What Is the Secret of Human Success As a Species? Grandmas
Was the unique parenting style of humans responsible for the rapid evolution of our brains and social skills? Find out in this video.
Fascinating: What is the Deepest Hole Humanity Has Dug?
This video explains how low humanity has dug down so far.
What is Your Consciousness? A Remarkable Video...
This video by Ted-ed searches to explain the origin of consciousness as well as what is consciousness.
Fascinating! Discover the Smallest Thing in the Universe
Jonathan Butterworth explains the Standard Model theory and how it helps us understand the world we live in. Take a look:
The Transistor: The Invention that Changed EVERYTHING.
We use transistors every day, all day. But how much do you know about this incredibly important invention?
Have You Ever Wondered Why We Choke Under Pressure?
Many people are highly skilled in one or multiple areas, however all of us have a propensity to choke under pressure sometimes. Find out why in this video.
Meet the Supercomputer Supporting US Nuclear Weapons
Take a look at the 2nd-most powerful supercomputer in the world: the USA's Sierra.
Ever Wonder What Your Smartphone Is Made Of?
Smartphones are ubiquitous in the modern world, but making them is extremely energy- and resource-intensive. Watch this video to find out more about them.
Discover How Your Eyes Make Sense of Your Surroundings
The human eye is one of our most complex and mysterious organs. Learn all about it here.
Did You Know Trees TALK to Each Other?!?
According to science, trees are actually able to 'talk' to each other by forming complex underground symbiotic relationships. Here's how it works.