The Language Sounds We Could Be Using But Aren't
There are many more letters we could be using, but aren't...
Sugar Causing Hyperactivity and Other Science Urban Myths
A lot of us fall prey to a factoid that's repeated with conviction, but is science impervious to such urban legends?
This Company Changed the Space Industry in Under 20 Years
This video provides an overview of SpaceX, what they’ve achieved so far and where they’re headed, and their story is fascinating.
The Incredible Wit and Logistics Behind Overnight Shipping
This video proves that the postal service isn't always boring. In fact, sometimes, it's seems almost miraculous.
What, Exactly, Is the String Theory, and Is It True?
If you’ve ever heard about quantum physics, you’ve probably heard about string theory. But what is it, and is it scientific fact?
The Great Scientific Mystery: How Did Life on Earth Begin?
How did life on Earth truly originate? This scientific mystery remains unsolved, but we may be close to solving it every day
How Can Laser Cut Through Metal and Make Incisions?
Laser has first been theorized by Einstein in 1917, and is found literally everywhere you look today, but how does it actually function?
Is Telekinesis a Real Phenomenon or Unscientific Garbage?
Many people have claimed to have a scientifically-quantifiable skill of being able to move objects with their mind, but is it true?
Is Teleportation Possible or Just Sci-Fi Pipe Dreams?
Teleportation is a mainstay of science fiction, but is it actually scientifically feasible?
What Is Artificial Intelligence and Is It Dangerous?
Little by little, technology is getting smarter and learning to make decisions. Are we in danger of a machine takeover?