You know how, in the movies, old castles always have flimsy wooden doors? Doesn't seem too private, does it? Well, it tu.. Read More
Full Documentary: Exploring The Lost City of Petra
Petra is famous for its intricate rock-cut architecture, as well as for its fascinating water conduit system. Learn about this historical city in this video.
Watch the Oldest Recorded Footage of New York City
Watch super-rare footage of old NYC that goes back to the late 1800's, complete with a corresponding map to show you where exactly it was shot from.
The Forgotten Airships of the U.S. Military
This is the story of America's ambitious journey into the age of aerial warfare.
The Fascinating Story of How Brazil Became a Country
In this video, we’ll explore the key events, influential figures, and socio-political dynamics that shaped Brazil into the vibrant nation we know today.
Science Predicts These 10 Technologies Will Rule 2025
These upcoming tech innovations will reshape our world.
The Mysteries of Akkad and Other Lost Biblical Cities
Can we really find the lost Biblical cities?
Ancient Love Stories: The Most Iconic Historical Romances
The pages of history are crammed with some remarkable stories about love. Let's explore some of the greatest ones ever told.
10 Free Ancestry Sites for Tracing Your Family History
Here are 10 of the best free ancestry sites that can help you uncover your family’s story.
You’d Be Surprised at How Valuable These Old Items Are!
These 9 ordinary old items that could be extremely valuable today. Some of them may be collecting dust in your home right now...
The Bizarre History of the World's Most Stolen Painting
This painting is like a magnet for misdeeds, and was stolen again and again.
7 Conspiracy Stories that Turned Out to be True
These stories are shocking... and they turned out to be true!
The Great Mothers of History: 12 Famous Mothers!
History is laden with truly heroic moms, but we've gone to the trouble of picking 12 of the most heroic of all for you. Here are 12 of the best moms in history.
13 Unusual Facts You Didn’t Know You Needed to Learn Today
It's time for another cool collection of fascinating facts!
14 Superb Charts That Will Teach You Something Useful!
These 14 charts and maps are here to teach you lots of fun and practical lessons. We can almost guarantee that you’ll find something worth saving and returning to!
10 Film Noir Movies You Simply Have to Watch
If you're new to this genre and even if you're an old fan, these 10 classic film noir movies are a must-watch for anyone.
Looking at a 100 Years of High School Fashions...
Here's what high schoolers wore each decade of the 20th century.
18 Moments of History that Shed Light On Different Times
These 18 photos open a world of yesteryear for us to explore and enjoy.
Love Mythology? You'll Love These Informative Animations!
These informative TED-Ed videos delve into some of the world’s most popular myths and attempt to explain them in all their glory!
8 Hilarious Malapropisms by Famous Figures
Everyone, from politicians to celebrities, had a language slip-up at least once...
These Fun Charts and Guides Teach You Tons of Cool Stuff
These charts and guides will come in handy. Save them!
12 Beautiful Quotes that'll Make You Smile and Grin
If you want a smile, you've reached the right place...
Fascinating: The Historical Facts You Never Hear About!
I never knew this, but history was quite different than what I was told. So take a peek behind the curtain at the real face of history with some shocking and insightful facts of history.
7 Fairy Tales That Are Popular to This Very Day!
The best fairy tales are those that are timeless and yet forever modern, tapping into our wildly shared emotions and moral attitudes. Here are 7 of the best!
15 Jaw-Dropping Facts You'll Find Hard to Believe!
Want to find out who really built the pyramids, or how many teeth a snail has? Here are 15 of the most unbelievable yet true facts.
These Photos Reveal the Clothes of 100 Years Past...
Millions of people in the US can trace their ancestry back to Ellis Island immigrants. Here are some portraits of some early 20th century arrivals.
10 Common Phrases You’re Probably Saying Wrong
You’ve misused these sayings for years!
15 Rare Photos of Iconic Authors You've Never Seen
Your favorite iconic authors, as you've never seen them before.
Watch: Some Dogs Take to Fishing Like Ducks to Water
Some dogs take to fishing like ducks to water.
15 Lovely Christmas Quotes That Will Fill Your Heart with Joy
These beautiful Christmas are sayings everyone can be thankful for!
Historic Photos From Days of Christmas' Past...
Christmas is said to be a time of love, cheer, and human compassion. These photos may be decades-old, but the stories they tell are not much different than the stories of today.
14 Interesting Exhibits from the "Museum of Curiosities"
The "Museum of Curiosities" is an online platform that has some startling and fascinating treasures.
14 Obsolete English Terms We Wish Were Brought Back!
Over the centuries, so many eloquent and useful English words fell out of use. We wish these 14 clever (but sadly obsolete) terms were used more often.
20th Century: The MOST Popular Breakfast of Every Decade
Breakfast shape-shifted quite a bit during the 20th century. Discover the most popular breakfast delicacy of every decade in this article
History Can Be Ironic & These 12 Stories Prove Just That...
These 12 short stories from world history are strange, tragic, but most importantly, utterly ironic...
These Acrobatic Performances Will Make Your Jaw Drop
A breathtaking compilation of the 100 best female acrobatic performances by Cirque du Soleil
13 Quirky Vintage Inventions That Should Be Brought Back
Check out these cool and quirky vintage inventions that could be useful to many of us today!
These Maps Are Guaranteed to Teach You About the USA
The USA becomes all the more fascinating when you collate a ton of different maps containing insightful demographic data. Take a look at this map compilation.
These History Facts Sound Unlikely But They’re Accurate!
From a happy story of a lucky kitty to one of an utterly tragic shipwreck, all 6 of these mind-blowing facts are difficult to believe but accurate!
7 Accidental Finds That Made People Extremely Rich
The luck that you need in life can be waiting for you anywhere - these seven people prove that!
Watch This Genius Get Revenge on People Who Steal Packages
When a former NASA scientist decides to come up with a way to fight petty urban crime, you just know that the results are going to be outrageous!
14 Charming Photos of Schools from Back in the 1950s
Peek inside 1950s classrooms with these charming photos.
Secrets to Longevity from the Oldest People in the World
Meet the oldest people living in 2024.
In the West, We Have Much to Learn From the East...
Eastern philosophy is vastly different to Western philosophy, and we all have much to learn from the schools of thought from that part of the world.
How to Lend a Hand During Los Angeles Wildfire Crisis
Thousands of California residents have been forced to flee their homes because of the devastating LA wildfires. Here’s how to help victims.
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