Taoism, an ancient Chinese philosophy, is a rich well of spiritual guidance for living in harmony with oneself. One inte.. Read More
Explained: The Fascinating Origins of Human Language
Have you ever wondered how did human language come into existence? Find out the origins of language in this video.
Why Alexander’s Speech During the Opis Mutiny is Legendary
Have you heard about Alexander the Great's historic speech during the Opis Mutiny? Find out why it was so special.
The Roman Emperor Aurelian: Restorer of the World
Learn more about the Roman emperor Aurelian, also known as the “Restorer of the World”.
History Lesson: When Numbers Were Banned
Did you know that once upon a time, some numbers were considered dangerous? Explore the history behind banned numbers here.
How Augustus Caesar Became The Wealthiest Man to Ever Live
Augustus Caesar's wealth would put today's billionaires to shame. But how did he become the wealthiest man in history? Watch to find out
Antarctica: What’s Life Like in the Frozen Continent
Antarctica is cold, barren, and isolated. Life here can hence be quite harsh. Find out more in this video.
India Built a Monster Dam That Controls the Weather!
The Polavaram Dam doesn't just control floods - it moves water between regions and much more!
15 Tricks Parents Came Up With We'd Like to Share With You
We found some great advice from parents on Reddit, and decided to share with you the best 15!
Please Don't Forget These Important Reminders in Life...
We should always remember the most important things in life, and we should always share them with the ones we love.
Discover Your Joyful True Nature in 5 Valuable Steps
Discover your joyful true nature in 5 meditative steps.
18 Wholesome Messages Found in Unexpected Street Corners
We found these inspiring street messages that will help lift you up.
A 4-Step Guide to Being Happier With Who You Are
This guide will teach you how to live a better life with yourself.
What are the ABCs of Being a True Friend?
What make a truly good friend? The ABC of friendship of course!
This Beautiful Story Made Me Think About My Life...
This beautiful story takes a simple coffee drink and creates a lesson for us all.
Thes Inspirational Quotes Touch Both Heart and Soul
It's fascinating how a few words can have a lasting inspiring effect on a person. Enjoy this collection of quotes and get a daily dose of motivation.
These are the Things That Make a True Friend...
True friendship is something that we should all cherish in life, however, on occasion, we should also take the time to define what it really means.
Guide: How to Release Trapped Emotions
Trapped emotions can both physically and spiritually damage us. Here's how you can release them safely.
This Is a Message You Should Only Share with a True Friend
If you have a true friend, share this video with them to let them know that you appreciate them deeply.
10 Inspiring Quotes to Get You Through the Day
These quotes will remind you that your bad day will soon pass and better days are yet to come.
8 Ways to Avoid the Negative Loop of Rumination
we’re here to help you break free from rumination and negative thoughts with 8 words of advice.
Mental Health: 9 Things You Should Stop Keeping Secret
It's important to know that there's no reason to be ashamed of the following 9 things...
50 Pieces of Advice That'll Help You Age Gracefully
50 fantastic pieces of advice that will you age with grace and dignity. You'd do well to remember these tips.
These Quotes By George Orwell Will Make You Stop and Think
These quotes by George Orwell will make you stop and think.
Learn 8 Effective Ways for Overcoming Your Self-Doubt
Self-doubt has the power to stop us in our tracks and keep us from moving forward, the next guide will help you overcome it!
The History of the Statue of Liberty and Its Symbolism
The history behind the Statue of Liberty and the poem that has come to symbolize it,
I Can’t Believe These Ordinary Words Used to Mean That...
Let’s take a short journey back in time and trace the origins of 11 seemingly-ordinary words that have exceptionally-interesting histories.
Let These Life Quotes Reach Deep into Your Beautiful Soul
Whenever you feel low, all it can take to turn your spirit is around the powerful truth that comes from a wise quote. Here are some of our favorites.
Let Go of the Past With Édith Piaf's Classic Song
Edith Piaf's "No, I regret anything" will help you break away from worries and fears, throw aside all regrets, and take an important step forward.
Helen Keller Fought to Speak And Left Us With These Words
Helen Keller spent her life working hard and overcoming great odds, and used her words, like these quotes, to inspire people everywhere
8 Reasons Why Logical-Emotional Couples Have Strong Bonds
A relationship in which one partner is logical and the other is emotional will always work best due to different problem-solving approaches. Here's why.
These Are the Lessons Life Has Taught Me
Life is a long-term school that teaches us many lessons... it's up to us if we choose to learn...
15 Quotes on Yoga That Will Bring You Some Inner Peace
Yoga is a practice through which you can attain inner peace and find balance in your life. Here are some inspiring yoga quotes to motivate you.
You Won't Believe How Much Your Body Parts Say About You
Did you know that there are many body parts that can actually give off messages regarding our personalities?
A Beautiful Poem About What REALLY Matters in Life
Overcome self-doubt with this touching poem about the essence of who we are...
Saying No: A Key Buddhist Practice for Inner Peace
Use Buddhism to ignore distractions and focus on what matters.
It Only Takes 60 Seconds to Improve Your Life...
Each of these tips takes only 60 seconds to complete, and will help you enjoy life without stress.
Boost Your Happiness with These Mindfulness Tips
Take control over your mindset, habits and behaviors by practicing these 5 mindfulness methods.
Quotes to Inspire from the Fiercest Women in History
Quote's from inspirational women for International Women's Day.
Someone is Thinking About You Right Now...
You should share this special message with someone who's going through a difficult time in their life. It will help them and inspire them.
Heed This Advice and Your Life Will Change for the Better!
Sometimes all it takes to change the way people think is one simple sentence. Therefore, here are 10 motivational sentences which might just change your life.
Time to Relax: Read and Rest Your Mind...
When writers and philosophers tell you to relax and forget all your troubles, you should probably listen...
12 Epic Ways to Help You Take Charge of Your Destiny!
These 12 powerful ways will help you take charge of your destiny and transform your life.
Thousands of Years Ago, Aristotle Said...
Aristotle was probably the wisest man in history. Why? Well have a look at these 14 quotations and you'll begin to see why. What inspiring and deep words!
Inspiring! Why Letting Go is the Best Thing to Do...
There are times in our life where our only option is to let go...
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