Agave, succulents, cacti. All desert plants you've probably heard of before. Surely you've seen one or maybe you even ha.. Read More
Return to the Ocean: The Complex Final Journey of a Whale
Today, we delve into the intricate and captivating lifecycle fostered by these deep-sea giants.
This Awesome Plant Can Live For More Than 300 Years!
The compass plant can live for over 300 years!
Nature: How Animals Evolved Head Weapons
The history of animal head weapons is diverse and fascinating.
This Tiny Octopus Gets Excited When His Human Visits
Watch this tiny octopus as it gets excited and 'plays' with his human friend.
Hilarious Nature: True Facts About Elephants!
Come with us as we explore this huge mammal, make some jokes and meet one of the smartest and most fascinating of all animals, the elephant.
The Life of a Pearl Diver: A Fascinating Look
Take a look at a day in Babar's life as a pearl diver in Indonesia.
These Careers Sound Fake but Are 100% Real!
Let’s take a look at some of the most unusual professions that exist today.
WARNING: Do Not Drink Coffee While Taking These Pills
If you are currently taking medications for cold and nasal congestion, it’s very important to read the following information to understand why you should avoid caffeine and what could happen if you don’t.
Polar Bears: 10 Amazing Facts About the King of the Ice
Here's a look at some little-known and unique facts about the amazing polar bear.
The 8 Most Beautiful Bulbs to Plant in Spring
Here are the best spring flowering bulbs for your garden.
This Is How Mother Birds Care for Their Sweet Chicks
Motherhood is a wonderful thing. It binds not only humans together, but birds too. These photos are simply amazing.
In Pictures: Royal Entomological Society Photo Contest
Check out the winners of the 2023 Royal Entomological Society photo contest.
Let These Animal Quotes Be Your Source of Inspiration
Animals are inspirational to many of us in this world, and the same can be said for some of its greatest names. Here are 12 truly great animal quotes.
Nature's Wonders: 14 Fascinating and Gorgeous Plants
These are some of the most interesting plants we have seen in a while.
The MOST Fascinating Facts About Colors I’ve Ever Heard!
Colors are ubiquitous, and yet we know surprisingly little about them. Let's fix that by learning these 15 fascinating facts about color
30 Beautifully Mysterious Creatures of the Animal Kingdom
If it was down to me, photography would be nothing more than this: pure, unadulterated photos of lovely wild animals. Here's 30 of the best.
Get Close with the Aquatic World - Award-Winning Photos
Marvel at these award-winning photos from the Close-up Photographer of the Year.
15 Views of Marine Life That Feel Almost Otherworldly
Marvel at the astonishing underwater photos of American photographer Rachel Moore.
The Land of Ice, Snow and Whimsical Nature in 19 Photos
Admire 19 picturesque photos of nature in one of the most whimsical and stunning place on the planet - Iceland.
Iceland May Be Cold, But its Beauty Is Other-Worldy
Winter makes much of the world beautiful, but no where is a match for Iceland!
The 10 Most Beautiful Owl Species in the World
Showcasing some of the most gorgeous owls in the world and how they live their lives.
These Are Definitely the Oddest Couples I Could Imagine...
These strange couples destroy all my previous notions about animal relationships.
Watch This Cheetah Shower Affection and Gratitude
Watch This Cheetah Shower Affection and Gratitude on her caregiver
When Left Alone, Nature Eventually Takes Over...
Spectacular pictures of abandoned places being reclaimed by nature.
Can We Introduce You to Some Animals You've Never Seen?
Everyone knows all about the world's common animals, but we bet you've never seen any of these animals before!
These Beautiful Endangered Butterflies are a Joy to Behold
These exotic butterflies are extremly rare and placed high atop the endangered species list, but will fill your eyes with color and wonder.
Come Meet Archaeopteryx, the Most Ancient of Birds!
In this video, we’ll explore the discovery of Archaeopteryx, its unique anatomy, and the role it plays in understanding how flight evolved.
The Beautiful World of Indian Birds - 21 Gorgeous Photos
Let’s marvel at the exotic beauty of Indian birds.
14 Special Animals You Didn’t Know Existed
In our magical world, there are millions of different kinds of animals, some beautiful and some strange. Take a peek at 14 of them right here...
Tourists From All Over Flock to See this Beautiful Island
Wouldn't you want to visit this beautiful island, filled with nothing but flowers?
10 Vegetables and Plants You Can Grow in the Fall
Just because we're approaching fall it doesn't mean you should hang up your gardening gloves. There's still plenty of things you can plant in your garden.
Take Flight With a Wonderfully Crisp Video of the Himalayas
If you ever wanted to see Mt. Everest up close but never had a chance, just sit back and enjoy this amazing video. It's almost like being there in person.
This Incredible Video Takes You Swimming With a Polar Bear
Go on a swim right next to one of the world's biggest apex predators.
These 10 Animals Have The Strangest Qualities
Animals do the weirdest things sometimes. These animals will have you scratching your head for days.
Click to Transform Caterpillars Into Moths and Butterflies!
Both butterflies and moths have four stages of life, they go from the initial egg to a caterpillar, then to a cocoon and finally to a butterfly or moth. Watch these 18 interactive photos Before and After caterpillars transform.
Witness the Stunning Majesty of the Birds of India
If you're a bird lover, then few places on this planet are more ideal for you than India. Find out why here.
Journey into the Lion Kingdom With Their Fiercest Protector
An amazing video that takes you for a closer look at the heart of the lion kingdom.
18 Breathtaking Photos Depict Nature as Heaven on Earth
These photos enable us to appreciate the beauty in mother nature and all that she has to offer.
This Incredible Bird Can Make Any Sound it Likes!
This classic Attenborough scene is of the most amazing bird in the world. Just listen to the sound(s) it makes! Cover image by Vern / flickr
14 Mistakes Every Pet Owner Makes
If you love your pet, you must recognize the 14 mistakes you may be making that are harmful to its well-being, security, and mental state.
COLLECTION: World's Most Beautiful Trees and Forests
Witness the boundless power and beauty of nature by looking through this curated collection of the most breathtaking photos of forests and trees
Who Knew Insects Were This Beautiful? You'll Be Surprised!
Who knew insects could be this beautiful? Take a look at these stunning photos.
Intimate Glimpses of Foxes, Birds, and Elk in Nature
Check out these stunning close-up wildlife photos by Finnish photographer Ian Granström.
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