It may be the heaviest, and perhaps most dangerous, land predator in the world, but the polar bear also has a family lif.. Read More
Paralyzed Cat Takes Swimming Lessons!
How a cat recovered using swimming lessons!
The Lion Hug and Kiss - Adorable!
If you thought big cats don't feel love and affection, just watch as these young baby lion cubs come give a Park Worker hugs and kisses on his last day with them!
The Most Remarkable Beaver Experience!
Watching Beavers in Action!
Spying on Polar Bears - Awesome!
Shhh... We're Spying on Polar Bears...
You're Clumsy Mr. Penguin!
Penguins are incredibly graceful underwater. However, when they go on land, they are... how shall we put it? A little less graceful... Here's a hilarious and adorable compilation of penguins being their clumsy selves!
Sweet Moment: What Big Brothers are For
A great sweet moment between pooches, when this little pup is too scared to walk down the stairs, a larger version of itself is willing to show the way!
17 Times Birds Decided to Ruin Someone’s Day for Fun
Take a look at these hilarious photos of birds choosing chaos over peace.
The Forgotten Airships of the U.S. Military
This is the story of America's ambitious journey into the age of aerial warfare.
The Fascinating Origins of 11 Lovely Flower Names
There is no better time than spring to dive headfirst into the fascinating world of flower name etymologies! Here are the origins of the names of 11 lovely flowers.
Beautiful Nature: The Tadpole Migration
This is the story of one of the greatest migrations, while also being one of the tiniest ones...
These Intimate Animal Portraits Will Leave You Stunned
Photographer Pedro Jarque Krebs takes intimate close-ups of wild animals. Here are some if his best shots.
These Pictures Perfectly Capture the Magic of Fall
Enjoy this beautiful collection of fall pictures.
These Rare Animals Are Both Weird and Wonderful
Have you ever seen a creature that looked so weird and unique that you weren't sure if you were actually looking at an alien or something that belongs on our planet?Discover here these 15 weird and wonderful creatures that are too wonderful for words
These Pictures Can Reduce Your Stress. We Guarantee It!
Enjoy the beauty of our world in 15 glorious photographs.
25 Cute and Curious Animals Just Discovering the Snow
25 adorable animals are experiencing the simple pleasures of playing outside in the snow for the very first time.
From Alabama to Wyoming: 50 States Blessed with Fall Colors
Before the winter months take over, let's enjoy the beauty of fall in 50 U.S. states.
These Photos Prove Mother Nature Can Be So Creative!
These photos prove that Mother Nature has a creative side.
INTERACTIVE: Click on the Flower to See Its Full Beauty
These interactive photos of flowers will allow you to see them in video with a click.
15 Weird Dog Behaviors Explained
Join us as we unravel the secrets of doggy behavior, helping you to connect more deeply with your loyal companion.
Nature’s Trickster: The Mysterious Mimic Octopus
Scientists consider this sea creature the most intelligent invertebrate in our oceans!
Lovely Garden Roses in An Unending Variety of Nice Colors!
Numerous different cultivars and hybrids of roses have been bred and grown over the decades to give you the perfect rose garden.
Sloths: Masters of Slow-Motion Evolution
The sloth is much more interesting than you ever realized.
Incredible Undersea Photography: 16 Award-Winning Pics
Check out the breathtaking winners of the Underwater Photographer of the Year 2023 contest.
7 of the Most Beautiful and Unique Birds of North America
Some of the most beautiful birds of North America and the Caribbean.
Ocean Showdown: Orcas Take on Humpback Whales
There's a reason why orcas can never get along with humback whales...
14 Signs Your Cat Sees You as Their Real Parent
Watch for these behaviors to understand just how much you mean to your cat, less an owner and more as a parent.
In Pictures: Bird Photographer of the Year 2023 Winners
Check out the stunning winners of the 2023 Bird Photographer of the Year contest.
7 Surprising Animals That Have The Ability To ‘Fly’
Here's a look at some unique and surprising members of the animal kingdom that have developed the ability to fly through the air.
I Bet You Never Thought Croatia Would be This Beautiful
Plitvice National Park has got to be one of the most beautiful places on earth. Don't believe us? These pictures will certainly make you believe us.
These Beautiful Animals May Not Be Around for Much Longer
The chances are you have never seen these animals before, and sadly many of them will not be around much longer. Take a look at these 18 beautiful animals.
Capturing Africa's Wild Beauty: 17 Mesmerizing Pics
Enjoy this photographic journey of African wildlife.
These Beautiful Animal Stories Will Touch Your Heart
Animals are an infinite source of inspiration for all of us, and these touching stories will give you renewed hope in life and maybe even make you shed a tear.
This Place Proves the Desert Can Be Beautiful
This place is called the Natural Bridges National Monument, and today we're going to visit it.
Inspiring Wildlife Photos From Europe’s Top Photographers
Check out the amazing winners of the European Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024.
These Have Got to Be Some of the World Strangest Plants
In this world there are pretty plants and then there are talented and bizarre plants. These 12 plants definitely fall into the latter category.
Dads of the Wild: Animal Kingdom's Paternal Protectors
These animal fathers show unwavering dedication.
14 Special Animals You Didn’t Know Existed
In our magical world, there are millions of different kinds of animals, some beautiful and some strange. Take a peek at 14 of them right here...
10 Fluffiest, Cutest Creatures that Survive in the Desert
Who knew there's cuteness here too? Read about the most brilliant and adorable animals of the desert.
WOW! Few Birds Compare to the Majesty of the Mighty Eagle
This bird is unique, and incredible. Learn more about the mighty eagle here.
INTERACTIVE: Click on the Colorful Birds to See Them!
Click on a bird and see a video of a real bird.
If You Thought You Knew What Trees Look Like, Look Again!
Most trees are good in the background and you hardly notice them. Not so with these spectacular rare woodland giants. Here are 13 amazing trees.
Norway's Incredible Fjords as You've Never Seen Them!
Check out this stunning video that shows Norway's fjords from the sky! We can guarantee that it'll take your breath away!
17 Curious Clouds That Make You Look Twice At The Sky
These curious cloud shapes will leave you looking at the sky differently.
When You Look to the Sky at Night, Look For These Figures
Get ready to become an astronomical expert with these depictions of the stories behind the most famous constellations in the world.
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