If you're in the mood for a quick laugh, nothing will do a better job than Mrs Brown dancing for her favorite priest. On.. Read More
Funny Stand-up: Women Overthink, Men Underthink!
A funny stand-up routine by Russell Peters about men and women and the difference between them.
Classic Comedy: Why Michelangelo Didn't Do the Last Supper
One of the lesser known sketches of the famous Monty Python is a hoot and a half - explaining why Michelangelo didn't paint the last supper.
The Owl: True and Funny Facts!
This hilarious video explores the natural world, this time - the owl, a magnificent creature that still sounds really funny in this true facts video
Watch This Funny Man Mime a Whole Bus Stop of People!
Watch this man mime a bus stop of people with hilarious accuracy.
Hilarious: Animal Comedy is Never Wasted!
This video contains a compilation of funny animal moments.
Funny: Is This Mother Selling Her Baby On the Street??
What would you do if you saw a couple selling their baby on the street?
The Forgotten Airships of the U.S. Military
This is the story of America's ambitious journey into the age of aerial warfare.
WATCH: A Young Steve Martin Amuses With His Magic Tricks
Enjoy this memorable clip from the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour.
The Funny, Odd and Wacky Things Kids Say - 20 Quotes
Kids can say the funniest, oddest, or the most unintentionally profound things sometimes. Here are 20 hilarious and wholesome examples from real life.
17 Witty and Funny One-Panel Comics!
Enjoy this hilarious collection of one-frame comics by New Yorker Magazine cartoonist Harry Bliss.
How the Heck Did They End Up Writing THAT?
Here's a fresh dose of hilarious translation fails from different countries and languages!
Hilariously Funny DIY Fixes (16 Pics)
These hilarious pictures show some of the most unique DIY botch-jobs.
Surprising Scenes You'll Ever Find in Asia
Every country has its unique sights...
Hilarious: This is Why We Love Kids...
There are a number of reasons we love kids! It isn't just because they laugh out loud most of the time or look great in photos - they also make us laugh...
Hold Up, What's Actually Happening Here? 12 Confusing Pics
These pictures aren’t what they seem…
Mr. Bean Takes His Hilarious Comedy Transatlantic!
In this hilarious video clip, Mr. Bean is flying to America...but things don't go as smoothly as he'd have hoped.
Simon's Cat: A Day in the Life of a Cat Owner
Being a cat owner really changes you as a person, only cat people understand this. But everyone will get the humor in this new extended Simon's Cat episode!
Oops, My Bad! 14 Hilarious Apology Notes
These hilarious apology notes made us laugh.
Classic Comedy: What if Mr. Bean Was a Pianist?
A classic comedy sketch by Rowan Atkinson (AKA Mr. Bean) from 1979
Hilarious Improv: Dear Wife, I'm Writing You This Letter...
These two improv performers are only allowed to say one word at a time. Following a suggestion from the audience.
These Dark Comics Offer a Funny View of Life
Today, we're spotlighting the outstanding and offbeat creations of Derek Evernden.
It’s Impossible NOT to Laugh at These 15 Hilarious Signs
It’s impossible NOT to laugh at these sidesplitting signs!
These Terribly Designed Homes are Sure to Make You Giggle!
If these hilarious design fails taught me anything it’s to always measure and consult professionals before renovating my home on my own!
Well, You Won't See THESE Every Day!
In this captivating collection of images, we delve into the extraordinary and the amusing.
These Photos Could Only Have Been Taken In China...
China is a unique country full of unique characters, and this picture series proves it!
Hilarious: The Wackiest Car Designs I've Ever Seen...
These car owners sure know how to make their vehicles stand out on the streets.
Even At a Wedding, Sometimes Things Just Go All Wrong!
Hilarious: Anything Can Go Wrong at a Wedding...
The Most Embarrassing Things to Happen on Camera...
A funny compilation of people who are having their day ruined by unexpected events.
Just for Laughs: Don’t Mess With This Grandpa!
These grandpas will make you laugh all day!
How a Golden Retriever Stole the Show & Won My Heart!
Watch how one golden retriever takes the Finnish obedience show without hesitation.
Hilarious: The Marriage Dictionary!
Have you been through the marriage dictionary yet? I think you'll find that the definitions it contains are much different to the ones in a regular dictionary.
Only in Canada: 18 Pics That Perfectly Describe the Place!
There really is no other place like Canada, and these pictures prove it.
Innovation or Insanity? 15 Bizarre Concepts
People leave you wondering where on Earth they got a certain idea that they had. These 16 photos really need to be seen to be believed.
Laughter in the ER: Humor Heals Too!
These hospital photos are bound to make you scream with laughter!
The Funniest Lost-in-Translation Moments Yet
These funny signs are proof that bad translations can have hilarious results.
20 Funny Quotes for All the Introverts Out There
Do you identify yourself as an introvert? Then you will relate to these hilarious quotes.
These Funny Restaurant Signs Just Made Me Laugh Out Loud
Enjoy this collection of hilarious restaurant signs.
Classic Comedy: About the Importance of Stuff
One of the funniest and smartest comedy routines in history!
These 14 Photos Were Taken Just a Moment Before Disaster
These perfectly timed photos are hysterically funny!
Hilarious: When Timing and Comedy Team Up!
Comedy is all about timing and these photos are the perfect example for it!
Hilarious: How Cold IS IT?
Don’t like the chilly weather? Then you will relate to these hilarious winter memes.
Beat the Heat With Some Great Humor!
These 18 funny and empowering pictures will show you how people were trying to fight off this year's massive heatwave all across the globe.
Hilarious! Men Can Handle Anything Impossible!
Hilarious photos illustrating how men are willing to do just about anything!
20 Absurd Signs That Will Crack You Up!
Expect plenty of giggles, a few very questionable but still fun signs, and an abundance of clean jokes!
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