It seems like every day we hear of some amazing new gadget that lets us browse and read better, from cellphones to table.. Read More
Too Cute! See These Babies React to Their Dad Coming Home...
In this baby videos compilation, you will see happy babies who can't get enough of their dads the moment they come home.
"Under The Sea" Played on BOTTLES?!?
Enjoy the unique tunes of the Bottle Boys band, playing "Under the Sea" from The Little Mermaid on their handmade instruments!
This Male Kangaroo Loves to Flex His Muscles at the Ladies
Meet the buff male kangaroo who woos ladies with his lean and mean figure...
Classic Comedy: Laurel & Hardy at Their Goofiest Best
Watch this classic short film from 1933 featuring the iconic comedic duo of Laurel and Hardy.
Hilarious - How Parrots Trick Kangaroos!
Just look at these naughty birds who constantly trick these poor kangaroos out of their food!
Adorable: Have You Seen the Baby Olympics?
Enjoy a giant smile as you see this video by the Olympics Channel.
These 10 Monuments Are at Risk of Being Lost Forever
These remarkable historical places are at risk of being lost forever.
What Causes Laptop Batteries to Bulge Over Time?
These early warning signs can save your laptop's battery and prevent potentially dangerous situations.
Nature’s Funniest Moments: Comedy Wildlife 2024!
Check out the hilarious finalists of the 2024 Nikon Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards.
As We Age, We Learn Some Hilarious Things...
The older you get, the more you realize what a funny thing life is.
Classic Comedy: Charlie Chaplin at the Factory
Enjoy this hilarious scene from the iconic Charlie Chaplin movie, 'Modern Times'.
15 Hilarious Photobombing Moments That Will Make You Laugh
Sometimes, a photobomb can result in some incredibly hilarious moments.
Get Ready to Laugh at 12 of the Most Bizarre Books Ever
Yes, these are real books!
Hilarious: This Just May Be Why Building Codes Exist...
20 examples of the worst construction flaws, that will hopefully remind you to hire a professional next time.
16 Clever One-Panel Comics That'll Crack You Up!
Check out these humorous one-panel comics by cartoonist Jeff Swenson.
This 76-Year-Old Draws Funny Cartoons To Make You Laugh
This 76 year old artist creates funny comics that delight everyone.
This Lion Learned You Should Let Sleeping Lionesses Lie...
This lion chose the worst way to wake up a sleeping lioness!
These 12 Door Notes Will Crack You Up Instantly
These door notes will crack you up instantly.
15 Translation Fails That Are Too Funny Not To Share
Get set for a collection of signs that took a wrong turn somewhere between languages.
Simon Just Wants to Watch Soccer... As For His Cat?
Simon wants to watch the World Cup 2018, but his cat has other plans.
We've Found Some Unforgettably Hilarious Cartoons for You!
It's time for another hilarious collection of single-panel comics by Mark Parisi.
21 Single-Panel Comics That Deliver the Laughs
Enjoy this hilarious collection of single-frame comics by Doug Hill.
The Funniest Videos are Shot Right at Home!
These hilarious videos are all winners of the Funniest Home Videos Awards!
What a Gag: This Boy Knows How to Charm the Ladies!
This little Casanova reaches women's hearts with wine and milk, and is one of the cutest and funniest videos I've ever seen.
Classic Comedy: Mrs. Brown's Having a VERY Weird Day...
Mrs. Brown will give you a big grin with another hilarious scene.
Hilarious: A Punny Sign Collection!
What could be better than a mixture of funny signs and clever puns? If that sounds intriguing, you simply must check out these hilarious signs!
When People Fail at the Simplest Jobs—14 FUNNY Pics
They only had one job to do... but failed dramatically!
Hilarious: Why You DON'T Send a Man to the Grocery Store
Sending a man grocery shopping - what could possibly go wrong?
16 Hilarious Panorama Fails That Are So Bad They're Good
Sometimes panoramic photos can turn out to be hilariously bad.
These 'Genius' Repairs Will Make You Laugh Out Loud!
These photos prove that being an amateur engineer for a day may not work out as well as you'd like!
Hilarious! Would You Like a Glass of Milk?
What happens to these unsuspecting victims when they are sold milk from a dog?
Funny Insults: 16 of the Wittiest Comebacks in History
These witty historical retorts show that insults were once an art.
Hilarious: Ahhhm... That's NOT What I Ordered...
These are some serious shopping fails. I don't know whether to play the customers or the companies. So let's just laugh at both!
These 16 Hilarious Pics Are So Scandinavia
Scandinavia is carefree, overly nice, with high taxation and low temperatures. Kind of like a European Canada.
Who Made These Signs? 16 Hilariously Weird Pics
These are some of the most confusing signs we've ever seen!
Hilarious: These Funny Restaurant Signs Cracked People Up
Whenever people drove by these fast food joints, they were stopped in their tracks by their hilarious signs. Take a look.
Crazy Enough to Work: Hilarious Quick Fixes
Here is a collection of masterpieces that may just inspire you to try some engineering for yourself:
What Went Wrong Here? These Images are Hilarious!
Sometimes no matter how hard you may try to do a good job, something just goes wrong. Enjoy these construction fails and mistakes.
Oops, My Bad! 14 Hilarious Apology Notes
These hilarious apology notes made us laugh.
15 Adorable Cats & Dogs Keeping Cool in the Heat
These adorable pets know how to stay cool when the weather gets warm.
Here's Proof That Wrong Spacing Can Ruin Any Sign...
Sometimes, a tiny mistake like a space in the wrong place can make all the difference, turning an ordinary sign into the most hilarious one you've ever seen!
Excuse Me, But Are These Signs for REAL?!?
Who comes up with these hilarious ideas and useless ideas for signs?
Hilarious: What if Babies Could Express Their Thoughts?
This collection of the funniest photos of cute babies is here to make you laugh! See for yourself and if you find yourself smiling then share it with your friends.
We Can’t Believe People Actually Wrote These Snarky Notes!
These snarky notes will have you in stitches.
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