Just like there are pills which contain only sugar, apparently there are also kinds of surgery which are no more than pl.. Read More
What Drinking Whiskey Actually Does to Your Body
While we now know that whiskey isn't the cure-all medicine people once though it was, it does have a few proven health benefits.
Did You Know That Vitamin D Can Help Save Your Life?
Vitamin D can help influence your body in many amazing ways that you probably didn't even know about.
The Incredible Story of the Hug That Saved a Little Girl
This is the story of two young girls who changed our understanding of medicine as infants, with just a simple hug
Aging and Alzheimer’s: You Must Hear This Lecture
Kim Campbell shares what she learned from her experiences taking care of her husband Glen Campbell since he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's.
This Video Will Teach You About the Causes of Heartburn
Heartburn is a problem for many of us, but what actually causes it, and how can it be treated? Find out in this informative video.
Is Dark Roast Coffee Healthier Than Light Roasts?
Which type of coffee do you think is the healthiest? Dark roast, light roast, or perhaps something else? Watch this video and find out for yourself!
Learn to Prevent and Clear This Pest From Your Cupboards
So what exactly should you do if you’re facing the Indian Meal Moth in your home, and how can you prevent its appearance?
Surprsing Ways to Stay Happier in 2025, Backed By Science
This year, instead of resolutions, give time to your mental health...
A Little-Known Way to KILL Cancer...
Can vitamin D help protect against cancer? Find out…
The MOST Important Exercise to Practice For Seniors
This video will walk you through one simple exercise recommended daily for older adults.
6 NATURAL Ways to Treat Swollen Feet & Ankles
Swelling in your feet and ankles can lead to a variety of complications. Here’s how you can get rid of the naturally.
How to Stop Leg Cramps Immediately - The Perfect Remedy
If you're over 50 and have regular leg cramps, stop everything and watch this video.
Seniors Health: Reduce Hip Pain With These Exercises
Hips troubling you more than regular? Watch this video for help.
Improve Your Oxygen Levels Naturally With These Tips
Learning how to keep your respiratory system healthy is an important way to combat respiratory infections. Here are several helpful tips!
This 92-Year-Old Fitness Instructor Enlivens our Spirits!
She is 92, but fitness is her life!
Start Soaking Raisins! Here’s Why It’s Worth It
Start your day with soaked raisins for multiple health benefits.
Heart Arrhythmia: What is it and How to Live With It
In this video, we'll explain what arrhythmias are, their different types, and how to manage them.
Alleviate Your Sciatica Symptoms Using 6 Simple Exercises
Sciatica can be horrendously painful, but there are numerous exercises you can do in order to alleviate your symptoms. Try the 6 I'm about to show you.
WATCH: What Causes Floaters in Your Eyes?
We can often see things floating around our field of vision, but what are they? This science video explains all.
WARNING: The Potential Risk of Grapefruit Juice
It's packed-full of vitamins and minerals, but it can also cause serious poisoning and even death....
If Your Feet Hurt, Then You Should Really Try This...
Want to banish plantar fasciitis for good? Here are some exercises that you simply must try!
How to Release a Tight Lower Back in Less Than a MINUTE
If you get a tight back often, try this series of exercises for instant relief.
Does Our Stomach SHRINK When We Eat Less? Our Answer
Eat less, and your stomach will shrink over time.. is that the truth?
Cancer Stages: How Cancer Type Affects Staging
The stage of cancer is more than just a number.
50+? Try This Exercise for Stronger Legs!
Improve your balance and leg strength with this one simple exercise.
Stiff Ankles? Fix Them Fast with These 3 Exercises
Struggling with stiff ankles? Try these simple exercises today.
Studies Show You Can Improve Your Bone Health with Almonds
Osteoporosis is a common illness in the US. This video shows what happens to bone cells when blood is drawn before and four hours after almond consumption.
Wake Up with Better Posture—Simple Sleep Tips
Correct your hunchback posture while you sleep with these easy tips.
4 EASY Dizziness Exercises for Home Vestibular Rehab
Treat dizziness, vertigo, and motion sensitivity at home with these exercises.
How to Get Rid of Eye Floaters: Natural Remedies
A doctor explains how to get rid of eye floaters.
Zero Sugar: What You REALLY Need to Know
Are zero sugar foods really healthy? Let’s find out…
8 Great Reasons Why You Should Eat More Grapefruits
Grapefruits are one of the healthiest fruits around, and here 8 amazing health benefits of this delicious fruit.
7 Things Stress Does to Everybody, Without Exception
Stress is one of the biggest problems we have to deal with in modern life. Here are 7 recent conclusions about stress you should know about.
Want Strong Bones? Start These Exercises Today
Follow these expert-recommended workouts for healthy bones.
Can Aging Be Cured in Your Lifetime? It May Be So...
Could there be a cure for aging? Watch this video and find out!
Boost Your Eye Health with These Simple Exercises
These simple techniques can help keep your eyes feeling fresh.
Your Lungs Will Be in Great Shape With These Exercises
Want to increase lung capacity? Use this wonderfully effective technique.
Did You Know Your Ears Hold Secrets About Your Heart?
Could that small vertical mark on your ear have something to do with heart disease? Here is a simple test that could protect you from serious damage to your health.
Why Do We Need a Flu Shot Every Year? Find Out Here!
Ever wondered why you need a flu shot every year? Well, this TED-Ed video has the answers you've been looking for!
Yoga Your Way to a Healthier Heart: Simple Steps
These simple yoga poses boost heart health.
Ear Check: How Old is Your Hearing?
Try this handy and quick hearing test to see if your hearing is impaired, old for your age or younger than you!
Your Kidneys Are So Vital - This is What You Need to Know
Have you ever wanted to know just what it is that your kidneys actually do? Here is the information you've been waiting for.
Fix Shoulder Pain, Rotator Cuff Injuries & Impingement
A deeper look into why addressing scapular dysfunction can be a game-changer and how you can effectively fix these common shoulder ailments once and for all.
How to Cook Eggs for Optimal Nutrition
These cooking hacks make eggs healthier.
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