The world's greatest card shark and cheat is Richard Turner, who also happens to be blind. That doesn't stop him amazing.. Read More
This Magical Ice Show Brings Disney to Life
If you love art and Disney, this show is for you!
The Exploits of Adorable Dog Nannies is My Cute Fix for the Day!
Whether it’s a soft paw on a baby’s back or a playful game of fetch, these moments of canine compassion are sure to brighten your day!
Epic Nature: The Beauty of Rogers Pass
Come with us to a Canadian adventure with two veteran adventurers at Rogers Pass
7 Super Useful Embroidery Tips and Hacks
Get to know 6 tricks for creating beautiful embroidery designs on clothes—perfect for beginners, but also for those already familiar with the technique.
Get Smarter: How Do Hard Drives Work?
How do hard drives built and how do they work? All is explained in this video.
This Place Proves the Desert Can Be Beautiful
This place is called the Natural Bridges National Monument, and today we're going to visit it.
Time to Ditch These Outdated Rules of English Grammar!
It’s time to stop following these English grammar rules that never really mattered.
These Award-Winning Insect Pics Are Absolutely Mesmerizing
Marvel at the outstanding winners of the 2024 Royal Entomological Society Photography Competition.
These Naval Battles Changed the Course of History
History has been witness to some momentous naval battles. Here is a look at some of the greatest.
Send An Affectionate Kiss to Someone You Love Today
To someone you love, a kiss can say a whole lot, and that's why we've put this adorable collection together for you. Share your affection with them today.
2024 is Here! And This is Why You Should Be Excited for It
2024 is here! And this is why you should be excited for it.
Wow! These People Had Someone Looking Over Them!
These lucky people had some guardian angel looking over them that day!
Looking at a 100 Years of High School Fashions...
Here's what high schoolers wore each decade of the 20th century.
Was This the WORST Year in Human History?
We thought 2020 was probably the worst year in human history. But wait till you read about the chaos that ensued in 536 AD.
Untamed Spirits: Tales of Legendary Mountain Men!
Not many know about these iconic men of the mountains.
12 Beautiful Plants That Will Transform Your Windows
Brighten your home with these gorgeous window plants.
14 Interesting Exhibits from the "Museum of Curiosities"
The "Museum of Curiosities" is an online platform that has some startling and fascinating treasures.
Expand Your Knowledge with These Intriguing Facts
They say those who keep learning stay young. So if you're a keen learner, check out these fascinating facts about history, nature, and a variety of other topics!
Rock On with This 'Eye of the Tiger' Drum Solo Act
This has to be the most stunning drum performance!
In the West, We Have Much to Learn From the East...
Eastern philosophy is vastly different to Western philosophy, and we all have much to learn from the schools of thought from that part of the world.
How Islam Separated Into Sunni and Shia: The Full Story
What happened, and why did it cause Islam to split into two factions?
10 Richest People From History You Should Know About
A look at 10 of the richest people that lived in history. From emperor Mansa Musa to Muammar Gaddafi, it presents the insane sums these people had.
10 Decisions That Changed World History Forever
Did you know that world history has often been changed by decisions that were taken in a split second? Here are 10 that changed world history forever.
How We Came to Play: The Origins of Playground Games
The fun games we played in our childhood had some interesting origins.
Wish Someone a Lovely Day With This Great Song...
This uplifting song is going to make anyone's day, guaranteed!
The Incredible Differences Between North and South Korea
Photographer captures remarkable difference between North and South Korea.
7 Old & Fascinating Easter Traditions No Longer Practiced
Easter is an ancient tradition and, like most ancient traditions, it has many practices no longer in use. Here are 7 fascinating Easter traditions that are no longer in practice.
23 Extraordinary Vision Facts That'll Open Your Eyes Wide
The eye is an amazing body part, but did you know how amazing? These 23 facts will open your eyes to the extraordinary truth.
Service Dogs Are the Most Loyal & Courageous of Creatures
These 20 photos stand as a testament to the courage and devotion of service dogs, which have fought with and served humans throughout our history.
These Museum Items Give Us a Glimpse of a Fascinating Past
In these pictures, you will get to see some fascinating ancient artifacts that are well-preserved in museums.
Full Documentary: Exploring The Lost City of Petra
Petra is famous for its intricate rock-cut architecture, as well as for its fascinating water conduit system. Learn about this historical city in this video.
Here Are 18 Rare Photos You Won't Find In History Books
These are the RAREST vintage photos ever...
These Archeological Finds Continue to Baffle Researchers
Some archeological discoveries that have been made simply cannot be explained away by modern researchers. Here are 15 of these baffling finds.
25 Incredible Facts About the Famous Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan struck fear into the hearts of his subjects during his reign, but there's a lot more to the man than meets the eye. Here are 25 intriguing facts.
16 Helpful Charts and Guides Worth Saving
We’ll never get enough of useful charts, maps, and guides like these!
Beware of Ordering These (Potentially) Fake Foods
There are certain items on a restaurant's menu that should be considered with caution, and this is because they tend to be faked. Learn more here.
History is Full of Strong and Brave Women...
33 photos of the bravest and strongest women in history who changed the world and made it better. These women all had to fight for what they achieved, and some suffered for it as well.
I've Never Heard This Amazing Tale From the 2nd World War
This is going to be one of the most amazing stories you've ever heard. I guarantee it.
11 Legendary Military Rulers of the Ancient Past
The annals of history are rich with leaders who earned great renown for their courage and skill in battle. These illustrious kings and generals have won eternal renown due to their courage and brilliance.
8 Essential Greek Philosophy Books You Shouldn't Miss
Here is your best chance for understanding Greek philosophy and its history.
17 Terrific Charts to Expand Your General Knowledge
We have a treat for all lifelong learners. It’s a list of 17 charts that will enrich your knowledge in geography, nutrition, linguistics & anything in-between!
These 11 Alcoholic Drinks Have a Fascinating History!
In this article, we’ll tell you about the truly fascinating origins of 11 time-honored cocktails!
These Latin Phrases Will Make You Think About Life
Take note of these beautiful and wise Latin phrases and understand their deep meanings.
5 Widespread Legal Myths Dispelled by a Lawyer
Do you have to wait 24 hours to report a missing person? Can you marry your cousin? The answers from this lawyer to both of these questions will surprise you!
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