You have probably heard this bird’s sound in many nature videos but have never seen it before. The laughing kookaburra h.. Read More
Sloths: Masters of Slow-Motion Evolution
The sloth is much more interesting than you ever realized.
This is the Smallest Wild Dog You've Likely Seen
This little wild dog was recently thought to be extinct.
Animal Kingdom: Meet the World’s Grumpiest Cat
Pallas’s cats are perhaps the most unusual wild cats of our planet.
Silent Shadows: How Snow Leopards Hunt in the Wild
Join us as we discover the secret world of the snow leopard - the rarest and most beautiful of all the big cats.
Cute Animal of the Week: The Little-Known Cuscus
Today, let us introduce you to a little-known, unusual but adorable animal – the cuscus.
Graceful Margay: The Elusive Feline of the Rainforest
Meet the Margay, the most arboreal cat in the world.
Science in 2025: 8 Developments That Could Change it All
Here are some of the most exciting trends in science and healthcare to keep an eye on.
The Funniest Examples of Design Gone Horribly Wrong
These are some of the most absurd, head-scratching, and downright hilarious design blunders we've seen.
12 Beautiful Plants that Flourish in the Summer Heat
many plants are simply unable to grow in the summer heat. but the 12 before you do well in it and can decorate your house all summer long.
Nature inFocus Photography Awards: 17 Incredible Winners
Check out the incredible winners of the 2023 Nature inFocus Photography Awards.
Adorable Miniature Donkeys Are Here to Make Your Day!
These diminutive donkeys aren't babies or dwarves, but an adorable breed of smaller donkeys. They’re so cute you’ll want to adopt a few.
This Woman Takes Incredible Wildlife Pics With Hidden Cams
A woman has set up a secret camera in her backyard bird feeder and ends up capturing the most interesting wildlife photos.
World's Finest Wildlife Images Crowned for 2023: 16 Pics
Check out the outstanding winners of One Eyeland’s 2023 Wildlife Photography Awards.
16 Award-Winning Shots That’ll Take Your Breath Away
The 2020 winners of the nature photography competition BigPicture have been announced, and they are astounding!
These Siberian Cats Are Truly Stunning!
Alla Lebedeva has turned her homestead into a "Catland" and she has now gone viral thanks to some incredible photographs of her glorious Siberian cats.
These Adorable Baby Animals Will Make You Smile
These tiny animals can all fit in one hand and are the cutest creatures you will see today.
How Awesome Is Our Planet? - 14 Stunning Aerial Shots
Meet Santiago Borja, a professional pilot who captures some breathtaking aerial photos.
Iguazu Falls Are Definitely Going on My Bucket List
Iguazu Falls are often called the most beautiful waterfalls in the whole world. Take a look at these stunning shots to see if you agree.
When Left Alone, Nature Eventually Takes Over...
Spectacular pictures of abandoned places being reclaimed by nature.
These Intimate Animal Portraits Will Leave You Stunned
Photographer Pedro Jarque Krebs takes intimate close-ups of wild animals. Here are some if his best shots.
Spectacular Winners of the 2024 Audubon Photography Awards
Meet the spectacular winners of the 2024 Audubon Photography Awards.
The Oldest Cat in the World Lived Nearly 40 Years!
These creatures and organisms from all around the world are the oldest of their kind, and may even be the oldest living things on Earth!
Stunning Flowers and Inspiring Quotes to Brighten Your Day
Take a moment to enjoy the colorful beauty of astonishing flowers and the inspiring words of those who love them.
Dads of the Wild: Animal Kingdom's Paternal Protectors
These animal fathers show unwavering dedication.
What Is Your Cat Trying to Tell You? Cat Sounds Explained
Cats are extremely intelligent pets and the sounds they make are their way of communicating, even if we don't always understand what they mean
These Beautiful Photos Depict Penguins in All Their Glory..
These photos will melt your heart with cuteness.
Unbelievable: This Single Tree Can Bear 40 Kinds of Fruit
We bet you've never heard of a tree that can bear more than one kind of fruit. Well, this tree can bear 40!
This Is How Mother Birds Care for Their Sweet Chicks
Motherhood is a wonderful thing. It binds not only humans together, but birds too. These photos are simply amazing.
The Amazing Big Blue Captured by Photo Contest Winners
These stunning photos will leave you in awe of the stunning beauty of the deep big blue.
15 Animals that Have Drastically Changed Over Time
Humans are not the only ones who are constantly developing. Most of these amazing animals transformed past the point of recognition over time.
8 Flowers That Left an Indelible Mark On History
Here is a look at some interesting flowers that aren't just beautiful to look at but also influential, having left an indelible mark in history.
Nature Really Does Have Some Gorgeous Geometry!
When nature makes use of geometry, it uses it in the most stunning of ways.
Proof that Aquatic Flowers Have No Match in Beauty
To honor the exotic beauty of aquatic flowers, we created a list of the 7 most breathtaking aquatic flowers in the world
These Cute Animal Encounters Took People by Surprise
Enjoy these touching images of harmony between animals and humans.
Meet Apollo, the Genius Record-Breaking Parrot
Meet Apollo, a smart parrot who made his way into the record books for his unique ability to identify objects.
Witness the Raw Beauty of Nature in These Incredible Pics
Check out some of the best winning images from the 2020 Nature Photographer of the Year contest.
The Wildest Things You’ve Never Seen in Nature (16 Pics)
These photos redefine how we see the natural world.
15 of the Smallest Animals to Inhabit the Earth!
Have you ever wondered what is the smallest animal in the world is? If you have, you’ve certainly come to the right place.
Tiny Animals in Stunning Detail: 16 Macro Photos
These macro shots reveal the intricate beauty of tiny insects and creatures.
The MOST Fascinating Facts About Colors I’ve Ever Heard!
Colors are ubiquitous, and yet we know surprisingly little about them. Let's fix that by learning these 15 fascinating facts about color
There Are So Many Beautiful Types of Orchids...
There are over 25,000 types of orchid. Here are some of my favorites...
10 Rare Animal Species Found in Only One Location
These unique hyper-endemic species can only be found in one place in the whole world - so they're definitely worth discovering.
These Creatures Are So Scary You'll Be Happy They're Extinct
Once you read more about these extinct animals - you'll be happy you won't have to see them in real life.
Crows - The Geniuses of the Bird World!
Watch this next video to see how smart a crow can really be, and we still have more to learn about how these amazing birds think.
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