Robert Wadlow: The Tallest Man to Ever Live
At 8 feet, 11.1 inches tall, Robert Wadlow was the tallest man to have ever lived. Find out more about his incredible story.
How Cats See The World: A Brief History of Civilization
Have you ever wondered how cats became our pets? In no time, they've grown into our best friends and did some pretty amazing things for humans…
This Amazing Little Girl Is Overcoming Her Disability
When this girl was born without arms she put her best foot forward and got on with enjoying her childhood. Now there is hardly anything she can't do!
Simon's Cat Presents: A Day in the Life of a Cat!
This colored episode brings us a day in the life of Simon's Cat. Let's see what that looks like...
Adorable Cats & Dogs Sure Make My Day!
You can witness hilarious, adorable situations and more in the compilation of funny videos featuring delightful cats and dogs.
Try Not to Laugh: Hilarious Pet Reactions
Besides the love and companionship, keeping a pet around is worthwhile for the never-ending laughs they provide...
This Funny Pet Compilation Had Us In Splits!
In this compilation you will witness some of the most hilarious pet videos from the past year - be warned, keeping a straight face will be impossible!
Cats and Dominos Go Really Well Together...
This video uses multiple ways to involve cats in domino play, and it's just hilarious.
Would Your Cat Care If You Died? A Cute Experiment
Cats and Snow Make For an Adorable Mix...
This compilation is one of the cutest things I've seen all week, and shows how adorable it is when cats and snow mix.
Adorable: Even Cats Hate Cat Filters!
These cats' are surprised as heck when their owners become weird cat-human hybrids with cat filters!
Adorable: Cats vs. The Mysterious Invisible Wall!
These cats are putting their collecting feline intelligence together to try and figure out a way past this strange and invisible wall in their way
What Happens When Cats Go To Therapy? You Laugh a Lot.
This video takes a funny idea and runs with it. Ever imagine what cats would say to a therapist? You're about to find out in the most hilarious way.
Hilarious: Animal Comedy is Never Wasted!
This video contains a compilation of funny animal moments.
Heartwarming: Gentle Pit Bull Raises Kitten as His Child
Video: Bubba the pit bull acts as orange tabby Rue's parent, playing with her and taking care of her
Is There Anything Cats WON'T Climb?
This compilation video is gonna show you how cats can climb just about anything they set their mind to.
Adorable: These Cats Are So In Love!
These two munchkin cats are very much in love.
What Do Pets Love More Than Food? Hilarious!
Watch these hilarious yet adorable animals live up the summer, as they enjoy the sun, the warmth and the water!
Cats? Being Bossy? Impossible!
These bossy cats won't take any business from anyone! This compilation is pure hilarity.
No Object is Safe From These Grumpy Cats!
No object is safe from these cats! In this hilarious video, you'll see cats attacking vacuum attachments, pushing things off tables, and much more!
When Cat Haters Are Forced to Live With a Cat...
In this funny video, you'll see different cat-haters struggling to live with new cats for a week. Will they end up falling in love with them? Find out here!
Can You Watch This Entire Video Without Laughing?
From guilty dogs, to funny cat fails, monkeys, funny squirrels, horses and so on. Take a look at this hilarious compilation:
Who's Afraid of a Little Cat? Meet These Adorable Pooches
Here are some dogs who'd like to move freely around their own home - but will they be allowed to?
Who Says That Cats and Dogs Don't Get Along?
These dogs are determined to make friends with cats... and eventually they succeed.
Keep Your Lips and Hugs to Yourself Human! Hilarious
A lot of dog and cat owners love to kiss their pets. But often the pet doesn't understand this strange custom. This hilarious compilation shows their reactions!