By now, the name Boston Dynamics should be familiar to many of you, the company being the one to release some of the mos.. Read More
Science Lesson: Why is Space Black?
This video will explain why exactly space is the color it is - black.
Breathalyzers May Be More Important Than You Thought
This video does a great job in breaking down how in the future, breath analysis can be used to detect disease and prevent more invasive procedures.
What People in the 80s Thought 2020 Would Look Like...
Let's see how close predictions of the future were to the real thing now that we are living in that 'distant' future.
Meet the Robot that Will Change Seniors' Lives
This robot is going to change the way nursing homes are operated by freeing up the human staff from mundane tasks.
How Gravity Built the World's Fastest Jet Suit
This jet suit is amazing and brings to mind old movies of the future that suddenly we find ourselves living in. What incredible science!
You Won't Believe What This Man Builds Single Handedly
Watch as this man single handed builds a beautiful underground house, complete with pool.
Just for Laughs: How Did She Push a Car at 10 Years?!
This hilarious prank is sure to put a smile on your face.
Science in 2025: 8 Developments That Could Change it All
Here are some of the most exciting trends in science and healthcare to keep an eye on.
These Ancient Inventions Have Got Scientists Stumped!
Here are 12 items from long ago which prove that our ancestors possessed knowledge and skills far more advanced than we once believed them to be.
This Giant Tank Will Unlock the Universe’s Big Mysteries
Japan is building a huge underground tank inside a mountain to help unlock the many mysteries of the universe.
Scientists Develop 'Flying Dragon' Robot to Fight Fires
Scientists in Japan have created a water-spitting 'flying dragon' robot to fight fires.
20 Peculiar Microscope Photos That You Really Must See
An unseen world exists at our fingers, and thanks to these wonderful micrographs, we can get a glimpse into that dimension.
10 Obscure Inventions by World Famous Inventors
We’d like to bring your attention to 10 lesser-known inventions of famous figures in history, which will reveal a new and different side of these inventors to you.
Satisfy Your Curiosity About the Universe with These Q&As
Discover more about the universe by reading through these facts.
20 Useful Facts About the Science of Cooking
The science behind cooking is not often thought of, but it plays a crucial role in a dish turning out right. Here are 20 facts on the science of cooking.
Science Predicts These 10 Technologies Will Rule 2025
These upcoming tech innovations will reshape our world.
Understanding the Aging Process of Our Body Parts
Find out how every organ and body part in our body changes with age.
17 Incredible Eye Facts You Have To See To Believe
They say the eyes are the window to the soul, and they also happen to be our windows to the world. Here are 17 insanely fascinating facts about eyes.
These Wacky Inventions of the Past Appear Odd to Us Today!
These vintage tech inventions may look very interesting or even incredible, but their practicality today is questionable...
Study Says: With Age, Come Certain Cognitive Abilities
a study published in August 2021 in the journal *Nature Human Behavior reveals surprising findings that challenge this assumption and may be of great interest to all of us.
Why Do You See Colors When You Rub Your Eyes?
Explore the science of afterimages, the visual illusions that linger in your vision following exposure to bright lights or images.
These Theories About Reality & the Universe Will Stun You
You will be shocked to discover these 10 surprising theories of the universe and reality.
Neon Lights: a Beautiful Union of Science and Art
Neon signs are a beautiful blend or artistry and science, and knowing the history and the science behind them make them even more exciting
You Won't Believe That These Things Exist in Japan...
If there's one place on this planet that well and truly at the forefront of modern technology, it has got to be Japan, as these inventions prove...
10 Tech Products You Must Double-Check Before Buying
Beware! These tech products are most commonly faked.
This Secret Invention Changed the Course of WW2
Let’s take a closer look at the proximity fuze, also called Vt Fuze, an invention that changed the course of the second World War.
The 12 Game-Changing Inventions From 2024 You Missed
2024 was a ground-breaking year in terms of innovation. Here's a look at some of the key breakthroughs from the year.
Ponder Life's Big Questions with a Truly Brilliant Mind
Dr. Michio Kaku is known around the world for his brain power and ability to explain complex concepts with effortless ease. Here are his thoughts.
Doctors Make History With First Whole Eye Transplant
Surgeons in New York have performed the world’s first transplant of an entire human eye!
A Must See: White Cells Devouring Bad Bacteria!
A real look at how white cells identify and consume harmful bacteria.
The Real Reason Companies Prevent You from Fixing Things
Ever felt like you should be able to fix that broken gadget, but something's holding you back? Watch this to know more.
Travel From the Sun to Pluto With Our Interactive Guide!
The solar system is a fascinating place, and we wanted to bring you an interactive journey that you can use to travel through it. Enjoy the journey!
The Difference Between Mined and Lab-Created Diamonds
If you're seriously considering buying a loved one a diamond, then we highly recommend that you read this informative guide first!
Could This Popular Ingredient Be a Cause of Cancer?
The chemical triclosan began to appear in a multitude of products in the early 1970s. This ingredient, found in a multitude of products has been linked to cancer.
2023 in Science: Biggest Discoveries You Missed!
Let’s take a look at the most amazing scientific discoveries that made news this year.
Study: Biggest Ocean in the World is.. Underground?
A groundbreaking discovery by researchers reveals an enormous water reservoir deep beneath the Earth's surface.
The First Robot Ever Made Was Created 250 Years Ago...
This automaton is pure genius, especially when you consider it was built 250 years ago...
What’s it Like Using a 115-Inch TV?!
This colossal 115-Inch TV will transform your viewing experience forever.
Boston Dynamic's Robot Does Some Incredible Things...
Boston Dynamics shows us again what her lead robot can do.
Incredible New Bionic Arm Fuses With Woman's Nerves
Karin's bionic hand is real sci fi, making her one of the first true cyborgs.
These New Technologies Will Change the World!
These groundbreaking tech innovations are going to change our world!
GUIDE: How Alcohol Affects Us, Drink by Drink...
In this article, we're going to discuss the exact amounts of alcohol in our blood and what they look like, including how each level affects us and our ability to function.
8 Ancient Greek Scholars & Their Life-Changing Inventions
The foundations of modern medicine, engineering, biology, and astronomy were set up by these 8 stellar minds more than two thousand years ago.
Fascinating: How are CPU Chips Made?
This is a comprehensive look at both the fabrication process and the workings of a microchip plant that makes CPUs for computers.
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