"And they raised their voices with one accord, and cried aloud unto the heavens, saying, meow, meow..."
These Adorable Cats Are Having a Bad Jump Day...
These cats are having an off day - and it's pretty hilarious!
These Kittens Setting Out on the Prowl Will Melt Your Heart
These toyger kittens discovering the world for the first time are going to melt your heart.
The Tap Dancing Cat - Funny and Cute!
A video of a funny cat trying to catch some sunshine
A New Sport - Kitty Ball!
Some toys are just too much fun for a cat to ignore. One of them is the Kitty ball! The Crack-Cocaine of the average Kitty!
With Cats Like That, Who Needs Enemies?
5 Times Dogs Won Over Cats as Friends
Watch these 5 dogs work and succeed at getting the family cat to love them back, or at least tolerate them.
The Streets of Rome: 15 Illustrations of Daily Life
Here are 15 artistic depictions that offer a glimpse into what life was like in ancient Rome.
18 Comics That Take Humor to a Whole New Level
Here's a brand new collection of single-panel comics that guarantee laughs.
25 Incredible Facts About the Famous Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan struck fear into the hearts of his subjects during his reign, but there's a lot more to the man than meets the eye. Here are 25 intriguing facts.
5 Classic Suspense Books That Will Mess with Your Mind
These classic suspense thrillers should be a must on every book lover's shelf.
Incredible Maps: The World of Second Languages!
We all know the main languages, but these maps of second languages really surprised me!
Watch This 3-Year-Old Shine with the Orchestra
This three-year-old is a special talent!
These Rare and Riveting Pics Reveal Some Captivating Facts
The world is full of rare and unique things that we may have never seen before. Here is a look at 15 such pictures with fascinating stories.
What Does the Color of an Egg Yolk Mean? Find Out Here!
Ever wondered what the color of an egg yolk says about the quality of the egg? If so, then wonder no more...
How Islam Separated Into Sunni and Shia: The Full Story
What happened, and why did it cause Islam to split into two factions?
15 Rare Photos of Iconic Authors You've Never Seen
Your favorite iconic authors, as you've never seen them before.
Through the Lens of Time: 20 Rare Historical Photos
These amazing historical photos shed light on some rarely-seen events of the past.
The Secrets behind Houdini's Greatest Tricks!
Have you ever wondered how Harry Houdini carried out his stunning feats? Well, if you have, wonder no more! All is revealed here!
Rare Celebrity Pics from the '90s You Haven't Seen Before
These celebrity photos from the 1990s will make you nostalgic.
This Swiss Brown Ox is a Guinness Record Holder
Meet Tommy, a gigantic Swiss Brown Ox who has registered his name in the Guinness World Records.
When You Take Dominos to the Next Level...
Astounding Domino Sequences!
Of the Transformative Power of Classical Music...
A fascinating TED talk by Benjamin Zander.
20 Safety Fails That Will Make Your Heart Skip a Beat
You'd be surprised to see how often people just throw safety regulations to the wind with these 20 heart-stopping images
10 Ancient Artifacts That You Won't See In History Books
Some human creations have survive for centuries and tell fascinating stories. Let's take a look at a few little-known ones.
Marilyn Monroe's 15 Unforgettable Quotes That Resonate
These Marilyn Monroe quotes will change what you think of her.
5 Ancient Ruins Brought to Life Again With Modern Tech
Take a look at the digital remakes of five important world heritage sites and also learn about their fascinating history.
14 Odd Inventions You Won’t Believe Were Once in Use
You might be surprised by what our ancestors considered essential gadgets.
Uncover Château de Versailles' Dirtiest Secrets...
Everyone's got one bad habit or another and royalty is no exception. This documentary exposes many of France's dirtiest secrets from the 17th Century.
She Will Never Forget Her Marriage Proposal. Ever.
This is a Marriage Proposal For the Books...
These Optical Illusions Made Me Question Everything I See!
These optical illusions really give credence to the notion that the human eye is far from infallible. Here are 20 mind-bending optical illusions for you to try.
This Hilarious Song Perfectly Sums Up My "Efficient" Memory
This hilarious song perfectly sums up or senior moments.
10 Incredible Magic Tricks You Didn't Know You Could Do
Time to try out some really cool magic tricks using just your hands...
This Amazing Maze Has Taken the Internet By Storm!
Watch this intriguing video which features a maze of marbles and magnets.
Monica Lewinsky: I Paid The Price of Shame...
We all connect the name Monica Lewinsky with shame, what is it like being the one at the other end of this story?
Get Lost in These 15 Surreal Optical Illusions!
After looking at these weird optical illusions you might never trust your eyes again.
These Photos Prove How Weird Our World Has Always Been
These strange yet intriguing photos depict what our world has gone through in its history.
Hitler's Olympics: The 1936 Berlin Olympic Games
When the Olympics became a Nazi showcase.
12 Mind-Blowing History Facts You Never Knew Were True!
These historical facts may not sound particularly likely, but trust us, they're really true!
1950s Debunked: Correcting Misconceptions About the Era
The 1950s may not have been as idyllic as we have been made to believe.
These Women Were the First EVER Supermodels in History
Modeling looks like an obvious career path to us now, but it wasn't always so. Who were the first-ever supermodels who paved the way for stars like Cindy Crawford?
From Beans to Bar: How Chocolate is Made from Scratch...
Ever wondered how chocolate was made from beans to bar? Well, this collection of photographs will reveal all.
How to Get Through Life: An Adorable Guide...
How to live life? These adorable babies have some advice for you...
These Enormous Collections are Too Weird For Words!
These people take their life-long hobby of collecting to a completely new level! Have you ever seen anything quite like them?
Phrases We Use Without Realizing It’s a Shakespeare Quote
William Shakespeare had a huge impact on modern English, so much so that most of us are quoting the great bard every day without even realizing it!
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