China's first emperor, Qin Shi Huang Di, was a powerful man with many unusual traits. For example, he ordered an army of.. Read More
These People Pulled Off Incredible Basketball Shots
Enjoy this collection of amazing basketball shots by talented teens from around the world.
The Most All-Inclusive Transportation Bike of the World
The Dutch-style bicycle is designed for comfort but is rarely used. Here's why you should give it a try.
Living at Buckingham Palace - What Is It Like?
What is it like to live at Buckingham Palace? Apparently, it's not all sunshine and rainbows...
Your Life Can Become Magical If You Follow These Mantras
Spiritual master Sadhguru explains how your life can become magical if you unlock the innate genius within you.
Too Cute! See These Babies React to Their Dad Coming Home...
In this baby videos compilation, you will see happy babies who can't get enough of their dads the moment they come home.
This Ancient Chinese Principle Will Help You Find Harmony
The concept of Wu-Wei, which comes from ancient Chinese philosophy, can help one live in a state of alignment with the flow of life.
Ancient Love Stories: The Most Iconic Historical Romances
The pages of history are crammed with some remarkable stories about love. Let's explore some of the greatest ones ever told.
Understanding RCPD: A Distressing Swallowing Disorder
This article delves into the symptoms, causes, available treatments, and expected prognosis for individuals suffering from RCPD.
WW2 Changed These Places Greatly. How Do They Look Now?
Incredible! This is how the war has changed these places.
14 Superb Charts That Will Teach You Something Useful!
These 14 charts and maps are here to teach you lots of fun and practical lessons. We can almost guarantee that you’ll find something worth saving and returning to!
Inspiring: 80-Year-Old Holds Guinness Record for Planking!
Meet Annie Judis, the 80-year-old who became the oldest person to hold an abdominal plank earlier this year.
These American History “Facts” Are Actually False
We’ve all believed these American history “facts” at some point.
The Best of Andrea Bocelli – 5 Memorable Live Performances
It’s time to fall in love with Andrea Bocelli all over again.
Life Has Changed a Lot Since These Photos Were Taken
These historic photos capture the everyday experiences of the last century, reminding us how much the ordinary things in life have changed.
Good News Alert! 11 Positive Things You Need to Know About
If you look for good news, you’ll always find it. Here are some wonderful things happening around us right now.
These 11 Alcoholic Drinks Have a Fascinating History!
In this article, we’ll tell you about the truly fascinating origins of 11 time-honored cocktails!
Keep a Conversation Flowing With These Historical Facts
If a conversation you're having starts to stall, just throw out some of these amazing historical facts and you’ll be talking long into the night!
These Acrobatic Performances Will Make Your Jaw Drop
A breathtaking compilation of the 100 best female acrobatic performances by Cirque du Soleil
An In-Depth Look Into Who Princess Diana Truly Was...
A remarkable feature-length documentary that reveals a side of Diana we have never seen before.
Phrases We Use Without Realizing It’s a Shakespeare Quote
William Shakespeare had a huge impact on modern English, so much so that most of us are quoting the great bard every day without even realizing it!
9 ‘Current’ Words That Are Much Older Than You’d Guess
Hipster, Influencer and Dude - all these words sound so quintessentially modern, but you'd be surprised to learn how old they actually are.
10 of the Most Interesting Popes in History
The papacy has been ongoing ever since the time of St. Peter, but some popes stand out as being more historically significant than others. Take a look.
Baby Names That are BANNED Around the World
These 14 names, some bizarre and some fairly ordinary, have been rejected or even outright banned in countries around the world for different reasons.
History Lesson: How Japan Met Europe for the First Time
This video delves into the fascinating story of how the Portuguese and Japanese of the 16th century met, two distinct worlds, exploring the initial contact.
Love Mythology? You'll Love These Informative Animations!
These informative TED-Ed videos delve into some of the world’s most popular myths and attempt to explain them in all their glory!
The Great Mothers of History: 12 Famous Mothers!
History is laden with truly heroic moms, but we've gone to the trouble of picking 12 of the most heroic of all for you. Here are 12 of the best moms in history.
7 Ancient Buildings That Have Survived the Test of Time
Here is a look at some wonderful ancient structures that have survived the test of time.
Cute Overload: Dreaming Puppies!
A video of 2 english bulldog puppies enjoying a visit to their own canine dreamland, who knows what kind of adventures they going on?
These Unique Maps Will Change Your Worldview
These maps show much more than just where a country is...
These Photos Reveal the Clothes of 100 Years Past...
Millions of people in the US can trace their ancestry back to Ellis Island immigrants. Here are some portraits of some early 20th century arrivals.
Don’t Throw Away Your Used Teabags Just Yet
Teabags aren’t only for making delicious cups of teas. Find out what other uses they hold in this helpful video.
Here Are 18 Rare Photos You Won't Find In History Books
These are the RAREST vintage photos ever...
These 10 Children Already Made Outstanding Achievements
Some people achieve great things at a shockingly young age. Check out this list of records broken by children to get inspired.
The Stories of These Women from History are Inspiring
Read the inspiring stories of these amazingly strong women.
Vintage Photos: 17 Classic Snaps from the Good Old Days
Get a glimpse of the past with these fascinating vintage pictures.
Hitler's Olympics: The 1936 Berlin Olympic Games
When the Olympics became a Nazi showcase.
These Photos Prove How Weird Our World Has Always Been
These strange yet intriguing photos depict what our world has gone through in its history.
The Truth Behind These Animal Myths Will Shock You
Here are a list of facts about animals we thought to be true.
Learn With a Smile: A Funny History of Japan
If you've ever wanted a crash course in Japanese history without it being too dull - this is the perfect video for you.
15 Essential Legal Terms That Sound Confusing to People
If you want to understand legal representatives better and simply enjoy your favorite legal TV show to the fullest, learn these 15 legal words and phrases.
The Epic Battle of Stalingrad Comes to Life
One of the most epic battles in history, and the biggest of WWII comes to life and explored in this in-depth video.
Savor These Delightful Short Films This Christmas Season
Here are some of the most wonderful Christmas-themed short films that you can watch this holiday season.
This Famous Speech is Still Amazing Today!
One of the greatest speeches ever made, for the love of freedom, the love of human beings.
Facts from History You’ve Likely Never Heard Before
If you’re someone who loves uncovering the lesser-known corners of the past, you’ll find something special here.
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