How is it possible for your friends to understand you so well? It's almost as if they can read your mind... If you ever .. Read More
Your Voice is as Unique As Your Fingerprints
This fascinating video explains how this unique characteristic of humans works, and what makes our voices unique.
24 Confusing Optical Illusions Explained - Fascinating!
How do our eyes fool the brain? Let's find out as a neuroscientist explains the truth behind the most confusing optical illusions.
Scientists Finally Know Why We Love Cute Things
We find some things to be irresistibly cute. But why? Let’s find out.
Did You Know Earwigs Could Fly? Watch It Slow Motion
Earwigs are not the cutest insects, but they have a cool trick up their sleeves!
The Curious Science of Tricking Your Taste Buds
Did you know you could confuse your sense of taste? Find out how!
Cows are the Cutest, But This One is Something Special
He acts just like one of the family dogs! And the best part? They're all best buddies!
Remarkable Ancient Finds That Survived Against All Odds
These archeological discoveries remind us that history still holds countless secrets. These discoveries remind us that history still holds countless secrets,
The Faces Of Men Who Regret Coming To The Mall
Here are some of the funniest photos of men who regretted coming to the mall
Few Words of Wisdom Can Aspire to Those Said by Voltaire
These inspiring quotes by Voltaire will have you feeling enlightened.
These Important Life Lessons I Learned From My Mother
At times, life can be hard, so we can all use a piece of good advice from time to time. Here are 12 valuable life lessons that my Mom taught me.
Embrace Gratitude: 11 Quotes to Elevate Your Life
Let's remind ourselves of the beauty of life and how fortunate we are to be right here, right now, by reading though 11 gorgeous, wise quotes on gratitude.
Someone is Thinking About You Right Now...
You should share this special message with someone who's going through a difficult time in their life. It will help them and inspire them.
Founding Father Ben Franklin’s Recipe to a Life Well Lived
Tips to a life well lived from Benjamin Franklin's autobiography
An Old Man Teaches a Businessman a Valuable Life Lesson
This businessman learned a valuable life lesson from a kind and caring old man.
You'll Do Much Better In Life If You Realize These Things
Life teaches us many lessons, however,sadly many of us are guilty of forgetting the lessons we learn along the way. Here are 24 things to keep in mind in life.
Being This Thankful Really Makes Your Life Better
There's no emotion more sublime than thankfulness.
7 Things to Consider When Life Isn't Going Like We Planned
Remember the following 7 empowering phrases that will help you get through tough times and steer your life back in the direction you aspire to.
Here's the Truth About Relationships - 12 Myths Debunked!
Relationships and love are things that have always existed in our world, but there are some truths that need to be clarified about them...
I Hope This Message Turns Your Frown Upside Down
We sincerely hope that this message will make your day that little bit brighter.
Learn to Be as Happy as Your Dog with this Great Advice
Dogs live their life so simply. And as a result they tend to be happy all the time. Perhaps we should all follow this exceptional advice from a dog.
Mother Teresa Had a Lot to Teach Us About Humility
We often talk about our pride, but what about our humility? If there's one wise woman who could teach us how to be humble, it's surely Saint Mother Teresa...
WATCH: Stop, Take a Minute, and Remember...
If you're going through a rough patch, remember to take a second, breathe and reminisce...
Do These 5 Things Today to Wake Up to a New Life Tomorrow
Stop and ask yourself a small, important question. When was the last time you felt happy?
Better Sleep Starts Here: Feng Shui Bedroom Guide
Improve your sleep with these amazing Feng Shui bedroom hacks.
9 Things You Should Stop Doing If You Want to Succeed
Learn the 9 things we might be doing that are holding us back from achieving success.
Faced with Their Deaths, These Were Their Last Wishes
We never know when death might come knocking at our door, but it's the inevitable fate of all of us. These last wishes will both make you cry and comfort you.
These Insightful Quotes Are From India's Greatest Sages
Some of the most spiritual people ever to live hailed from India, and left us with many famous quotes to ponder. Here are 16 quotes from India's greatest teachers.
Carrying the Burden: A Zen Tale With a Moral
A pair of Zen monks, a master and his pupil, went on a journey to visit another convent..
15 Beautiful Quotes by Alfred Lord Tennyson, Discussed
In this article, we delve into 15 of Tennyson’s most beautiful and insightful quotes and discuss their meaning.
How to Deal With Regret in 9 Easy Steps
Forgive yourself and let go of the regrets binding you with these easy steps.
Here's Some Precious Advice You'll Really Thank Me For...
We all have regrets, but that's no excuse for not getting rid of bad habits today. Here are 5 things you should do to make sure you look back on life kindly.
Some Quotes Have the Power to Stay with Us for a Lifetime...
An uplifting list of the most powerful quotes from our favorite childhood books.
9 Psychological Tricks to Boost Your Charisma
These 9 easy tips will help you increase your inherent charisma!
David Attenborough’s Wisest Quotes About Life on Earth
Read some of the most profound and inspiring quotes by the acclaimed naturalist and broadcaster David Attenborough.
Father Gives His Daughter Away with An Amazing Speech
I've never seen such deep emotion displayed during the giving away of a daughter on her wedding day. This father's words will leave you in tears.
Live Longer and Better With These Longevity Practices
These time-tested longevity secrets really do work!
Today, Get Inspired and Dare To Be...
Today, how are you going to live? These words will inspire you to be your true self!
What are the ABCs of Being a True Friend?
What make a truly good friend? The ABC of friendship of course!
This Great Poet’s Words Will Bring You Inner Peace
These powerful and inspiring quotes by the great poet Rumi will bring you inner peace.
The 8 Ingredients for Einstein's Problem Solving Recipe
We all know that Einstein gave the world a great scientific inheritance, achieved largely through his problem solving skills. Here are 8 of his secrets.
Words Are Powerful, and Must Be Used Wisely...
This video will show you the power and beauty of words, and why you should learn to choose yours wisely.
I Want to Share These Quotes About the Future with You
The best way to face the future is to understand that the past is the past. Here are some illuminating quotes that bring this truth home.
Find Joy in Your Life With These Happiness Hacks
Looking for happiness? Try out these science-backed tips and tricks.
Thousands of Years Ago, Aristotle Said...
Aristotle was probably the wisest man in history. Why? Well have a look at these 14 quotations and you'll begin to see why. What inspiring and deep words!
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