A society's currency tells a lot about the cultural and economic waves it experienced. In this video, we will learn a sh.. Read More
Irena Sendler - The Woman Who Saved Over 2000 Lives
Get to know the amazing story of Irena Sendler, a social worker who saved the lives of over 2000 Jewish children During World War II
Highway Noise Barriers - How Effective Are They?
Recent studies claim that highway noise barriers do more harm than good...
High Speed Rail Lines In the US - Is It Possible?
Construction on California's first high-speed railway began over 20 years ago, yet it is nowhere near completed. Why was the project such a flop?
Who Are the Americans That Live in North Korea?
Considering North Korea's secrecy and animosity towards the US, it's surprising to learn that 200 Americans live in the Hermit Kingdom... Who are these people?
15 Fascinating Construction Projects Around the World
Take a look at some of the biggest and most interesting buildings currently being constructed around the world.
You Wouldn’t Have Seen Such Unique Railroads Before
Not all railway tracks are about standard straight lines. Here are the most amazing train tracks from around the world...
Neanderthals Had Strength and Skills Beyond Our Limits
Neanderthals possessed truly exceptional, almost unbelievable, traits.
Lost in Translation: 18 Funny Japanese Signs
Here are some of the funniest and most confusing signs spotted across Japan that left travelers scratching their heads.
These Inventors Absolutely Hate Their Creations
These 7 inventions became world famous and even world changing... yet their inventors deeply regret them.
Hilarious: When Words Sound Alike But Mean Different...
Homophones are words that sound exactly the same, but aren't spelled the same and mean something different. Here are 15 that are the wordiest of words.
14 Nostalgic Pics to Take You Back to the Good Ol’ Days
These photos will instantly trigger your nostalgia.
These 6 Mysterious Objects Can't Be Explained by Anyone
Archaeology is a very rewarding discipline, but there are some mysteries that never get solved. Take these 6 ancient objects. What they are is anyone's guess!
Icy Photos Prove That Winter Is Not for the Faint-Hearted
Here are 14 things that only occur in the winter. Check them out!
1967 Classic: Tommy James and The Shondells Live
Groove to the tunes of Tommy James & The Shondells from this classic 1967 musical video.
These Rare Photos Tell the Story of the Great Depression
A photographic summary depiction of The Great Depression.
Grandma Gets Asked a Question and Has a Perfect Response
When I asked grandma what she thought of events in recent years, I found her answer intriguing. It made me realize how much things have changed...
12 Classic Shows You Didn’t Know You Could Stream
Take a nostalgia trip with these classic TV shows.
WATCH: Old Hollywood Legends Bring 'Uptown Funk' to Life
These vintage stars grooving to 'Uptown Funk' will make your day.
What’s Written in the Sky? 8 Greek Constellation Myths!
Have you ever wondered how constellations got their names? These stories from Ancient Greece reveal the mythology behind 8 prominent constellations in the sky.
The Secrets behind Houdini's Greatest Tricks!
Have you ever wondered how Harry Houdini carried out his stunning feats? Well, if you have, wonder no more! All is revealed here!
Dogs Can Teach Us a Lot About Friendship...
While dogs may be man's best friend, dogs’ best friends are undoubtedly other dogs, as these adorable pictures go to show.
These 5 Extraordinary People Really Are Superhumans!
This gripping documentary tells the stories of five exceptionally talented people with unique gifts.
Using These French Phrases in English Elevates Your Speech
Even if English is the only language you speak, we’re more than convinced that you’re quite familiar with a bunch of French words...
Flashback: Unfreezing Ice Cream's Delicious Origins
Did you know that even ancient civilizations had ice cream?
8 Historical Misunderstandings of the First Christmas
Some of the details that you have heard about the first Christmas are completely wrong. Here are 8 things that we bet you didn't know about the first Christmas.
Wow! I Had No Idea That Whales Could Show Gratitude!
One whale was so grateful for the man who saved his life, he showed his appreciation - by dancing!
11 Fun Charts - You’ll Love Learning All This Useful Info!
In these helpful visual guides, we cover such important topics as distinguishing heart attack symptoms in men and women, and how to care for your indoor plants.
Was There Ever a Real Uncle Sam?
Did you know the same man drew both Unce Sam and Santa Claus as we know them today?
This Nonagenarian Gymnast Will Leave You Speechless
Johanna Quaas, at the grand old age of ninety-one, is the world's oldest gymnast. In this video, she showcases her skills - be prepared to be amazed!
Fact or Fiction? Debunking History's Most Common Myths
Update your knowledge of the Middle Ages by learning the truth behind these 12 common myths.
This Project Gets Thousands of Disabled Children Mobile Again
This project may give thousands of physically impaired children the ability to move around again.
Ten Reasons Why Japan's Schools Are Spectacular
How is it Japan is so special? Perhaps it is all down to their unique education system. Here are 10 amazing things about Japan's schools you never knew!
Step Back In Time: A Glimpse Into '50s and '60s New York
New York City was a vastly different places in the 1950s and 60s. These black and white photos by Vivian Maier captured it perfectly.
Can You Guess the Meaning of These 20 Common Surnames?
We kind of take surnames for granted, as they are just passed down to us. But every name has an origin and meaning, and some might surprise you.
7 Historical Facts That Aren't Actually True
Here are seven well-known history facts we should have never believed.
There is No Greater Blessing than Your Family
Beautiful Words: Having a family to care for is a blessing.
These Photos Reveal the Clothes of 100 Years Past...
Millions of people in the US can trace their ancestry back to Ellis Island immigrants. Here are some portraits of some early 20th century arrivals.
Amazing History: The Man Who Took Down a Plane With a Gun
Owen Baggett is the only man ever to live known to have shot down a fighter plane using nothing but a handgun. Read his incredible story right here.
You’ll Love Learning New Things With These Awesome Charts
It's time for a brand new collection of fascinating charts and guides.
5 Classic Suspense Books That Will Mess with Your Mind
These classic suspense thrillers should be a must on every book lover's shelf.
Untamed Spirits: Tales of Legendary Mountain Men!
Not many know about these iconic men of the mountains.
These Benches Tell a Story: Witty & Heartfelt Tributes
These bench plaques will warm your heart instantly.
What Does the Color of an Egg Yolk Mean? Find Out Here!
Ever wondered what the color of an egg yolk says about the quality of the egg? If so, then wonder no more...
18 Amazing Facts About Very Well-Known Brands
There are some really interesting and amazing facts about some of the world's most well-known brands, and you're about to learn 18 of them right now!
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