The food we eat influences both our physical and mental wellbeing. Studies suggest that it's possible to reduce symptoms.. Read More
Cats Are Heartless? Watch What This Cat Does for a Friend
Dog with separation anxiety receives unexpected help from cat
Avoid These Things If You Want to Save Your Brain Cells
If you want to maintain as much of your mental health and brain functioning as possible throughout your life, then you need to watch this video.
Is Psychotherapy Worth It? Watch This Video and Find Out
What exactly is psychotherapy and how does it work? Watch this informative video and find out!
This Video Will Teach You What Dyslexia Is & How It Works
If you've ever wondered what dyslexia is and how it works, then this is the video that you need to watch.
A Beautiful Way to Relax is Listening to Allan Watts...
This great talk will give you some great food for thought, and explains why many people often feel stressed out.
Prank: Husband Caught Cheating in the Office!
Join us now as we get another prank, and this time it's about fidelity...
Feline Love: 15 Moments of Cats Enjoying Affection
Take a look at these 15 adorable cats that will prove to you that love is still alive.
Understanding RCPD: A Distressing Swallowing Disorder
This article delves into the symptoms, causes, available treatments, and expected prognosis for individuals suffering from RCPD.
10 Things That Matter in Life That We Always Forget
We often forget the following 10 things, but by embracing them we can live more fulfilling lives.
Everyone Needs a Recipe Like This in Their Life...
Here's a recipe to live by...
Here's Why Everyone Should Practice Deep Breathing
Deep breathing exercises can help you relax as well as prevent a whole host of illnesses. Read all about how it works here.
12 Habits That Will Help You Gain Respect and Admiration
We all have moments in life where we feel like the whole world is just ignoring us, but if you adopt the following habits, you'll see things quickly change ...
7 Things to Consider When Life Isn't Going Like We Planned
Remember the following 7 empowering phrases that will help you get through tough times and steer your life back in the direction you aspire to.
A Profound Thought About Human Character I'd Like to Share..
What is character? And what is its importance? Here are a few words about character for you to mull over...
For a Better Relationship, Share These Compliments
In every relationship, there are ups and downs, so it's important to remind our partners that we appreciate them with a few simple yet significant compliments.
10 Things All Couples Need to Do to Be in Love Forever
Everyone talks about that special spark, but what's the secret to making it last? Every couple should know these tips...
When People Say These 7 Things.... Beware!
If there is a person you suspect is like that, the next time he asks you for something try to notice if he uses one of the following 7 formulations.
How To Avoid and Deal With Emotional Blackmail
Emotional blackmail can be very tough to live with. Educate yourself to see the signs of emotional blackmail, as well as learn how to avoid it altogether.
A Few Words of Inspiration Can Go a Long Way...
Some good advice to help you along in life.
Get Inspired by These Lovely Words – 14 Pics
Read these positive and uplifting words of wisdom to get inspired.
This Guide of 40 Tips Will Improve Your Life
There are many ways that you can improve your life. Check out these 40 inspiring tips.
True Friendship Should Be Cherished Forever...
There are few things more enjoyable, more lasting at times, and more crucial to living a life as it should be lived - as true friendship.
Would You Call God If He Had a Phone Number? Inspiring!
Each night, before I sleep, I converse with God. This is what I say.
The Tale of the Two Wolves: One Good, One Evil...
This wise old Red Indian tale sums up something essential about human existence. The truth of this tale will do wonders for your spirit.
This is What Mother Teresa Had to Say to the World
Mother Teresa dedicated her life to others and she learnt an awful lot throughout her long time on earth. Here are some of her words of wisdom.
Inspiring! This is What Christmas is Really About
To celebrate the festivities here are some inspiring quotes that will get you in the Christmas-cheer mood.
9 Tips to Help You Set Boundaries and Maintain Your Dignity
It won't be easy, but with these 9 tips, you can set limits without feeling bad as you'll understand how important it is for your soul.
Few Words of Wisdom Can Aspire to Those Said by Voltaire
These inspiring quotes by Voltaire will have you feeling enlightened.
8 Effective Tips That Will Help You Solve Any Problem
Any problem that comes with us, large or small, may feel complicated and difficult to solve. following these 8 tips will help solve your problems easily.
This Beautiful Story Will Teach You to Value Yourself!
This beautiful story has an ingenious lesson to share.
These Are The Things I Will NOT Wish You This Christmas...
This year, my wishes are more meaningful than they've ever been. I would like to wish you nothing more than the love of...
One Thing I Want To Remember: It's in the Valleys I Grow...
Here's a beautiful and powerful prayer you will need to get through your downfalls..
Please Don't Forget These Important Reminders in Life...
We should always remember the most important things in life, and we should always share them with the ones we love.
This Meditation Guide Just May Change Your Life!
There is a free and effective way to improve your life in a variety of areas, find out how by reading this article....
12 Steps For Achieving a Relationship to Cherish for Life
If you take these 12 steps, then you'll have a relationship with your partner that you'll cherish forever more.
9 Hard Truths We All Need to Face Up To in This Life
We've listed 9 things for you that you may find difficult to hear, but you need to be aware of. Once you succeed in changing your attitude happiness awaits you!
These Animals Will Express Your Love For You!
These animals know how to express love without a word, so we added some beautiful ones you can send to the people you love the most.
These Simple Words Can Help You Through Life's Troubles
Sometimes as adults we over-complicate life. Babies, on the other hand, really demonstrate how life is to be enjoyed simply. Follow their wise lead.
15 Powerful Anthony Hopkins Quotes to Remember
Read to discover some profound words on life by Anthony Hopkins, one of Hollywood’s most distinguished actors and a living legend.
Did You Know That Birds Can Teach Us About Life?
Birds have to have certain traits just to survive in the wilderness, namely patience and perseverance. Imagine if you could apply such traits to your own life.
Find Peace & Gratitude in These Short Prayers to God
I have found that saying a short prayer brings about peace within me, so I'd like to share with you eight simple, yet effective, prayers for all occasions.
11 Precious Romantic Quotes to Rekindle Relationships
Get inspired by this collection of 11 quotes about love and relationships, and find one that will spark a newfound appreciation of your partner
Get Inspired Today With These Penetrative Sartre Quotes
Jean-Paul Sartre was one of the greatest philosophers ever to have lived - his unique way of thinking made him famous the world over. Enjoy 12 of his quotes.
Thes Inspirational Quotes Touch Both Heart and Soul
It's fascinating how a few words can have a lasting inspiring effect on a person. Enjoy this collection of quotes and get a daily dose of motivation.
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