The Amazon rainforest is home to a wide variety of incredible birds and animals. Some of the animals that call this plac.. Read More
Graceful Margay: The Elusive Feline of the Rainforest
Meet the Margay, the most arboreal cat in the world.
Have You Seen a Predator as Tiny and Adorable as This?
The Fennec Fox is the world’s smallest fox. Want to know more about this cute animal? Watch this video.
ADORABLE! Meet the Real-Life Paddington Bear
Spectacled bears – also known as Andean bears – are South America's only bear species. Find out more about them.
Have You Seen an Insect More Beautiful Than This?
Meet the Picasso bug, an incredibly beautiful insect named after the great painter.
Watch: This Laughing Kookaburra Leaves Everyone Amused
Meet the laughing Kookaburra - the world’s largest kingfisher known for its distinctive cackle.
The Weird Crocodile Relative You Had No Idea Existed
The gharial looks like a crocodile with a super long snout. But what is it, really?
Safety Takes a Backseat in These Hilarious Photos
Prepare for some face-palmingly funny safety fails.
In Pictures – World Sports Photography Awards 2025 Winners
Check out the outstanding winning images from the World Sports Photography Awards 2025 contest.
Behold 15 of Most Stunning Pigeons and Doves
We’ve compiled 15 of the most exquisite and graceful pigeons and doves in the world, both wild and human-bred, for you to discover and delight in.
These Are the Best Animal Moments Ever Captured on Video
Get right into the mouth of the lion with this absolutely incredible compilation of animal videos.
Nature Really Does Have Some Gorgeous Geometry!
When nature makes use of geometry, it uses it in the most stunning of ways.
In Pictures - International Garden Photographer of the Year
Take a look at the stunning nature photographs from the International Garden Photographer of the Year.
Gaze in Wonder at These 35 Amazing Photos of North America
North America has so much wonderful natural variety that it's easy to see why many believe it was blessed by God himself. Here are 35 amazing photos.
Witness the Magical Views of Norway's Northern Islands
The amazing place you are about to see in this video is Svalbard - an archipelago that is in the northernmost part of the entire kingdom of Norway.
These Photos Prove Mother Nature Can Be So Creative!
These photos prove that Mother Nature has a creative side.
Stunning Wildlife Shots from Kenya's Wilderness
Explore the magic of Kenya's wildlife through the lens of photographer Peter Delaney.
These Comedy Wildlife Photos Are Hilarious
Check out 20 of the best entries from 2018's edition of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards.
Do Our Cats Love Us? A Fascinating Experiment
This cat owner decided to put his 2 cats to a test usually prescribed to toddlers.
Meet the Most Amazing Architects of the Animal Kingdom
Take a look at some of the weirdest and most wonderful bird nests from the animal kingdom.
Why is Your Cat Constantly Checking Up on You?
Ever wonder why your feline friend seems to follow you around the house, peeking into rooms you're in?
These Siamese Fighting Fish Look Like Rainbows
If you thought you knew all about fish, this colorful Siamese Fighting Fish will make you think twice, and look admiringly. I'm in love with these beauties!
This Bird is a Masterful Trickster When It Comes To Feeding
The Drongo bird is one of nature's greatest tricksters. Watch this video to find out how it tricks meerkats into bringing food to it.
These Images of Our Galaxy are Sure to Ignite Your Wonder
The 2024 Milky Way Photographer of the Year contest celebrates our galaxy's majesty.
Brighten Up Your Garden with These 7 Beautiful Flowers
Brighten up your garden by adding some of the best and brightest flowers around!
Incredible Nature: A New Dolphin Enters the World...
An amazing and touching sight.
Come Meet Archaeopteryx, the Most Ancient of Birds!
In this video, we’ll explore the discovery of Archaeopteryx, its unique anatomy, and the role it plays in understanding how flight evolved.
The Crystal Waters of Fiji Are Pure Underwater Heaven
There are few waters more beautiful than the crystal clear waters of Fiji.
15 Magical Animal Moments That’ll Make You Smile All Day!
Animals sometimes take on the role of "models" and provide photographers with the opportunity to capture wonderful moments of magic that simply warm our hearts.
A Woman's Backyard Receives Many Beautiful Bird Visitors
Ostdrossel makes different items using candid photographs of beautiful birds captured on her backyards feeder cam
A Dolphin Asks a Human for Help!
We have seen animal rescue, but rarely have we seen the animal search for humans to save it!
30 Animals With More Hair Than They Know What to Do With
It's hard to imagine how any of these animals can see clearly with all that hair. Enjoy these 30 cute and furry animals in desperate need of a haircut.
What is a Tamandua? 8 Adorable But Incredibly Rare Animals
Watch 8 incredibly cute and exotic mammal species interact with each other as you learn about them and their habitat
There are So Many Reasons for Us to Love Penguins
Penguins are as beautiful as they are fascinating. Here is all you need to know about these wonderful birds...
This Video Proves That a Dog REALLY Is Man's Best Friend!
A highly trained medical dog will instantly react to changes in its owner's behavior. Here's how they are trained at home.
7 Surprising Animals That Have The Ability To ‘Fly’
Here's a look at some unique and surprising members of the animal kingdom that have developed the ability to fly through the air.
These Beautiful Endangered Butterflies are a Joy to Behold
These exotic butterflies are extremly rare and placed high atop the endangered species list, but will fill your eyes with color and wonder.
These Natural Wonders Are Too Strange For Words
Natural weather processes have resulted in some truly weird and wonderful natural wonders forming in certain areas of the world. Here are 12 of the weirdest.
The Worst Earthquakes in History - a Nightmare Turned Real
On this list, we feature 9 of the most devastating and deadly earthquakes in history - in rising order according to the Richter scale.
18 Breathtaking Photos Depict Nature as Heaven on Earth
These photos enable us to appreciate the beauty in mother nature and all that she has to offer.
There Are Awesome New Dog Breeds in the World...
21 of the most adorable new canine cross breeds.
Crows - The Geniuses of the Bird World!
Watch this next video to see how smart a crow can really be, and we still have more to learn about how these amazing birds think.
Bee-autiful Builder: Watch a Bee Build Her Home!
Ever wondered how bees build their nests? Time to find out.
Macro Photography: Pretty Ladybugs in Extreme Close-Ups
Let’s take a close-up look at the fascinating world of ladybugs through the lens of Makis Bitos.
Nature Really Went Overboard While Creating These Animals
This rare collection of pictures shows common animals but with some truly unique features. Check it out!
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