Tornado Alley is the colloquial term for the region in the United States where tornadoes are a lot more common than the .. Read More
The Innovation That Helped the Allies Win World War II
In world War II Donald Bailey came up with an innovation that allowed the allies' tanks to cross bodies of water, and consequently win the war...
Go Inside a Kangaroo's Pouch
A kangaroo's pouch is more than just a pocket made of fur - it's an entire complex nursery system that works in a fascinating way!
China's Crazy Plan to Dig a Canal in the Middle of EUROPE
China is setting out a plan to dig a canal through the middle of Europe in the nearest future, but why?
Explained: The Reason Why February Only Has 28 Days
Ever wondered why February consists of only 28 days? Well, here are some answers...
Vaccinations SHOULD Trigger Side Effects, Here’s Why
Once you watch this video and understand why vaccine side effects happen, you may even be happy to get that headache.
Hypnotism: Science or Forgery?
His contemporaries called him a charlatan, but in the late 1880s, Dr. Anton Mesmer was onto something we now know as hypnotism.
18 Comics That Take Humor to a Whole New Level
Here's a brand new collection of single-panel comics that guarantee laughs.
Just for Laughs: How Did She Push a Car at 10 Years?!
This hilarious prank is sure to put a smile on your face.
This Incredible Bird Can Make Any Sound it Likes!
This classic Attenborough scene is of the most amazing bird in the world. Just listen to the sound(s) it makes! Cover image by Vern / flickr
14 Special Animals You Didn’t Know Existed
In our magical world, there are millions of different kinds of animals, some beautiful and some strange. Take a peek at 14 of them right here...
The Fascinating Origins of 11 Lovely Flower Names
There is no better time than spring to dive headfirst into the fascinating world of flower name etymologies! Here are the origins of the names of 11 lovely flowers.
This Photographer Captures Crystals with Indelible Beauty!
Behold 17 gorgeous crystals by the talented photographer László Kupi.
A Woman's Backyard Receives Many Beautiful Bird Visitors
Ostdrossel makes different items using candid photographs of beautiful birds captured on her backyards feeder cam
Far, Far Away, There's a Land Where Pandas Roam Free...
Giant pandas are highly endangered, however there's a beautiful sanctuary in China devoted to ensuring that population numbers are boosted. See the photos.
5 Exotic Ancient Creatures That Were Found Frozen in Ice
Check out some really strange creatures that lived thousands of years ago and have been recently discovered frozen in ice.
Beautiful: How Your Dog Sees You Vs. How You See Yourself
Although we can feel down in the dumps about ourselves sometimes, our dogs will always keep their faith in us and see us as their heroes.
What is a Tamandua? 8 Adorable But Incredibly Rare Animals
Watch 8 incredibly cute and exotic mammal species interact with each other as you learn about them and their habitat
Get Close with the Aquatic World - Award-Winning Photos
Marvel at these award-winning photos from the Close-up Photographer of the Year.
This Woman Takes Incredible Wildlife Pics With Hidden Cams
A woman has set up a secret camera in her backyard bird feeder and ends up capturing the most interesting wildlife photos.
These Are Definitely the Oddest Couples I Could Imagine...
These strange couples destroy all my previous notions about animal relationships.
The World Is Full of Beauty, but These Rivers Top It All
These are 15 of the world's most spectacular rivers. Their beauty will mesmerize you!
We Bet You Don't Know How Your Favorite Foods Are Grown!
Ever wondered how peanuts grow? Or what cocoa actually looked like before it was harvested? Well, you've come to the right place!
In Pictures: Bird Photographer of the Year 2023 Winners
Check out the stunning winners of the 2023 Bird Photographer of the Year contest.
Inside a Red Fox's Den, You Will Find... Cute Baby Foxes!
Watch a family of fox babies grow from cuddly grey balls of fur into playful little pups. We must say, it's one of the cutest things we ever did see!
15 Beautiful Pics That Show the Best of Britain’s Wildlife
Explore the best of wildlife in the UK through these pictures from the British Wildlife Photography Awards.
World's Best Animal Photos: 20 Winning Images by Agora
Check out some of the finest photographs from Agora's #Animals2020 contest that shows the beauty of wildlife from the world over.
How's it Possible that These Roses Last for 3+ Years?
Wouldn't it be a beautiful idea to receive a rose that may last a lifetime? These flowers just might...
The Most Amazing Facts About the Powerful Tiger!
If lions are kings, then tigers are emperors. Get to know the largest of all big cats with some very fascinating facts.
These Beautiful Photos Capture The Majesty of Wild Horses
Few animals can compare to the majestic and beautiful wild horse.
14 Mistakes Every Pet Owner Makes
If you love your pet, you must recognize the 14 mistakes you may be making that are harmful to its well-being, security, and mental state.
These Adorable Baby Animals Will Make You Smile
These tiny animals can all fit in one hand and are the cutest creatures you will see today.
These Dogs Have the Best Hair Day, Every Day.
I have never seen dogs that look so amazing before. They all have such beautiful coats of hair!
The Friendliest Dolphin You've Ever Seen...
Diving into the crystal clear waters with Jojo is to go on a super joyful and happy adventure!
Nature’s Beauty & Drama Captured in 14 Award-Winning Pics
Check out the outstanding winning images from the 2024 HIPA awards.
16 Fascinating Plants You Have to See to Believe!
How many of these interesting plants have you seen before?
Out of All the Chrysanthemums These Are the MOST Beautiful
Chrysanthemums are a beautiful flower, and there are so many different varieties of mums that come in all colors, sgapes and sizes
Nature Lesson: Fun Hummingbird Facts You Never Knew Before
Learn some amazingly true and little-known facts about the insect-sized hummingbirds.
15 of the Smallest Animals to Inhabit the Earth!
Have you ever wondered what is the smallest animal in the world is? If you have, you’ve certainly come to the right place.
Monster of the Deep? Nope, Just a Pigeon-Eating Fish!
The Wels Catfish isn't your average fish. It has a taste for pigeons!
Watch This Cheetah Shower Affection and Gratitude
Watch This Cheetah Shower Affection and Gratitude on her caregiver
Keep Your Bouquet Fresh for 3 Weeks with These Handy Tips
Bouquets may not last long, but you can increase their lifespan by 3 weeks with these handy tips.
10 Beautiful Horse Breeds Everyone Needs to Know About
We humans owe horses so much thanks to the role they've played in human history. These are probably the 10 most interesting breeds of all.
COLLECTION: World's Most Beautiful Trees and Forests
Witness the boundless power and beauty of nature by looking through this curated collection of the most breathtaking photos of forests and trees
Of All Tulips In the World, These Are the Most Beautiful!
Here are 25 absolutely gorgeous varieties of Tulips, that come in a wide range of shapes and colors and brighten up every garden
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