This coming flu season, you can save your money on all those fizzy vitamin C drinks and vitamin C supplements. It turns .. Read More
The Truth About the Medical Secrets of Amazon Tribes...
Mark Plotkin spent years among the tribes of the Amazon and he has some fascinating secrets to share.
The Near Future of Medical Advacement.
If you want to be up-to-date about what medicine is doing today and in the near future, this is the definitive lecture that explains it all!
All You Need to Know About Tetanus in 5 Minutes
What is the full truth regarding the sources of tetanus? What are its symptoms, and how should one act in case of suspicion of the disease?
11 Mistakes People Make with Supplements
These supplement mistakes could harm your health.
How To Fix Anterior Pelvic Tilt so it Doesn't Return
Learn effective techniques, like the kneeling overhead reach, to address and prevent Anterior pelvic tilt for good.
Dr. Explains: An Ocular Migraine or a Migraine 'Aura'?
Today, we're joined by Dr. Michael Chua, who will help us understand the differences between ocular migraines and aura migraines.
These Award-Winning Insect Pics Are Absolutely Mesmerizing
Marvel at the outstanding winners of the 2024 Royal Entomological Society Photography Competition.
17 Photos That Show Japan Is Truly One of a Kind
These 17 photos capture just a glimpse of what makes Japan feel like an entirely different world.
Avoid These Risky Exercises if You're 50 or Older
These exercises can actually be harmful to the elderly.
Microbiome Expert: Eat This to Heal Your Gut
This pivotal work outlines the detrimental shifts within our gut health and provides a precise, practical blueprint for rejuvenation and weight loss.
11 Health Benefits of the Glasswort Plant
In addition to reducing sodium intake, salicornia has several other health benefits that we think you should know about...
Everything You Wanted to Know About Healthy Tropical Fruits
Learn about eight easy-to-come-by tropical fruit that are both delicious and oh-so-healthy for you!
What Happens When We Eat Oatmeal Every Day?
Why is eating oatmeal every day so healthy, and what happens to our body when we stick to it?
Senior Health: Walk Backwards for Better Balance
Walking backwards boosts senior health in surprising ways.
Want a Strong Memory? This Study Found What You Need to Do
The positive effect of physical activity on our cognitive abilities may last up to 24 hours after completing the activity...
Doing This for 5 Minutes Can Lower Your Blood Pressure!
These simple and effective exercises will help lower your blood pressure almost immediately.
Owning a Cat Can Do Wonders For Your Health!
Pet ownership, especially cat ownership, can improve the quality of a person's life. Here are 10 health benefits of owning a cat.
All About Gut Health, Prebiotics and Probiotics
Your beginner's guide to everything related to probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics.
How to Release a Tight Lower Back in Less Than a MINUTE
If you get a tight back often, try this series of exercises for instant relief.
Vitamin Blast: The Best Vegan Sources of Vitamin D
Here's a dive into various beverages packed with nutrients vital for daily wellness and immune defense against viruses.
WARNING: Why You Should Stay Away From Star Fruit
Hear more about the star fruit, and why you too should avoid it to prevent the risk of brain damage.
Feeling ConstantlyTired? You May Suffer From Chronic Fatigue
Did you know that millions of people suffer from Chronic Fatigue annually? Read about the symptoms and treatments for this plaguing condition.
Studies Show You Can Improve Your Bone Health with Almonds
Osteoporosis is a common illness in the US. This video shows what happens to bone cells when blood is drawn before and four hours after almond consumption.
Unusual Signs of Vitamin B3 Deficiency You Mustn't Ignore
You may not realize you have Vitamin B3 deficiency!
3 Key Mistakes Seniors Make with Walking Sticks
These walking stick mistakes can harm seniors.
Why Is Meningitis So Dangerous to Us?
Meningitis is one of the most terrifying diseases out there, but why is that?
The Best Exercises to Stop Your Slouch
You don’t need to live with your slouch as you age. There are some easy fixes for it.
Does Our Stomach SHRINK When We Eat Less? Our Answer
Eat less, and your stomach will shrink over time.. is that the truth?
What You Need to Know About the HMPV Virus Outbreak
Breaking down everything you need to know about the virus and its potential impact.
Tired of Having Achy Knees? Try These Exercises
These simple traction exercises relieve pressure and pain in the knee by literally pulling and creating space in your joints.
6 Pressure Points to Ease Knee Pain Naturally
you can reduce pain caused by osteoarthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, and injuries to cartilage and ligaments using the following 6 pressure points.
The Shocking Truth About Eggs and Heart Disease
What exactly do eggs do to our arteries? Find out the truth.
How to Cook Eggs for Optimal Nutrition
These cooking hacks make eggs healthier.
Understanding How Alzheimer’s Affects the Brain
Find out how Alzheimer's disease impacts the brain and why finding a cure remains challenging.
A Little-Known Way to KILL Cancer...
Can vitamin D help protect against cancer? Find out…
Cancer Stages: How Cancer Type Affects Staging
The stage of cancer is more than just a number.
12 Skin & Nail Warnings of Heart Health Concerns
These skin and nail signs may indicate heart issues.
Eat These Delicious Herbs & Spices for a Healthy Heart
Add these delicious herbs and spices to your diet today to benefit your heart health.
Chew a Pinch of This Spice for Quick Relief from Bloating
This spice is a game-changer for bloating and gas.
10 Delicious Casserole Dishes That Are Also Low in Fat
10 mouth watering casserole recipes that contain less than 300 calories per serving
Fix Inner Leg Pain FOR GOOD With These Stretches
Struggling with inner-leg pain? Try these effective stretches.
Ensure a Good Night’s Sleep with This Easy Yoga Practice
Trouble unwinding and falling asleep at night? Try following this easy yoga tutorial
No Gym Needed! Easy Door Exercise for Stronger Knees
These door exercises help seniors with knee pain.
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