The vestibular system is an integral component of our inner ear and plays a crucial role in maintaining balance and spat.. Read More
The Best Exercises to Stop Your Slouch
You don’t need to live with your slouch as you age. There are some easy fixes for it.
Finding it Hard to Get Off from the Floor? Watch This...
Struggling to get up from the floor frequently? Watch this video for some safe, easy tips.
Lose ARM FAT Fast: Easy Tips for Seniors
Say goodbye to flabby arms forever with these tips.
Seniors Health: Reduce Hip Pain With These Exercises
Hips troubling you more than regular? Watch this video for help.
7 Easy Ways to Reverse Receding Gums Naturally
Worried about your receding gums? These useful tips will help…
MUST WATCH: Full-Body Chair Workout Guide for Seniors
This full chair workout for seniors covers every area of your body!
In Photos: 15 Ways Crows are Smarter Than You Might Think
Crows may be much smarter than we ever realized.
16 Adorable Animal Photos That'll Warm You Up Today
You are invited to look at dogs, cats, and other animals that will warm your heart as captured through Guru’s lens.
How to Start Getting Into Shape Without Equipment
Today you'll learn about 10 exercises you can do right now at home
Constantly Clearing Your Throat? Try These Remedies
Frustrated with constant throat clearing? Try these remedies.
Once and For All: Is Milk Bad For You?
Milk is one of those polarizing subjects. No matter what your stance on the matter is, this video is sure to deepen your knowledge about milk
Experience Instant Benefits with This Thumb Technique!
Try this thumb reflex technique to experience multiple health benefits!
Eat These Delicious Herbs & Spices for a Healthy Heart
Add these delicious herbs and spices to your diet today to benefit your heart health.
Alleviate Your Sciatica Symptoms Using 6 Simple Exercises
Sciatica can be horrendously painful, but there are numerous exercises you can do in order to alleviate your symptoms. Try the 6 I'm about to show you.
Guide: How to Set Achievable Health Goals for the New Year
Here's a guide on how to set meaningful health goals for 2025.
What Would Happen to Our Bodies if We Didn't Drink Water?
Watch: What role does water play in our body and how much do we actually need to drink to stay healthy?
Got a Headache? These Natural Remedies Will Cure It...
Natural techniques that will help you cure a headache in a matter of minutes.
This 92-Year-Old Fitness Instructor Enlivens our Spirits!
She is 92, but fitness is her life!
What You Should Drink After a Meal for Better Digestion
What should we drink after a meal for better digestion?
How to Unclog Your Ears? 5 Best Ways to Get Instant Relief
The next time your ears feel clogged, just try some of these tricks for instant relief.
12 Skin & Nail Warnings of Heart Health Concerns
These skin and nail signs may indicate heart issues.
Losing Muscle in Your Mature Years? Here's What You Do...
Struggling with muscle loss? Here’s how to fight back…
How to Strengthen and Stabilize the Hips Through Exercises
These senior-friendly exercises will help you strengthen the hips and improve your sense of balance.
The MAIN Differences Between Fish Oil and Cod Liver Oil
Both cod liver and fish oils are healthy options. But which one is more suitable for your body?
11 Mistakes People Make with Supplements
These supplement mistakes could harm your health.
Your Fridge May Be Full of Tainted Food. Here’s Why…
The USDA reports that salmonella is OFTEN found in poultry available at supermarkets. Learn how to prevent salmonella food poisoning in this video.
What Happens When You Quit Sugar? You'll Be Surprised!
What happens to your body when you quit sugar? Find out!
Multiple Myeloma: New Treatments in the Modern Age
New and innovative Treatments for Multiple Myeloma
The Symptoms of a Fatty Liver and How to Treat it!
Fatty deposits on your liver can seriously hinder its function. In this video, Dr. Berg explains the symptoms of a fatty liver and how to treat it.
Can Aging Be Cured in Your Lifetime? It May Be So...
Could there be a cure for aging? Watch this video and find out!
The "Longevity Vitamin": Where Can You Get Some?
Watch the video to understand all about Ergothioneine, and why it's referred to as the "longevity vitamin".
These True Body Facts Will Certainly Amaze You
Watch this informative video to find out some amazing and unique facts about the human body that you didn't know yet.
Vitamin Blast: The Best Vegan Sources of Vitamin D
Here's a dive into various beverages packed with nutrients vital for daily wellness and immune defense against viruses.
How to Get Rid of Eye Floaters: Natural Remedies
A doctor explains how to get rid of eye floaters.
How to Effectively Improve Leg Circulation by About 75%
Here’s how you can improve blood circulation in your legs and feet effectively.
What Drinking Whiskey Actually Does to Your Body
While we now know that whiskey isn't the cure-all medicine people once though it was, it does have a few proven health benefits.
Everything You Wanted to Know About Healthy Tropical Fruits
Learn about eight easy-to-come-by tropical fruit that are both delicious and oh-so-healthy for you!
Is Kidney Disease the Hidden Cause of Your Back Pain?
Is your back pain actually a cause of some kidney disease?
Soothe Your Sciatic Pain with These 8 Natural Remedies
You don’t need to suffer from pain caused by sciatica. These 8 remedies are natural and effective at reducing unnecessary pain.
The Good Dietary Habits For a Healthy, Lean Body After 50
In this article, we'll provide you with some practical tips on good eating and drinking habits to acquire after 50 for a healthy, lean body.
Transform Your Health with These Amazing Neck Techniques
These neck drills won't just relieve your neck discomfort, but will also treat a variety of neurological problems.
Ensure a Good Night’s Sleep with This Easy Yoga Practice
Trouble unwinding and falling asleep at night? Try following this easy yoga tutorial
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