Using scientific studies and comparative brain scans, Lisa Mosconi shares her observations on a woman’s midlife bodily f.. Read More
Is a Silent Supersonic Plane Possible? NASA Says YES!
The X-59 may reintroduce supersonic flight to the market. This new super-sonic plane is super-silent!
This House Was Built By a ROBOT
Meet Hadrian X, the first mobile brick-laying robot that can build a house 10 times faster than an ordinary construction worker.
The Insane Tunnel That's Being Built Across the Alps
When you first hear about the EU's project to connect South and North Europe with a tunnel, you may think: What's the big deal? It is a BIG deal, and here's why.
9 Awesome Tools That Make Gardening Super Easy
These cutting-edge tools make gardening so much easier and more fun!
Unusual Vehicles: A Bicycle That’s Shaped Like a Car?
Take a ride on the PodRide E-Bike - a bicycle shaped like a CAR!
This Wearable Robo-Vehicle is Made for Racing
This huge machine looks like a rhinoceros or a tarantula, and it is completely controlled by human movement!
16 Adorable Animal Photos That'll Warm You Up Today
You are invited to look at dogs, cats, and other animals that will warm your heart as captured through Guru’s lens.
The Funniest Examples of Design Gone Horribly Wrong
These are some of the most absurd, head-scratching, and downright hilarious design blunders we've seen.
10 Instant Self-Checks Worth Performing Regularly at Home
Our body can give certain signs we don't always realize are indications of a bad health or disease - learn 10 brilliant ways of checking out your body for these signs regularly from home.
This Common Habit Could Be Quickening Your Ageing Process
Watching TV is a great way to relax, but if you get into the habit of doing it regularly, you'll be surprised how much it negatively affects how your body ages.
20+ Surprising Things About Your Skin You Never Knew!
Watch dermatologist Dr. Muneeb Shah answer some important questions about skin and dermatology.
Foot and Leg Pain? Try These Neuropathy Exercises
Peripheral neuropathy can be a real challenge, especially for older adults. But you can manage its symptoms with these gentle exercises.
Alzheimer's And Meat Eating: Addressing the Connection
Does eating a lot of meat have a connection to Alzheimer's? We examine the evidence.
The Truth Behind the Most Popular Types of Diets
There are a lot of popular diets out there. But which one works the best?
16 Alkaline Foods You MUST Include In Your Daily Diet
Did you know about the many benefits of an alkaline-rich diet?
What to Do When You’ve Eaten Way Too Much Sugar
Feeling tired and sluggish after eating something sweet? Here's how to undo the negative short-term and long-term effects of sugar on your health.
Rejuvenate, Depuff and Lift Your Skin in 5 Minutes
All you need for your face to look younger is your moisturizer, 5 free minutes, and this video.
6 Pressure Points to Ease Knee Pain Naturally
you can reduce pain caused by osteoarthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, and injuries to cartilage and ligaments using the following 6 pressure points.
Are You at Risk for "Building Sickness"?
Have you heard of "building sickness"? Because you may have had it.
How to Fix Your Sleep Schedule – Science-Backed Facts
Find out how your circadian system functions as an internal clock to keep your body running.
Improve Your Oxygen Levels Naturally With These Tips
Learning how to keep your respiratory system healthy is an important way to combat respiratory infections. Here are several helpful tips!
This is the Most Effective Way to Remove Ear Wax at Home
Remove earwax at home with this effective hack.
Avoid These Common Mistakes When Buying Canned Foods
Before you buy your next lot of canned foods, make sure you watch this video...
Memory Not Working? The Answer May Be Hiding in Your Sleep
If you want to remember better, this lecture will tell you - The answer is in your sleep.
The Best Exercises to Stop Your Slouch
You don’t need to live with your slouch as you age. There are some easy fixes for it.
Understanding Nerve Health: Expert Q&A Session
Neurologist and Assistant Professor Dr. Natalie Cheng answers the internet’s most burning questions about neurology.
Fun Exercises to Strengthen the Hands, Forearms and Wrists
These simple exercises everyone can do in the comfort of their home will make your hands, forearms and wrists strong again and forever
Does Our Stomach SHRINK When We Eat Less? Our Answer
Eat less, and your stomach will shrink over time.. is that the truth?
What Happens if You Consume Ginger Every Day?
Join us as we unravel the myriad ways ginger could influence your health and well-being.
Study Shows: Microplastics Found in Scary Places...
A subsequent study in Hawai'i, analyzing donated placentas from 2006 to 2021, underscored a significant rise in plastic contamination over time.
Exercises: Four Areas in the Body Women Need to Strengthen
Get to know 4 very important areas every woman must strengthen - and of course, how to do so.
Foot Hurts When Walking? Avoid These Mistakes!
Does your foot hurt while walking? You might be making some mistakes without even realizing.
4 EASY Dizziness Exercises for Home Vestibular Rehab
Treat dizziness, vertigo, and motion sensitivity at home with these exercises.
Medical Guide: All About Hip Replacement Surgery
Hip replacement surgery can alleviate pain, restore hip function, and improve mobility and quality of life.
Every Senior Must Do These Simple Seated Exercises
Seniors will find this video extremely helpful.
What Happens When We Eat Oatmeal Every Day?
Why is eating oatmeal every day so healthy, and what happens to our body when we stick to it?
3 Ways to Get Rid of Heartburn WITHOUT Using Antacids
Struggling with acidity and heartburn issues? These tips will help.
Feeling Anxious During Bedtime? This Guide Will Help
Felling anxious while going to bed? Listen to the tips shared by this therapist on how to train your brain to worry less.
Understanding How Alzheimer’s Affects the Brain
Find out how Alzheimer's disease impacts the brain and why finding a cure remains challenging.
Think Over-the-Counter Medications Are Safe? Think Again!
It's easy to think over the counter drugs are harmless, but you better read this before purchasing! Let's look at the dangers of taking over-the-counter drugs and how they can be avoided.
Did This Technique Just Kill 99% of Cancer Cells?
This revolutionary method, employing the power of vibrating molecules, heralds a new dawn in the fight against cancer, offering hope for a more efficient and less invasive approach to treatment.
3 Ways to Self Pop Your WHOLE BACK for Instant Pain Relief
Learn how to pop your own back for instant pain relief.
MUST WATCH: Full-Body Chair Workout Guide for Seniors
This full chair workout for seniors covers every area of your body!
Relieve Pain in the Feet and Heels in Just a Few Minutes!
Do you experience frequent pain at the bottom of the feet? If so, check out these simple exercises for instant relief!
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