"And they raised their voices with one accord, and cried aloud unto the heavens, saying, meow, meow..."
These Adorable Cats Are Having a Bad Jump Day...
These cats are having an off day - and it's pretty hilarious!
These Kittens Setting Out on the Prowl Will Melt Your Heart
These toyger kittens discovering the world for the first time are going to melt your heart.
The Tap Dancing Cat - Funny and Cute!
A video of a funny cat trying to catch some sunshine
A New Sport - Kitty Ball!
Some toys are just too much fun for a cat to ignore. One of them is the Kitty ball! The Crack-Cocaine of the average Kitty!
With Cats Like That, Who Needs Enemies?
5 Times Dogs Won Over Cats as Friends
Watch these 5 dogs work and succeed at getting the family cat to love them back, or at least tolerate them.
A Stunning Collection of Timeless Winter Art (16 Pics)
These magical winter paintings will soothe your heart.
Find Your Holiday Cheer in These 10 Christmas Books
These charming Christmas books will get you in the mood for the holidays.
Astonishing! These WWII Soldiers Survived Against the Odds
These World War II soldiers all suffered terrible ordeals, but they managed to survive against all odds. Here are 6 incredible survival stories from World War II.
These Rare Photos Tell the Story of the Great Depression
A photographic summary depiction of The Great Depression.
This Triple Spiral Domino Is Driving the Internet WILD!
Hevesh5 is a professional domino artist that is tearing the internet apart with this amazing display! I have never seen anything like this!
7 Must-Read Books That Will Get You Interested in History
These interesting history books will make you look at our world and our past from a different perspective.
These Ancient Greek Inventions Helped Change the World
Take a look at some of important inventions and discoveries of ancient Greece that you might not be aware of.
12 Juicy Facts You Probably Don't Know About Grapes
Did you know grapes are actually berries? Find out more juicy facts about grapes in this article.
15 Rare Photos of Iconic Authors You've Never Seen
Your favorite iconic authors, as you've never seen them before.
These American History “Facts” Are Actually False
We’ve all believed these American history “facts” at some point.
A Moment in History: The Ghost Army that Scared the Nazis!
One of the most fascinating army units during World War II was constantly at the front lines, but never did any fighting...
Meet the One-Handed Climbing Champion, Brian Zarzuela
Brian Zarzuela has overcome disability in the most extraordinary ways.
Can You Guess the English Word With Over 600 Meanings?
The English language has been around for so many centuries, it has gathered quite an elusive and industrious history, as seen in these facts
The Real Life Spy Who Inspired the James Bond Series
Dusko Popov served as a double-agent spy during World War II. He also happened to cross paths with James Bond's creator, Ian Fleming...
6 Things You Didn’t Know about the Vikings
Facts and misconceptions about Vikings and how they shaped European history
10 Quirky British Slang Phrases to Add to Your Vocabulary
British English often seems like a whole different language. Learn all about 10 common and certainly fun and quirky British slang words in this article!
Enrich Your Knowledge with These 18 Fascinating Facts!
Whether you love trivia, history, or just want to keep feeding your brain, these 18 facts will do for you.
Baby Names That are BANNED Around the World
These 14 names, some bizarre and some fairly ordinary, have been rejected or even outright banned in countries around the world for different reasons.
How Are Men and Women Different? A Few Good Examples
In this series of funny but true pictures, we get a quick tour of some of the major differences between men and women...
10 Truly Bizarre Facts About Life in Ancient Rome
Chances are, you would be shocked if you traveled through time and suddenly appeared in Ancient Rome, as these 10 bizarre facts surely prove.
20 Mind-Blowing Facts That Sound Completely Made Up
You won't believe how crazy these crazy facts are.
That Time Sinatra Told a True Story About Don Rickles
40 years ago Frank Sinatra appeared on the Johnny Carson show. Unbeknownst to him, Don Rickles surprised him by appearing there, and Sinatra told a funny and true story about the both of them.
The 3 Teenage Girls Who Outsmarted the Germans in WWII
Truus and Freddie Oversteegen, and Hannie Schaft used their looks to lure and execute Nazi-supporters in the Netherlands during WWII. This is their story.
What's Portmanteau? Surprising Etymologies of Common Words
If If you have ever said the words brunch, sitcom or spam, you have used portmanteaus. This is the fascinating origins story of many common words...
10 Questions You Always Wanted the Answer To
Let's dive into ten questions you've always wanted to ask and uncover the intriguing science behind everyday phenomena.
Add Extra Sunshine to Your Life With These Feel-Good Books
Need a little pick-me-up? These feel-good books are guaranteed to leave you smiling.
Don't Blink! Korean Magician's INCREDIBLE Sand Illusions
Watch Korean magician Young Min astound judges with his incredible sand magic act.
When You Take Dominos to the Next Level...
Astounding Domino Sequences!
9 ‘Current’ Words That Are Much Older Than You’d Guess
Hipster, Influencer and Dude - all these words sound so quintessentially modern, but you'd be surprised to learn how old they actually are.
10 Film Noir Movies You Simply Have to Watch
If you're new to this genre and even if you're an old fan, these 10 classic film noir movies are a must-watch for anyone.
Step Back In Time: A Glimpse Into '50s and '60s New York
New York City was a vastly different places in the 1950s and 60s. These black and white photos by Vivian Maier captured it perfectly.
8 Influential Ancient Sumerian Inventions You Should Know
Find out some of the prominent and influential inventions by ancient Sumerians that helped change our world.
8 Essential Greek Philosophy Books You Shouldn't Miss
Here is your best chance for understanding Greek philosophy and its history.
Dancing With Dogs is So Much Better Than Regular Dancing...
These top contestants will wiggle, jump and roll their way into your hearts!
These So-Called Facts Have Been Officially Disproved!
These beliefs we were taught as concrete facts were disproved and are no longer true!
12 Classic Shows You Didn’t Know You Could Stream
Take a nostalgia trip with these classic TV shows.
The Chilling Story of Hungary’s Murderous Blood Countess
Elizabeth Bathory is one of the most feared names in Hungary, with a sadistic streak to rival that of Vlad the Impaler's.
These Unique Maps Will Change Your Worldview
These maps show much more than just where a country is...
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