips!
Learn to cut, chop, slice, and dice like a chef!
What's The BEST Way to Grow An Avocado Plant From a Seed?
Want to try growing an avocado plant from a seed? This guide will show you which
How to Make a Plant Pot Out of Cement and Egg Cartons
This video shows you the general principle of creating a DIY garden planter from two simple and cheap ingredients - egg cartons and cement.
Epsom Salt Is Not As Good For the Garden As You Think
Here's why you should reserve your Epsom salt for bath time and NOT gardening.
Why Pouring Beer Wrong Can Upset Your Stomach
Do you always feel bloated after drinking beer? There's a way to prevent this - all you need is a regular glass and this pouring technique...
Tips On How to Clean a Flat-Screen TV Screen the Right Way
Clean your flat-screen TV the right way by following these tips.
If You Use Tomatoes, Then You MUST Know These Tips
Love using tomatoes? Then follow some of these tricks to make sure you use them right always.
31 Nifty Tips to Make Your Phone Work Longer and Faster
Let's learn some handy tips that will make your smartphone last longer.
Get Rid of Face Fat With These Wonderfully Useful Tips
Face fat can be really tough to get rid of, sin't it? Not if you follow these wonderfully effective tips.
Learn How to Tie The Constrictor Knot
The Constrictor Knot is one of the simplest and most useful knots in existence. Learn how to tie it right away!