This sketch proves that worry of all those in charge: Sometimes every possible thing will go wrong. That's especially em.. Read More
Classic Comedy: Why Michelangelo Didn't Do the Last Supper
One of the lesser known sketches of the famous Monty Python is a hoot and a half - explaining why Michelangelo didn't paint the last supper.
The Owl: True and Funny Facts!
This hilarious video explores the natural world, this time - the owl, a magnificent creature that still sounds really funny in this true facts video
Watch This Funny Man Mime a Whole Bus Stop of People!
Watch this man mime a bus stop of people with hilarious accuracy.
Abbot and Costello Are At Their Finest in This Sketch!
This video is a great sketch by Abbot and Costello in which they fire witty line after witty line.
Hilarious: Animal Comedy is Never Wasted!
This video contains a compilation of funny animal moments.
Funny: Is This Mother Selling Her Baby On the Street??
What would you do if you saw a couple selling their baby on the street?
These Comics Prove That Humor Can Be Found Anywhere
Jim Shoenbill's witty and often whimsical comics will pack your day with laughter.
Surprsing Ways to Stay Happier in 2025, Backed By Science
This year, instead of resolutions, give time to your mental health...
Catch Me If You Can: Brave Monkey Plays with Tigers
This monkey isn't afraid of tigers, and has a great sense of humor
The Funniest Vehicle Hauls I've Ever Seen...
These vehicles are taking on a little more than they can manage.
These Child Letters to God are Both Touching and Hilarious
The letters these kids write are astounding.
Ahoy There! Hilarious Boat Names That Set Sail on Laughter
Enjoy this hilarious collection of hilariously punny boat names.
Lost In Translation: 17 Hilariously WEIRD Signs
It’s time for another hilarious collection of translation fails!
20 Comics That Show What Goes On Inside the Mind of a Dog
These comics by artist Rupert Fawcett perfectly illustrate what life with dogs is like.
14 Grocery Store Signs to Make Your Shopping Funnier!
Chuckle with this super collection of some of the wittiest and funniest signs found inside supermarkets.
Laugh-Out-Loud Kid Moments Told by Parents
Many parents of young children often find themselves in funny or weird situations thanks to their offspring. Read on to find out these funny perspectives.
FUNNY: These Fake App Ideas Are Pure Genius!
These fake app features are wacky… But we want them!
11 Hilarious Texts That Are Basically Marriage in a Nutshell
Married life isn't as rosy as it's portrayed, but that doesn't mean there can't be plenty of humor. Check out these 11 hilarious text message conversation.
These Work Safety Fails Will Make Your Hair Stand on End!
The work safety fails you’ll see in this article are not for the faint of heart. But don’t worry, no careless worker was harmed in the making of these photos!
Did You Know this Strange Facts About These Famous People?
A list of eccentric figures of history and fame.
British Comedy at Its Best: The Two Ronnies’ Funny Sketch
Laugh out loud with a hilarious Two Ronnies sketch.
These Witty Rejoinders Just Gave Me a Big Grin!
These zingers come from the mischievous mouths of history's most loved celebrities. Prepare to laugh.
These Fortune Cookies Will Make You Howl With Laughter
Here you’ll find a selection of some of the funniest messages to ever be found inside fortune cookies.
When Mr. Bean Takes an Exam, Things Go Extremely Wrong
Mr. Bean has to take a maths exam, but things take a hilarious turn for the worse.
Who Made These Signs? 16 Hilariously Weird Pics
These are some of the most confusing signs we've ever seen!
Every Man Should Learn from These Ridiculous DIY Fails
Why is it that men don't live as long as women? Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that men aren't very careful when it comes to health and safety...
Hilarious! Quick, Your Majesty, Avoid Mr. Bean!
It's hard to imagine why the Queen would ever want to meet Mr. Bean. I mean, I know he's funny, but...she's the Queen! This will not end well!
Simon’s Cat Brings Classic Horror Films to Life!
Simon’s cats get into all sorts of mischief. Watch as they bring to life horror films to give their owner (and themselves) quite a fright!
25 More Hilarious One-Frame Comics by Nate Fakes
Artist Nate Fakes creates wonderfully hilarious one-frame comics. Here are some of his best ones.
Hilarious: The Silliest Things in Life are FINALLY Explained
I have never seen more accurate and hilarious assessments of our daily lives, then these simple graphs.
We Need a Bigger Car! The Funniest Car Overload Fails
These cars hauling weird stuff will make you laugh.
Just for Laughs: Hilarious Coffee Pranks and Gags
Check out this hilarious collection of coffee pranks by “Just for Laughs”.
16 Hilarious Examples of Translation Gone Horribly Wrong
These hilariously terrible translation fails will give you a good chuckle.
Hilarious: What if Babies Could Express Their Thoughts?
This collection of the funniest photos of cute babies is here to make you laugh! See for yourself and if you find yourself smiling then share it with your friends.
Would You Dare to Wear Something Like This on Halloween?
It's that time of year again when everyone is looking to come up with the creepiest costume of all. Here are 15 of the best Halloween costumes that daring couples have pulled off.
These Terribly Designed Homes are Sure to Make You Giggle!
If these hilarious design fails taught me anything it’s to always measure and consult professionals before renovating my home on my own!
Laughter Ahead: 21 Funny Single-Panel Comics
Here’s a hilarious collection of single-panel comics by artist Mark Lynch.
15 Witty and Funny Marathon Signs That Made Us Chuckle
These absolutely wacky, witty, and hilarious signs were spotted at the NYC Marathon.
14 Hilariously Creative Doormats that Crack Me Up!
‘Welcome’ is certainly not the only thing a doormat can say, as these hilarious and unusual doormats show...
14 One-Liners That Spark Instant Laughter
14 one liners that will make any party a lot of fun and get everyone laughing.
WATCH: Man Ditches "Pregnant" Wife In Hilarious Prank
A man pretends to ditch his "pregnant" wife for another woman in this hilarious prank. Watch the video to see the hilarious expressions on bystanders' faces.
These 15 Hilariously Naughty Pets Were Caught in the Act
These 15 hilarious pets were caught red-pawed and made to pay for their “crimes” by wearing signs of their wrongdoings.
When Funny Signs Meet Epic Fails, Hilarity Ensues...
These funny signs, tags, and maps show just how much the people responsible for creating them had failed, and it's absolutely hilarious!
Hilarious: 16 Absolutely Laugh-Worthy Construction Blunders
These construction fails will make you question everything.
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